On the Maxwell House Haggadah

On the Maxwell House Haggadah

For contemporary American Jews, it is not an exaggeration to claim the Maxwell House Haggadah, as one of the most commonly used and widely known haggadahs. Even President Obama was aware of this history when he quipped regarding another recent haggadah “does this mean we can no longer use the Maxwell House Haggadah anymore?”   The first Maxwell House sponsored haggadah was published in 1932. [1] The Haggadah wasn’t published btwetween 1941 and 1948, but otherwise has been consistently published yearly, if…

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Plagiarism, Citation, and Redemption

Plagiarism, Citation, and Redemption

Plagiarism, Citation, and Redemption  By Jeremy Brown Jeremy Brown is the author of New Heavens and a New Earth; the Jewish Reception of Copernican Thought. He writes on science, medicine and the Talmud at Talmudology.com Plagiarism, it seems, has never been so widespread. Remember How Opal Mehta Got Kissed, Got Wild and Got a Life, the 2006 debut novel from Harvard undergraduate Kaavya Viswanathan? The author had plagiarized several passages from others (including Salman Rushdie) and the publisher Little Brown recalled and destroyed…

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New Book sale 2015

New Book sale 2015

New Book sale 2015 By Eliezer Brodt This list consists of a few parts. Many of these titles are very hard to find. Some of the prices are better than others, but all in all I think they are fair. Almost all the books are in good shape. E mail your order to eliezerbrodt@gmail.com. I will than send you a bill based on what is available. Payment will be done via Pay Pal. Shipping is not included in the price;…

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New Book: The Living Tree: Studies in Modern Orthodoxy by Rabbi Shlomo Riskin

New Book: The Living Tree: Studies in Modern Orthodoxy by Rabbi Shlomo Riskin

Rabbi Shlomo Riskin’s new book, The Living Tree: Studies in Modern Orthodoxy, has just appeared. The Seforim Blog is happy to present this selection from it. Halakhic Pluralism in the Eyes of Rishonim and Aharonim In many of the off-hand remarks of the early commentators, their advocacy of the principle of halakhic pluralism is plain to see, regardless of whether these great authorities stemmed from Ashkenaz, Sepharad, or Provence. They repeatedly express the pluralistic principle of “these and those are…

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New Seforim and Books 2015

New Seforim and Books 2015

 New Seforim and Books 2015 by Eliezer Brodt What follows is a list of new seforim and books I have seen around in the past few months. Some of the titles are brand new others are a bit older. I am well aware that there are new works worth mentioning that are not included.  Due to lack of time I cannot keep track of every book of importance nor comment properly on each and every work. I just try to…

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פיוטי פורים באשכנז ובצרפת

פיוטי פורים באשכנז ובצרפת

פיוטי פורים באשכנז ובצרפת  מאת גבריאל וסרמן באשכנז ובצרפת נהגו מימים ימימה לומר את קרובת הי”ח של הקלירי, “ויאהב אומן”, עם ההרחבות הקליריות “אזרח בט חוץ – תמימים כרשו ארץ – אותו מבהלת” ו”אספרה אל חוק – אמל ורבך”, וכן נוהגים עד היום הזה. ובליל פורים אחר קריאת המגילה אמרו באשכנז וברומא (ואולי גם בצרפת? – צריך לבדוק בכי”י) הפיוט הקדם-קלאסי “אשר הניא”, וכן נוהגים עד היום הזה באשכנז (אך לא ברומא). לכן לא היה הרבה מקום פנוי בתפילות פורים…

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