A Compromise in Halacha – On Menachot 33a

A Compromise in Halacha – On Menachot 33a

A Compromise in Halacha – On Menachot 33a By Eli Genauer A common D’var Torah delivered at a wedding goes something like this: “Dear Chatan and Kallah. You are standing beneath a Chupah which is representative of the home you will build within the Jewish people. When you walk into your home, you will notice that that Mezuzah is placed in a diagonal position on the doorpost. There is a disagreement between Rashi and his grandson Rabbeinu Tam as to…

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New Book Announcement: Ginzei Chag HaSuccos

New Book Announcement: Ginzei Chag HaSuccos

New Book Announcement: Ginzei Chag HaSuccos By Eliezer Brodt גנזי חג הסוכות | אסופת גנזים מתורתם של ראשונים בענייני חג הסוכות היוצאים לאור לראשונה מכתבי-יד עם מבואות, ביאורים והערות, עיונים ומפתחות, מהדיר: ר’ יעקב ישראל סטל, שע עמודים A new work by Rabbi Yakov Stahl was just printed. Rabbi Stahl’s work is familiar to many of the readers of the blog; for reviews of some of his earlier works see here, here and here. This volume is very similar in…

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A Conversation With Professor Marcin Wodziński on Hasidism

A Conversation With Professor Marcin Wodziński on Hasidism

A Conversation With Professor Marcin Wodziński on Hasidism By Rabbi Yitzchok Frankfurter This article appeared in Ami Magazine July 11, 2018/ 28 Tamuz 5778 and is reprinted here with permission. This is not my first conversation with the Polish scholar Marcin Wodzinski. In 2013, following the release of his book on chasidism and politics, he visited my office together with the well-known askan Reb Duvid Singer. Today as then, my conversation with him elicits paradoxical emotions. His knowledge of chasidism,…

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Genazym Auctions: Illustrations & the Friendship Between the Hazon Ish and R. Zevin

Genazym Auctions: Illustrations & the Friendship Between the Hazon Ish and R. Zevin

Genazym Auction:  Illustrations and the Friendship between the Hazon Ish and R. Zevin The auction house, Genazym, is holding its third auction (the catalog is available here) this week Thursday, August 30th. This auction includes many Hassidic works, letters, autographs, early editions, and some impressive bindings.  Additionally, as at other auction houses, items are already appearing from the Lunzer/Valmadonna collection whose books were sold and auctioned in the past year.  There are a few items that have aspects that go beyond…

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New book announcement

New book announcement

New book announcement By Eliezer Brodt יצחק לנדיס, ברכת העבודה בתפילת העמידה, עיונים בנוסחיה ובתולדותיה, 170 עמודים This recent work written by Yitz Landes, of the Talmud Blog looks rather impressive and I am sure will be enjoyed by many readers of the blog. What follows is the abstract of the book and the Table of Contents. If you are interested in purchasing the book contact me at eliezerbrodt@gmail.com The present work traces the history of the ante-penultimate blessing of…

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Book Announcement

Book Announcement

Book Announcement By Eliezer Brodt ספרות חז“ל הארץ–ישראלית, מבואות ומחקרים, המערכת מנחם כהנא, ורד נעם, מנחם קיסטר, דוד רוזנטל, ב’ חלקים, 732 עמודים. I am very happy to announce the publication of an important work which numerous people will find very useful. This is a collection  essays from various experts in the field of Chazal’s Eretz Yisrael Literature. If one wants a proper introduction to various works of Chazal from the Mishna and on, this is the place to look Up until now…

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