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Tag: Book Reviews

Satmar From As Seen By An Insider: A Review of the New English Biography of Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum, the Satmar Rebbe

Satmar From As Seen By An Insider: A Review of the New English Biography of Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum, the Satmar Rebbe

Satmar From As Seen By An Insider: A Review of the New English Biography of Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum, the Satmar Rebbe by Ezra Brand I recently bought the new biography of the Satmar Rebbe, called “The Rebbe. The Extraordinary Life & Worldview of Rabbeinu Yoel Teitelbaum. The Satmar Rebbe זי”ע”, by Rabbi Dovid Meisels (Canada 2011, distributed by Israel Book Shop). Rabbi Meisels is related to Rabbi Teitelbaum, and a staunch Satmar chossid, so you can be sure that the…

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A review of some Recent Torah Journals

A review of some Recent Torah Journals

A review of some Recent Torah Journals By: Eliezer Brodt In this post I would like to focus on some recent Torah Journals that have come out in the past few weeks. In the future I hope to return to this topic of these Journals with a more in-depth look at their goals and the history of early Journals in general in relationship to this. As many of these journals have only been distributed this week I am just offering…

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Review of Shaul Stampfer, Families, Rabbis & Education

Review of Shaul Stampfer, Families, Rabbis & Education

Review of Shaul Stampfer, Families, Rabbis and Education: Traditional Jewish Society in Nineteenth-Century Eastern Europe by Marc B. Shapiro The continuation of my last post will be ready soon, but in the meantime I am posting my short review of Shaul Stampfer’s new book. It appeared on the H-Judaic listserv, but since most readers of Seforim Blog probably did not see it, I am posting it here as well. For many years, Shaul Stampfer has been recognized as an authority in…

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מסכת אבות – ספרי ראשונים, ספרי ליקוטים ומהדורת ‘עוז והדר’

מסכת אבות – ספרי ראשונים, ספרי ליקוטים ומהדורת ‘עוז והדר’

מסכת אבות: ספרי ראשונים, ספרי ליקוטים ומהדורת ‘עוז והדר’ עקביא שמש סקירה כללית קצרה מסכת אבות והגדה של פסח בחלקה העיקרי, הם שני חיבורים המכילים את תורתם של התנאים. אין קשר בין שני החיבורים הללו בתוכן הפנימי שלהם. אבל יש דמיון חיצוני בין שניהם. למרות ששניהם חיבורים קטנים, הרי שנתחברה סביבם ספרות פרשנית רבה ביותר, שככל הנראה אין דומה לה בהיקף. והנה בעוד שביחס להגדה של פסח נתחבר ספר מיוחד שנרשמו בו כל ההגדות שיצאו לאור למיניהם, והוא מעודכן כמעט…

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R. Chaim Vital and his Unknown Work Sefer ha-Pe'ulot

R. Chaim Vital and his Unknown Work Sefer ha-Pe'ulot

R. Chaim Vital and his Unknown Work Sefer ha-Pe’ulot: A Work on Science, Medicine, Alchemy and Practical Magic. by: Eliezer Brodt ספר הפעולות רבי חיים ויטאל, תש”ע, תלט עמודים כולל מבוא ומפתחות A few years back, in a post at the Seforim blog discussing the history of plant known as baladur, I mentioned a sefer, Refuah Ma’asiyot le-Rav Chaim Vital. At the time, I only briefly touched upon this work. What follows is a more detailed discussion of the recently…

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Chaim Rapoport Review

Chaim Rapoport Review

In response to a request from the editorial board of the Seforim blog, we are pleased to present a monograph-length review essay of Samuel Heilman and Menachem Friedman, The Rebbe: The Life and Afterlife of Menachem Mendel Schneerson (Princeton University Press, 2010), by Rabbi Chaim Rapoport, who is a frequent contributor to the Seforim blog (see here for his earlier essays at the Seforim blog). We believe that Chaim Rapoport, “The Afterlife of Scholarship: A Critical Exploration of Samuel Heilman…

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