New Books by Rabbi Mandelbaum

New Books by Rabbi Mandelbaum

New Books by Rabbi Mandelbaum

By Eliezer Brodt

This post serves a dual purpose; first, to describe some new seforim, thereby making the Seforim Blog readership aware of their recent publication. Second, to make some of these works available for purchase for those interested.

Part of the proceeds will be going to support the efforts of the Seforim Blog.

Earlier this year I wrote about two new editions of the Chida’s famous travel diary. A few weeks ago, a third edition of this diary was published (533 pp.). This edition is the complete travels in one volume. Here too, the editor has two sections of notes. One is devoted to deciphering all of the Chida’s melitzos מליצות. The second deals with the people whom he met, what he saw and much more.

The editor of this new edition is the legendary & prolific Rabbi Dovid Avrohom Mandelbaum of Bnei Brak. Both sections of notes are very valuable for those interested in the Chida.

As I have mentioned in the past about this travel diary:

On a personal note (for whatever that is worth) this work that has a special place in my heart as I have, to date, authored five articles about Ma’agal Tov and hope to IYH publish more.

I hope to write about the various new editions of this work in the future IYH. [Listen to this interview on Seforim Chatter about them].

Rabbi Mandelbaum’s edition is a very limited one, with only a small run of copies, as there are already a few other editions on the market.

Contact me at for more information about purchasing or for sample pages of this new work.

For those not as familiar with Rabbi Mandelbaum’s work. [See here for a recent interview with him]. I will just highlight briefly some of the older ones and some of the newer ones.

Rabbi Mandelbaum has collected, edited and published numerous works, especially those related to Polish Jewry. At times, the material is from manuscript, others it’s from a wide range of sources that he gathers. He has been doing this for many years, long before the various computer programs have come out. Lots of his work focusses on collecting the Torah of a particular Godol, at times he publishes historical works about a particular Godol. He is famous for his work on Yeshivat Chachmei Lublin in general, especially for his work on R’ Meir Schapiro, including collecting all of R’ Schapiro’s Torah on Chumash and Halacha. He has also written extensively about the History of Daf Yomi, tracing everything about it from its inception.

In recent years he has also republished R’ Schapiro’s grandfather’s work Shut Minchat Shay.

One of his most famous works is his completion of the magnificent work on Chumash Pardes Yosef which, due to the author’s death in the Holocaust, was never completed (or if it was, it was lost). He first republished the 3 volumes of the work (with more thorough indexes) and then completed Chumash Bamidbar and Divarim in a similar style.

Another person Rabbi Mandelbaum has spent lots of time working on is Rav Aryeh Tzvi Frommer HY”D, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivat Chachmei Lublin [See this earlier post on the seforim blog all about R’ Frommer]. He reissued R’ Frommer’s Eretz Tzvi, and his Siach Ha-Sadeh with notes and indexes. In recent years he has reissued R’ Frommer’s work on Chumash and Mo’adim in two volumes (great material).

A few months ago, R’ Mandelbaum released a beautiful biography on R’ Frommer (447 pp.) Toldot Baal Eretz Tzvi Zal HYD, which I highly recommend.

Another work of R’ Mandelbaum which he published a few months ago from manuscript was from R’ Shimshon Wertheimer (484 pp. plus a 32 pp. index), titled Chidushei Upirushei Rabbenu Shimshon Wertheimer TZ”L Mi-vien:

A recent project of his has been documenting (with illustrations) the Mesirat Nefesh of Jews during the Holocaust. The first volume was devoted to learning during the Holocaust, including learning Daf Yomi. The next volume in the series (454 pp.) was devoted to all aspects of Mesirat Nefesh in trying to observe Chanukah during the Holocaust. There are also chapters devoted to Jews trying to observe it in Spain during the Spanish Inquisition era and more recently to Jews in Soviet Russia. The Hebrew version sold out right away.

This year he has released it in English titled Jewish Heroism: Lighting Candles in Troubled Time.

One last item of Rabbi Mandelbaum related to Chanukah and the Chida is his work Pardes Hachida which is a collection of everything the Chida wrote related to Chanukah (345 pp.). This work just came out a few weeks ago. This is another one of the many seforim related to the Chida published in recent years.

Sample pages are available upon request.

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4 thoughts on “New Books by Rabbi Mandelbaum

  1. Can you please compare the different editions, and give a more in-depth description of their plusses and minuses and their relative scholarly value …

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