The Universalism of Rav Kook

The Universalism of Rav Kook

The Universalism of Rav Kook by Bezalel Naor Copyright © 2018 Bezalel Naor Stereotypes are difficult to overcome. Until recently, the stereotype of Rav Avraham Yitzhak Hakohen Kook (1865-1935) was of a nationalist (perhaps even ultranationalist) who lent his rabbinic aegis to the Zionist enterprise in the first third of the twentieth century. In his seminal work Orot [Lights] (Jerusalem, 1920), the very first section of the book is entitled “Erets Yisrael.” The punchline of the first chapter reads: The…

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The Rogochover and More: Excursus on Fasting

The Rogochover and More: Excursus on Fasting

The Rogochover and More: Excursus on Fasting Marc B. Shapiro Relevant to what appeared in the last post (see note 13), I wish to mention some leniencies regarding fast days that contradict mainstream halakhah. I have also included other interesting material regarding the fast days. 1. R. Israel Jacob Fischer, dayan on the beit din of the Edah Haredit, stated that in our day all pregnant women up until the ninth month must eat on Yom Kippur פחות מכשיעור. See his haskamah to…

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A Letter Concerning Prof. Marc Shapiro’s book “Changing the Immutable”

A Letter Concerning Prof. Marc Shapiro’s book “Changing the Immutable”

A Letter Concerning Prof. Marc Shapiro’s book Changing the Immutable By Eli Meyer Cohen כבוד… אחדשה”ט, ברצוני להעיר כמה הערות בנוגע למש”כ מרק שפירא אודות הדברים המובאים בפי’ ר’ יהודה החסיד. שלדעת גדולי פוסקי הדור ההוא הגר”מ פיינשטיין, הגרש”ז אויערבאך, הגרי”ש אלישיב והגרי”י ווייס בעל מנחת יצחק ז”ל, נדפסו שם דברי כפירה  והיות שיודע אני שבטח כבודו יערוך ביקורת כללית על ספרו, חושבני שדברים אלו יהיו לתועלת עבודתו. ראשית אציג רקע היסטורי לסיפור. הדבר קרה בשנת תשל”ו, כפי שמפורש בשני…

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Lecture Announcement – R. Yechiel Goldhaber – January 4, 2018

Lecture Announcement – R. Yechiel Goldhaber – January 4, 2018

EDIT 1.4.2018:Unfortunately due to the inclement weather this lecture has been canceled. An update will be posted it that changes. The readership of the Seforim Blog is invited to a lecture by the noted author, Rav Yechiel Goldhaber (link), whose respected research and scholarship is well-known to Seforim Blog readers.  The shiur will be taking place Thursday, January 4, 7:30 PM at Khal Bnei Avrohom Yaakov, 2701 Avenue N, Brooklyn, NY. Rabbi Goldhaber’s speech will be delivered in English. The…

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Book Launch of the Koren Rav Kook Siddur

Book Launch of the Koren Rav Kook Siddur

Book Launch of the Koren Rav Kook Siddur Seforim Blog contributor Rabbi Bezalel Naor has just published a major work, the Koren Rav Kook Siddur. Culled from Rav Kook’s own commentary to the Siddur, Olat Re’iyah, and other writings of Rav Kook, as well as rich anecdotes transmitted by Rav Kook’s son and major disciples, The Koren Rav Kook Siddur speaks to the soul, while it connects us all to the sacred soil of the Holy Land. There will be a book launch on Sunday,…

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New Auction House – Genazym

New Auction House – Genazym

New Auction House – Genazym by  Dan Rabinowitz, Eliezer Brodt There is a new auction house, Genazym, that is holding its inaugural auction next week Monday, December 25th.  The catalog is available here.  The majority of the material are letters and other ephemera with a few dozen books. The books include a number with vellum bindings (71-75).  Appreciation of bindings has been brought to fore with the recent wider availability of books from the Valmadonna collection after it was broken up;…

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