Special Subscription Offer to Tradition

Special Subscription Offer to Tradition

Special Subscription Offer to Tradition In honor of the adoption of TraditionOnline Seforim Blog, Tradition Online is offering, for a limited time only, a reduced price of $15 for a 1-year, online-only subscription to Tradition. This will entitle you to complete online access to upcoming issues as well as all 50 years of the Tradition archives. To subscribe, simply go to the Subscriptions link on the TraditionOnline.org sidebar, choose the 1-year online-only subscription option at the bottom of the page,…

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Important Announcement

Important Announcement

Dear Seforim Blog Readers, It is with great pleasure that we announce today that Tradition Online (TraditionOnline.org) will be adopting the Seforim blog onto its website.We believe that the Seforim blog is a premiere source of online Jewish learning, and we hope that our resources and expanding website will help the newly-named Tradition Seforim Blog (TSB) continue to grow. TSB remains easily accessible at its new URL – seforim.TraditionOnline.org, and can also be accessed through Tradition’s website. Allow me to…

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Upcoming Auctions

Upcoming Auctions

There are two upcoming auctions. The first, Kestenbaum & Co. will take place this Thursday, June 26th, the catalog is available on their website. The auction includes R. S.R. Hirsch’s copy of the Zohar, which is interesting in that R. Hirsch is not readily associated with Kabbalah. Of course, R. Hirsch and other German Jews had a more nuanced view of Kabbalah and were not antagonistic as some others (think certain groups of Yemenites). Additionally, for those interested in incunabula,…

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A Note Regarding the Recitation of Brikh Shemei

A Note Regarding the Recitation of Brikh Shemei

A Note Regarding the Recitation of Brikh Shemeiby Rabbi Yechiel Goldhaber Rabbi Yehiel Goldhaber of Jerusalem is the author of the (currently) two-volume authoritative work on the customs of the Mattersdorf Kehilla entitled Minhagei Ha-Kehillot (2004) and is at work on additional volumes, as well as on a complete history of the area and rabbonim of the Mattersdorf Kehilla. He is also completing a volume on coffee. In addition to his authoritative articles on Kabbalat Shabbat in Beit Aharon ve-Yisrael,…

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Aryeh A. Frimer Review of Daniel Sperber’s Darka shel Halakha

Aryeh A. Frimer Review of Daniel Sperber’s Darka shel Halakha

Lo Zu haDerekh: A Review ofRabbi Prof. Daniel Sperber’s Darka shel Halakha by Aryeh A. Frimer Rabbi Prof. Aryeh A. Frimer is the Ethel and David Resnick Professor of Active Oxygen Chemistry at Bar Ilan University. He has lectured and published widely on various aspects of “Women and Halakha.” Among his many articles, Rabbi Frimer is the author of “Women and Minyan,” Tradition, 23:4 (Summer 1988): 54-77, available online here; “Women’s ‘Megilla’ Reading,” in Ora Wiskind Elper, ed., Traditions and…

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SEFORIM HARD DRIVES SALES UPDATE etc.The Otzrot HaTorah (AKA “The Morgenstern Library”) is now ON SALE thru June 30.The library contains 13,000 volumes in the “regular” version and 14,000 volumes in the “expanded” edition.The SALE prices are as follows:Expanded edition: Reg. price $1990 SALE price: $1480.Standard edition: Reg. price $1480 SALE price: $1160.There is a payment plan of (up to) 20 monthly payments. Payments can be made by cash, check or credit card.For those making a one time payment by…

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