Eliyahu Drinking from the Cup

Eliyahu Drinking from the Cup

I hope to have a few posts in the coming days discussing some of the artwork found in various haggdah. While for hundreds of years artwork played an integral part of the haggadah recently this has fell into disuse. While there are few notable exceptions to this, Raskin, Moss Haggadahs, this practice of richly illustrating the haggdah has been replaced with a focus on commentaries. One of the reasons, however, the practice of illustrating the haggadah, can be found in…

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The Ban on the book HaGaon

The Ban on the book HaGaon

Now, as the Yiddish newspaper Der Yid has gotten around to commenting on the book HaGaon, I thought it would be worthwhile flesh out the entire controversy surrounding this book. Interestingly, R. Kamentsky in Making of a Godol actually discusses this very topic, although not in the context of HaGaon. HaGaon written by R. Dov Eliakh in three volumes discusses everything and anything having to do with the Vilna Gaon. Most of the book is not controversial at all, instead,…

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Review of Where there’s Life there’s Life

Review of Where there’s Life there’s Life

Rabbi David Feldman, who is well known for his book on issues relating to Jewish law and the beginning of life (abortion, birth control etc.), has now published via Yashar Books, a book on end of life issues and Jewish law. This book covers such topics as reproductive technology, stem cells, organ transplants, suicide, and determining death. Although it covers such weighty topics it is a rather easy read. Rabbi Feldman eschews highly technical discussion and instead has opened the…

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Plagiarism II (Talmudic Terminology)

Plagiarism II (Talmudic Terminology)

In 1988, Rabbi Nosson Dovid Rabinowich published a book titled Talmudic Terminology. However, as was noted in brief by Dr. Marc Shapiro, this was plagiarized from Moses Mielziner’s Introduction to the Talmud, first published in 1894. This omission, however, has been corrected in Rabinowich’s reprints of his Talmudic Terminology where the title now reads that Rabinowich’s work is “adapted” from Mielziner’s. While this would appear to be the end of the matter it is not. Dr. Shapiro has investigated this…

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Latest MOAG Ban Runs Counter to an Agreement with R. Eliyashiv

Latest MOAG Ban Runs Counter to an Agreement with R. Eliyashiv

A reader has sent me the following letter from R. Kamenstky discussing the possiblity of a ban on the improved edition of MOAG. The letter says “if people will come to complain to R. Eliasiv about the new edition and say such and such is written there, he will not listen to them until he first calls me, and I will need to present when they translate my book for him.” Additionally, I have received the following relevant information. “The…

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