The Pew Report and the Orthodox Community (and Other Assorted Comments), part 2

The Pew Report and the Orthodox Community (and Other Assorted Comments), part 2

The Pew Report and the Orthodox Community (and Other Assorted Comments), part 2 by Marc B. Shapiro Continued from here. Returning to the matter of Jewish men and non-Jewish women, it is noteworthy that the Spanish scholar R. Solomon Alami (14th-15th centuries), in his ethical will to his son, specifically warns him to abstain from sexual relations with non-Jewish women.[1] Note how in the following passage he also assumes that Reuben actually had sexual relations with his father’s concubine (an opinion also shared…

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הרהורים בנכר (דפים מתוך פנקס מסעות)

הרהורים בנכר (דפים מתוך פנקס מסעות)

הרהורים בנכר (דפים מתוך פנקס מסעות) מאת: טוביה פרשל מתוך “המודיע” חנוכה תשי”ד גליון ה 1000 א. גנזי הטיבר 1 מטייל אני על גדות הטיבר. הלילה רד על רומא ואלפים כוכבים נוצצים ברקיע. בניני העיר מטילים צללים ארוכים על מימי הנהר, זרועי אור הלבנה, הזוחלים לאטם. חושך ודומיה אופפים את סמטאותיו הקטנות והעקלקלות של הגטו שעל שפת הנהר. רק פה ושם קורעת קרן אור הפורצת מאחד החלונות של הבנינים הגבוהים והצרים את האפלה. שומם מאין עובר הוא הכיכר הרחב לפני…

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Review of Outside the Bible: Ancient Jewish Writings Related to Scripture by Shaye J.D. Cohen

Review of Outside the Bible: Ancient Jewish Writings Related to Scripture by Shaye J.D. Cohen

Review of Outside the Bible: Ancient Jewish Writings Related to Scripture   by Shaye J.D. Cohen Shaye J. D. Cohen is the Littauer Professor of Hebrew Literature and Philosophy in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations of Harvard University. This is his first contribution to the Seforim blog. Outside the Bible: Ancient Jewish Writings Related to Scripture. Outside the Bible: Ancient Jewish Writings Related to Scripture. Edited by Louis H. Feldman, James L. Kugel, and Lawrence H. Schiffman….

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“Ask Rabbi Google”!! ??

“Ask Rabbi Google”!! ??

“Ask Rabbi Google”!! ?? By Yaakov Rosenes Continued from here When Rav Yisreal Gustman Zts”l eulogized Harav Moshe Feinstein Zts”l beside his grave at Har Menuchot he mourned the loss of  the last real Talmid Hacham, i.e. the last Rav whose knew all of the Torah and Shas Poskim, Rishonim and Ahronim, Midrash and Aggadata, Mussar and Hashkafa. But to comfort the mourners and the holy Niftar, Rav Gustman said something new. He said that today although no individual is…

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Book review: Asaf Yedidya, Criticized Criticism – Orthodox Alternatives to Wissenschaft des Judentums 1873 – 1956

Book review: Asaf Yedidya, Criticized Criticism – Orthodox Alternatives to Wissenschaft des Judentums 1873 – 1956

אסף ידידיה, ביקורת מבוקרת: אלטרנטיבות אורתודוקסיות ל’מדע היהדות’ 1956-1873, 415 עמודים, ירושלים תשע”ג Asaf Yedidya, Criticized Criticism – Orthodox Alternatives to Wissenschaft des Judentums 1873 – 1956 By Ezra Brand Criticized Criticism is a book which I think would greatly interest any reader of the Seforim Blog. It deals with the history of the Orthodox “alternatives” to secular Jewish Studies, as well as many important issues that religious Jewish Studies scholars face.[1]  In this, it fills a definitely felt lack…

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