Review: Or Hayyim Commentary

Review: Or Hayyim Commentary

ביקורת ספרים: אור החיים על חומש בראשית – הוצאת מוסד הרב קוק[1]מאת: רב צעירביריד הוצאת מוסד הרב קוק בחודש ניסן האחרון ראיתי שיצא לאור חומש עם פירוש אור החיים בצורה ערוכה ומהודרת. עד לחודש ניסן יצא לאור הפירוש לחומשים בראשית, שמות, ויקרא. מכיוון שתכננתי להתחיל ללמוד את פירוש אור החיים לקראת תחילת ספר בראשית השנה, החלטתי לרכוש את הספרים מתוך תקווה שעד ליריד בניסן הבא יצאו שני החלקים האחרונים (שמאז יצאו לאור, ונעיר עליהם בקצרה בהמשך).פירוש אור החיים בהוצאה זו…

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Woe Is Unto Whom?

Woe Is Unto Whom?

Woe Is Unto Whom?  Christian Censorship of a Sugya in Berachos 3a  (or What Was Bothering the Censor II) By: David Zilberberg  I.        A Censored Text in Berachos 3a The Vilna Edition of Berachos 3a states as follows: אמר רב יצחק בר שמואל משמי’ דרב ג’ משמרות הוי הלילה ועל כל משמר ומשמר יושב הקב”ה ושואג כארי ואומר אוי לבנים שבעונותיהם החרבתי את ביתי ושרפתי את היכלי והגליתים לבין אומות העולם The identical statement is cited by R. Yose in…

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What Was Bothering the Censor?

What Was Bothering the Censor?

WHAT WAS BOTHERING THE CENSOR? by Eli Genauer The invention of the printing press in the 15th century was a great boon for Torah study. Manuscripts which had to be laboriously copied one by one could now be set to type and hundreds could be produced at one time. One of the earliest Jewish treasures to be set to print was the Talmud. Scattered volumes of it were printed in the late 15th century and early sixteenth century, but the…

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The Letter of the Maharal on the Creation of the Golem

The Letter of the Maharal on the Creation of the Golem

The Letter of the Maharal on the Creation of the Golem: A Modern Forgery By: Shnayer Leiman For a related post by Dr. Leiman see “Did a Disciple of the Maharal Create a Golem.”   I. Introduction     In 1923, Chaim Bloch (1881-1973), noted author and polemicist,1published a letter of the Maharal (d. 1609) that was previously unknown to all of Jewish literature.2 The letter, dated 1582 (or more precisely: Tuesday of parshat va-yera, [5]343), was addressed to R. Jacob…

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Spunky Rebbetzins, Disgruntled Rebbetzins and A Learned Zionist Midwife: A Tale of Two Stories

Spunky Rebbetzins, Disgruntled Rebbetzins and A Learned Zionist Midwife: A Tale of Two Stories

Spunky Rebbetzins, Disgruntled Rebbetzins and A Learned Zionist Midwife: A Tale Of Two Stories by: Yitzhak of בין דין לדין Menachem Berisha, in The Last Rabbis of Brest, relates (hat tip: Wolf2191): Rabbi J.L. Diskin’s second wife Sarah was famed as the Brisker Rebbetzen. She was learned and knowledgeable in all the laws. She was very strict in the matter of orthodoxy and mixed into all the community affairs. She had very strong mind; she came from a very prestigious…

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Nitel Nacht

Nitel Nacht

Slate, today, has an article that provides a nice of nitel nacht and there is another one here. Additionally, see this previous post discussing nitel.