Seforim Blog Pesach Roundup

Seforim Blog Pesach Roundup

Here’s a roundup of Pesach and Haggadah-themed posts at the Seforim Blog. I. Racy Title Pages Update II 12.01.2005. Discusses the title page of the Prague Haggadah of 1526. This particular Haggadah used an illustration of a nude woman in the Haggadah’s quotation of Ezekiel 16:7 (“I cause you to increase, even as the growth of the field. And you did increase and grow up, and you became beautiful: you breasts grew, and your hair has grown; yet you were…

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New Writings from R. Kook and Assorted Comments, part 4

New Writings from R. Kook and Assorted Comments, part 4

New Writings from R. Kook and Assorted Comments, part 4 Marc B. Shapiro Continued from here. Returning to the issue of creation, I found an interesting comment in R. Hayyim Hirschensohn’s commentary on Rashi, Nimukei Rashi. For those who are unaware of this commentary, I recommend that you examine it. You can order a bound copy (even soft-cover) very cheaply at I think that this is one of Hirschenson’s greatest works.[1] In his comment to Gen. 1:13 Hirschensohn writes…

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The Date of the Exodus: A Guide to the Orthodox Perplexed

The Date of the Exodus: A Guide to the Orthodox Perplexed

The Date of the Exodus: A Guide to the Orthodox Perplexed [1] by Mitchell First A pdf of this post can be downloaded here, or viewed here. The Exodus is arguably the fundamental event of our religion. The Sabbath is premised upon it, as are many of the other commandments and holidays. Yet if one would ask a typical observant Jew “in what century did this Exodus occur?,” most would respond with a puzzled look. The purpose of this article…

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תפילת בית המדרש, התיאטרון הרומי וישיבת הקרנות

תפילת בית המדרש, התיאטרון הרומי וישיבת הקרנות

תפילת בית המדרש, התיאטרון הרומי וישיבת הקרנות דוד סג”ל מלבורן, אוסטרליה אף שלתפילה צורות הבעה ושמות שונים[1], הרי עיקר התפילה הוא אחד, והוא מוגדר ע”י הרמב”ם[2] כך: “… חיוב מצווה זו /התפילה/ כך הוא, שיהא אדם מתחנן ומתפלל בכל יום ומגיד שבחו של הקדוש ברוך הוא ואחר כך שואל צרכיו שהוא צריך להם בבקשה ובתחנה ואחר כך נותן שבח והודיה לה’ על הטובה שהשפיע לו, כל אחד לפי כחו”. עיקרון זה מופיע בדברי הרמב”ם גם במקום אחר[3], בו הוא כותב:…

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Rav Shmuel Ashkenazi, a contemporary Maecenas of the world of seforim.

Rav Shmuel Ashkenazi, a contemporary Maecenas of the world of seforim.

A few years ago I began fundraising to print seforim of Rabbi Shmuel Ashkenazi. I am happy to announce that finally two volumes were just printed volume one is being sold in stores now and volume two will be released to be sold in stores before Shavos. In earlier posts I have put up some chapters of these new works. In one post I described Rabbi Shmuel Askenazi as follows: One of the hidden giants of the seforim world both…

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Using a Colophon to Find a Shidduch: on Ella the Zetser.

Using a Colophon to Find a Shidduch: on Ella the Zetser.

Using a Colophon to Find a Shidduch by Eli Genauer There has been much talk lately about the so called Shidduch crisis. Various initiatives have been proposed to address this problem, all of which are well meaning and well thought out. Many might be surprised to learn that an interesting approach was suggested by a 12 year old girl in the town of Frankfurt on Oder way back in 1699. This approach was based on a Pasuk in Yirmiyahu which…

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