Chapter from Y. S. Spiegel’s Amudim be-Toldot ha-Sefer ha-Ivri (Volume Three)

Chapter from Y. S. Spiegel’s Amudim be-Toldot ha-Sefer ha-Ivri (Volume Three)

Yaakov Shmuel Spiegel’s new book has just appeared, as announced here. It is titled Amudim be-Toldot ha-Sefer ha-Ivri: Be-Sha’arei ha-Defus. The Seforim Blog is happy to present this selection from pages 84-90. Those interested in purchasing a copy of the book should contact Eliezer Brodt at י. חכמים מעודדים כתיבה ופרסום דברי תורה של צעירים מן הראוי לדעת כי היו חכמים שעודדו כתיבה תורנית של תלמידי חכמים צעירים, וראו בכך מנוף להכשרתם לעתיד. ר’ יונה נבון רבו של החיד”א…

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New Book Announcement: Amudim be-Toldot ha-Sefer ha-Ivri (Volume Three)

New Book Announcement: Amudim be-Toldot ha-Sefer ha-Ivri (Volume Three)

New Book Announcement: Amudim be-Toldot ha-Sefer ha-Ivri (Volume Three) By Eliezer Brodt I am very happy to announce the recent publication of an important work, which will be of great interest to readers of the Seforim blog. The third volume of, Amudim be-Toldot ha-Sefer ha-Ivri by Professor Yaakov Shmuel Spiegel, of Bar-Ilan University’s Talmud department. As I have written in the past, Professor Spiegel is one of the most prolific writers in the Jewish academic scene, authoring of over 160…

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The Creative Craftsman: Adorning The Torah, One Crown At A Time

The Creative Craftsman: Adorning The Torah, One Crown At A Time

The Creative Craftsman: Adorning The Torah, One Crown At A Time By Olivia Friedman Olivia Friedman received her M.A. in Bible from the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies. Based in Chicago, she is a Judaic Studies teacher, tutor, writer, and lecturer and can be reached at oliviafried-at-gmail-dot-com. It’s not surprising that there are many overlooked biblical commentators. However, R’ Zalman Sorotzkin’s is one who ought to be rescued from relative obscurity. Sorotzkin’s biography and tumultuous history helped shape…

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An Incident of “Pilegesh B’Givah” in 19th Century Germany

An Incident of “Pilegesh B’Givah” in 19th Century Germany

AN INCIDENT OF “PILEGESH B’GIVAH” IN 19TH CENTURY GERMANY by Eli Genauer I recently purchased an antique Hebrew book for less than the price of a dinner at a moderately priced restaurant. This particular edition is what some would call a “common” — meaning it is the 36th edition (the fourth edition of a revised version) of this book and it was printed in the mid-19th century. Generally, the market does not assign a high price for books like these,…

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David Sassoon, Bibliophile Par Excellence

David Sassoon, Bibliophile Par Excellence

 David Sassoon, Bibliophile Par Excellence By Dr. Pearl Herzog The article below is an annotated version of an article that appeared in the Inyan Magazine of HaModia, dated July 16, 2014. Harav Chaim Ozer Grodzinski addressed him as “Hanaggid” (The Prince).[1] The Michtav MeEliyahu (Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler) came to his home to privately tutor his only son.[2] Named after his grandfather, the founder of the Sassoon dynasty, David Sassoon was an outstanding Talmid Chochom, whose tremendous collection of sefarim and…

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Book Review: The House of Twenty Thousand Books by Sasha Abramsky

Book Review: The House of Twenty Thousand Books by Sasha Abramsky

 ‘The House of Twenty Thousand Books’/ Sasha Abramsky / Halban Publishers (London UK) / 321pp/ GBP 14.95 – easily available from By Paul Shaviv For many Seforim blog readers, the name ‘Abramsky’ will instantly be associated with the personality of Rav Yechezkel Abramsky (1886-1976), the author of Hazon Yechezkel on the Tosefta. Born in Russia, imprisoned by the Soviets, released in the 1930’s after diplomatic intervention by the U.S. and Britain, he was for years the head of the…

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