Memories of Harav Shmryahu Shulman zt’l About Rav Ahron Kotler Zt”l

Memories of Harav Shmryahu Shulman zt’l About Rav Ahron Kotler Zt”l

Memories of Harav Shmryahu Shulman zt’l About Rav Ahron Kotler Zt”l By Avrohom Willner In honor of the Sheloshim of Harav Shmryahu Shulman zt’l formerly Rav in Jersey City and Norwich Ct. and later of Queens NY. R’ Shulman was the author of numerous Seforim and was the last remaining member of the Agudas Harabanim. Presented here are memories of his great Rebbe, Rav Ahron Kotler Zt”l, as one of the first students to learn in Beis Medrash Govoha in Lakewood as well as member…

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Daf Yomi: Seforim on Masseches Megilah

Daf Yomi: Seforim on Masseches Megilah

Daf Yomi: Seforim on Masseches Megilah By Eliezer Brodt Daf Yomi just started learning Masseches Megilah this week. Earlier today I had a conversation with Rabbi Moshe Schwed of All Daf.  The purpose of the conversation was for me to briefly highlight some of the Rishonim and Achronim “out there” on this masechtah, adding some tidbits of interest about them.  We recorded it and it’s available for viewing here and here. It’s only a half hour long. Many aspects could have…

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ענין הריגת עשו והמסתעף

ענין הריגת עשו והמסתעף

ענין הריגת עשו והמסתעף Shlomo (Steven) Flamer is a fourth-year medical student at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. He previously studied at Yeshivas Ohr Hachaim (Queens, NY), and holds an M.A. in Jewish Studies from Touro College רש”י לפרשת ויחי (מט, כא) ד”ה הנותן אמרי שפר מביא דברי חז”ל אודות מיתת עשו, ז”ל רבותינו דרשוהו על יום קבורת יעקב כשערער עשו על המערה במסכת סוטה דף יג עכ”ל. ובאמת יש לכל הפחות ד’ דיעות מי הרג לעשו: (א) חושים…

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Gelatin, Supposed Retractions, and Abraham Goldstein, Part 1

Gelatin, Supposed Retractions, and Abraham Goldstein, Part 1

Gelatin, Supposed Retractions, and Abraham Goldstein, Part 1 Marc B. Shapiro In my last post I quoted something from Mesorat Moshe and wondered whether R. Moshe Feinstein could have actually said that which is attributed to him. While the Mesorat Moshe series is quite valuable, whenever one deals with “table talk” there is always going to be the issue of how much authority do you give to such reports, especially compared with written texts of R. Moshe. Here is an example of what I…

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Shnei Zeitim: Two Olive Branches – Piyut by Solomon Ibn Gabirol

Shnei Zeitim: Two Olive Branches – Piyut by Solomon Ibn Gabirol

Shnei Zeitim: Two Olive Branches Piyut by Solomon Ibn Gabirol Translated & Annotated by Ben Zion Katz[1] Two[2] olive branches[3] cut down in the garden[4] will again produce fresh, pure olive oil[5], For the leaders of the Kohatites[6] and the Ephratites[7] will be crowned as one[8]. They will shine[9] like candles on the holy Menorah[10]- There in the camp opposite the menorah, they shined![11] The son of Ephrat[12] whose ornament[13] was cut off and then dried up[14] Has now become…

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“Seeing the Infinite in Torah” A Memorial to the Gaon Rabbi Shelomo Fisher (Author of Beit Yishai)

“Seeing the Infinite in Torah” A Memorial to the Gaon Rabbi Shelomo Fisher (Author of Beit Yishai)

“Seeing the Infinite in Torah”: A Memorial to the Gaon Rabbi Shelomo Fisher (Author of Beit Yishai) By Rabbi Bezalel Naor ANCESTRY Rabbi Shelomo Yehonathan Yehudah Fisher was born in Jerusalem in 1932 to Rabbi Aharon and Devorah Fisher. He was named after his paternal grandfather, Shelomo Fisher (1852-1932), Rabbi of Karlsburg, Siebenbürgen. Rabbi Shelomo Fisher the Elder, an Oberlander, was a disciple of Rabbi Abraham Samuel Benjamin Schreiber of Pressburg (Ketav Sofer) and of Rabbi Isaac Dov (Seligmann Baer)…

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