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Tag: Book Reviews

Between the lines of the Bible by Yitzchak Etshalom – book review

Between the lines of the Bible by Yitzchak Etshalom – book review

Between the lines of the Bible: Exodus: A study from the new school of Orthodox Torah Commentaryby Yitzchak Etshalom a review by Ben Zion Katz, Northwestern University Ben Zion Katz is the author of the forthcoming book A Journey Through Torah: A Critique of the Documentary Hypothesis (Urim Publications, Fall 2012) Between the lines of the Bible: Exodus: A study from the new school of Orthodox Torah Commentary, by Yitzchak Etshalom (Urim/OU Press, NY 2012) is a thought-provoking look at…

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New Seforim, books, random comments and Benny Brown’s Work on the Chazon Ish

New Seforim, books, random comments and Benny Brown’s Work on the Chazon Ish

New Seforim, books, random comments and Benny Brown’s Work on the Chazon Ish.By Eliezer Brodt As a courtesy to our readers, below I provide a list of some new seforim and books that I recently have purchased or become aware of. Some are brand-new, others have been out already for a few months. Some of these books, will be reviewed at great length at a later date, B”n. As I note, I have copies of the TOC of some of…

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Review of a Recent work of Rav Zvi Hirsch Grodzinsky

Review of a Recent work of Rav Zvi Hirsch Grodzinsky

Review of a Recent work of Rav Zvi Hirsch Grodzinsky By: Eliezer Brodt בית היין, על הלכות יין נסך עם ביאור קונדיטון, יצא לאור לראשונה מכתב יד, מאת הגאון רבי צבי הירש גראדזענסקי זצ”ל, מאנסי ניו יורק תשע”א, ש”ט עמודים. In this post I would like to discuss an unknown Gaon – Rav Zvi Hirsch Grodzinsky, and a recently published manuscript of his on Hilchos Yayin Nessech. Not much is known about him except for what has been collected in…

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Parshegen, an amazing new work on Targum Onkelos

Parshegen, an amazing new work on Targum Onkelos

Parshegen, an amazing new work on Targum Onkelos By Eliezer Brodt רפאל בנימין פוזן, פרשגן, ביאורים ומקורות לתרגום אונקלוס, בראשית,963 עמודים. הנ”ל, העקיבות התרגומית בתרגום אונקלוס, מגנס, ירושליםתשס”ד, 362 עמודים. After many years of waiting, one volume of a highly anticipated work on Targum Onkelos, Parshegen, has finallyappeared. This volume by Rabbi Dr. Rafael Posen is an in-depth study of Targum Onkelos. Many have studied Targum Onkelos over the centuries, and continue to do so – especially when doing Shenayim…

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More new seforim and some other things

More new seforim and some other things

More new seforim and some other things By Eliezer Brodt One Here is another list of new of seforim I recently came across in various seforim stores. 1. רבינו חננאל, מסכת ב”ק, שט”ז עמודים+ מבוא, מהדיר ר’ יוסף דובאוויק, ע”י מכון וגשל. 2. נתיבות משפט על רבינו ירוחם – דפוס חדש. [ראה כאן]. 3. שו”ת לבוש מרדכי, ד’ חלקים, כולל תולדות והרבה הוספות. 4. חשק שלמה, ר’ שלמה ב”ר מרדכי, מכון הכתב, חו”מ סי’ א-סח. 5. מקורי התפילה- טעמיה נוסחותיה…

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Book Review: Pischei Tefilah u-Mo’ad by Y. S. Spiegel

Book Review: Pischei Tefilah u-Mo’ad by Y. S. Spiegel

Book Review by Eliezer Brodt פתחי תפילה ומועד, יעקב שמואל שפיגל, ירושלים תש”ע, 540 עמודים. Pischei Tefilah u-Mo’ad, Y. S. Speigel, Jerusalem: 2010, 540 pp. Professor Speigel is one of the most prolific writers in the Jewish academic scene, as the author of over 160 articles and 18 books (16 of those are publications for the first time of works which remained in manuscript. The other two are his own original and important studies; one of the latter is reviewed…

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