Book announcement: Special sale

Book announcement: Special sale

Book announcement: Special sale By Eliezer Brodt In this post I would like to briefly describe three new works printed by Schocken Institute, two of which were printed in the past year and the third is hot off the press – out just three days ago. For a short time, copies of these three works can be purchased through me for a special price. Contact me at חמודות מצרים, יד ושם לרבותינו שתשובותיהם לא נקבצו בספר, א, תשובות חכמי…

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Hebrew printing in Altdorf: A brief Christian-Hebraist Phenomenon

Hebrew printing in Altdorf: A brief Christian-Hebraist Phenomenon

Hebrew printing in Altdorf: A brief Christian-Hebraist Phenomenon By Marvin J. Heller[1] Altdorf is remembered in Jewish history, when it is recalled at all, for the small number of Hebrew, Hebrew/Latin books printed there, beginning in the seventeenth century. Our Altdorf (old village), Altdorf bei Nürnberg, Bavaria, is one of several communities so named, others elsewhere in Germany, France, Switzerland, Poland, and even one Altdorf in the United States.[2] Again, our Altdorf, with the name to distinguish it from other…

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The Lost Library by Dan Rabinowitz and the “Burial of Souls” by Yehuda Leib Katznelson: Different Expressions of the Same Sentiment

The Lost Library by Dan Rabinowitz and the “Burial of Souls” by Yehuda Leib Katznelson: Different Expressions of the Same Sentiment

The Lost Library by Dan Rabinowitz and the “Burial of Souls” by Yehuda Leib Katznelson: Different Expressions of the Same Sentiment By Rabbi Edward Reichman, MD Having just completed Dan Rabinowitz’s superb book, The Lost Library, about the Strashun Library in Vilna, I am reminded of a remarkable, little-known short story written by a man who lived during the creation of the famous Strashun Library. He, like Rabinowitz, laments the loss of a famous Jewish library, though the literary nature…

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Legacy Auction, agunot, censorship, and other notable items

Legacy Auction, agunot, censorship, and other notable items

Legacy Judaica will be holding its latest auction on April 4th. The auction includes a few lots regarding agunot and comprehensive attempts to annul marriages.  In the early 20th century, especially in the aftermath of WWI, some tried to find global solutions to the massive agunah problem.  To those books offering solutions were those which disputed the validity of those solutions.  There is a lot of ten historic books on the controversies and a lot of letters from American rabbis. …

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הנשר הגדול

הנשר הגדול

שלמה זאב פיק מחבר ספר “אהבת שלמה” הנשר הגדול לקראת יום פטירתו של הרמב”ם בכ’ טבת, רציתי לברר מניין הביטוי “הנשר הגדול” ביחס לרמב”ם, מתי התחילו להשתמש בו, ואם כינוי זה מצוי רק ברמב”ם בלבד. אחרי שחקרתי את הנושא וכתבתי רשומות ידידי הרב ד”ר רועי ז’ק הפנה את תשומת לבי למאמרו של ד”ר מיכאל ריגלר, “‘הנשר הגדול’ – גלגולו של כינוי כבוד”, המעין, תמוז תשס”ו [מו, ד], עמ’ 68-73, שכבר עמד על הרבה מן המקורות שהובאו להלן. הנשר הגדול –…

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Invitation to Two Lectures by Dan Rabinowitz this Week & Discount Code

Invitation to Two Lectures by Dan Rabinowitz this Week & Discount Code

This Tuesday Dan Rabinowitz will appear on a panel, “Saving Jewish Cultural Legacy:  Libraries and Archives During and After WII,” at Brandeis University. This Thursday he will be discussing his book at the Library of Congress, at the African and Middle East Reading Room at noon. Seforim Blog readers are invited to attend. Additionally, readers of the blog can receive a 20% discount on Dan’s book, The Lost Library:  The Legacy of Vilna’s Strashun Library  in the Aftermath of the…

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