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Tag: Book Reviews

Review: Or Hayyim Commentary

Review: Or Hayyim Commentary

ביקורת ספרים: אור החיים על חומש בראשית – הוצאת מוסד הרב קוק[1]מאת: רב צעירביריד הוצאת מוסד הרב קוק בחודש ניסן האחרון ראיתי שיצא לאור חומש עם פירוש אור החיים בצורה ערוכה ומהודרת. עד לחודש ניסן יצא לאור הפירוש לחומשים בראשית, שמות, ויקרא. מכיוון שתכננתי להתחיל ללמוד את פירוש אור החיים לקראת תחילת ספר בראשית השנה, החלטתי לרכוש את הספרים מתוך תקווה שעד ליריד בניסן הבא יצאו שני החלקים האחרונים (שמאז יצאו לאור, ונעיר עליהם בקצרה בהמשך).פירוש אור החיים בהוצאה זו…

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Review: Minhagei Lita

Review: Minhagei Lita

Minhagei Lita, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Poliakoff, Baltimore: 2008, 116 pp. The author’s stated purpose is to “clarify for present generation the authentic customs of Lithuanian Jewry in prayer and in common Jewish practice” and highlight the Torah true approach and values that form the underpinnings” of those customs.  Minhagei Lita at 3.  Aside from the difficulty in determining what the author means by “common Jewish practice,” “Torah true approach” this book, unfortunately, has little value. This book, which is really…

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Shemot Hakhamim & Its Ommissions

Shemot Hakhamim & Its Ommissions

על ספר שמות חכמים, קיצור תולדות רבותינו הראשונים, אברהם מאיר וייס, בני ברק, תשס”טמאתעקביא שמש Abstract:  A new book, a history of Rabbis and their books from the Geonic and Rishonim periods, Shemot Hakhamim, Kitzur Toldot Rabotenu ha-Rishonim, while attempting to be comprehensive falls short on that account.  In particular, the failure of the author to use “academic” works diminishes the value of this book.  While A. Shamesh is willing to cede that attempting to read the entire corpus of…

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A Preliminary Bibliography of Recent Works on Birkat ha-Chamah

A Preliminary Bibliography of Recent Works on Birkat ha-Chamah

A Preliminary Bibliography of the Recent Works on Birkat ha-Chamah by Eliezer Brodt & Ish Sefer There are many works and articles on this topic and, as such, this is merely a preliminary attempt to deal with this burgeoning area of Jewish literature. [See also here]. For a great bibliographic note on the development of Seder Birkat ha-Chamah, including publications relating to birkat ha-chamah, see R. J. D. Bleich, Birkat ha-Chamah, pp.128-133. JNUL has put up a many of the editions of relating…

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Review of Quntres

Review of Quntres

Review of Quntresby B. Jackson First, a quick note regarding Prof. Haym Soloveitchik's apparent position that anonymous critiques are inappropriate.  It appears that his position overlooks at least one example of just that.  As Dan Rabinowitz has pointed out in a prior post, R. Shmuel Aboab authored an ethical work which critiqued some of the perceived laxity of the day but did so anonymously.    Turning to the new online journal Quntres: An Online Journal for the History, Culture, and Art…

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Review of Ma'amar al Yishma'el

Review of Ma'amar al Yishma'el

Review: Ma'amar al Yishma'elby Eliezer Brodt & Ish Sefer  Solomon Ibn Aderet, Ma'amar al Yishma'el, Bezalel Naor ed., Spring Valley, NY, 2008, 178 pp.Bezalel Naor, Mitsvat Hashem Barah, Spring Valley, NY, 2008, 220 pp.  R. Bezalel Naor, who has published a host of translations and explanations of R. Kook's writings, as well as Post Sabbatian Sabbatianisms, discussing Sabbatean works, has published two works in a single volume. The first, Ma'amar al Yishma'el, is a critical edition of R. Solomon Ibn…

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