עד היום הזה, הרב אמנון בזק, הוצאת ידיעות ספרים

עד היום הזה, הרב אמנון בזק, הוצאת ידיעות ספרים

עד היום הזה, הרב אמנון בזק, הוצאת ידיעות ספרים מאת: רב צעיר   הרב אמנון בזק עשה חסד עם לומדי וחובבי תנ”ך רבים בהוציאו לאור את ספרו “עד היום הזה”. הספר מרכז את שאלות היסוד שלומדי התנ”ך נפגשים בהם, שאלות שהעיסוק בהם בבית המדרש הינו דל יחסית, ודווקא במסדרונות האקדמיה רבתה העיסוק בהן. כך מתאר המחבר את החשיבות שבעיסוק בשאלות אלו: “בשנים האחרונות אני נתקל באופן אישי במצוקתם של יותר ויותר בוגרים ובוגרות של מערכת החינוך הדתית, בעיקר כאלו שהגיעו…

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The Rav as a Mechadesh Halacha: One Small Example From Shabbat Rosh Chodesh

The Rav as a Mechadesh Halacha: One Small Example From Shabbat Rosh Chodesh

The Rav as a Mechadesh Halacha: One Small Example From Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Michael J. Broyde In the Koren Rav siddur, in the minhagim of the Rav, in the section dealing with the halachic rules of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, זצ”ל it is written: The Rav posited that if one forgot to recite Ya’aleh VeYavo on Rosh Hodesh during Shaharit, one should not repeat the Amida, but should rather rely upon the reference to the holiday that will be made…

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ArtScroll’s Response and My Comments

ArtScroll’s Response and My Comments

 ArtScroll’s Response and My Comments by Marc B. Shapiro  My recent post here was more popular than my typical post. I base this statement on the fact that I received more emails from readers than usual and the post was picked up by a variety of different websites. The part dealing with the censorship of Rashbam was translated into Hebrew here (with one of the commenters calling for a herem to be placed on ArtScroll)[ and see also here. ArtScroll has now issued its response….

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Abraham’s Chaldean Origins and the Chaldee Language

Abraham’s Chaldean Origins and the Chaldee Language

ABRAHAM’S CHALDEAN ORIGINS AND THE CHALDEE LANGUAGE by Reuven Chaim (Rudolph) Klein Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein is the author of the newly published Lashon HaKodesh: History, Holiness, & Hebrew [available here]. His book is available online and in bookstores in Israel and will arrive to bookstores in America in the coming weeks. Rabbi Klein published articles in various journals including Jewish Bible Quarterly, Kovetz Hamaor, and Kovetz Kol HaTorah. He is currently a fellow at the Kollel of Yeshivas Mir…

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How many children did Michal have? Explanation of a Talmudic passage in light of the writings of Josephus Flavius

How many children did Michal have? Explanation of a Talmudic passage in light of the writings of Josephus Flavius

How many children did Michal have? Explanation of a Talmudic passage in light of the writings of Josephus Flavius[1]  By Chaim Sunitsky The following Talmudic passage appears in Sanhedrin 19b (we are using mostly Soncino translation): R. Yossi was asked by his disciples: How could David marry two sisters while they were both living? He answered: He married Michal after the death of Meirav. R. Yehoshua ben Korha said: His marriage to Meirav was contracted in error, as it is said,…

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Self-Censorship in the Arukh ha-Shulhan, ArtScroll’s Latest Betrayal, and Other Assorted Comments

Self-Censorship in the Arukh ha-Shulhan, ArtScroll’s Latest Betrayal, and Other Assorted Comments

Self-Censorship in the Arukh ha-Shulhan, ArtScroll’s Latest Betrayal, and Other Assorted Comments Marc B. Shapiro 1. R. Mordechai Rabinovitch has recently published the second volume of his commentary on the Arukh ha-Shulhan, dealing with the laws of Hanukkah. I strongly encourage anyone who prepares for the holiday by studying the halakhot in the Arukh ha-Shulhan to use R. Rabinovitch’s valuable work. Interestingly, R. Rabinovitch vocalizes the work as Arokh ha-Shulhan. This is based on the fact that these words, with this vocalization, appear in Isaiah…

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