Rosh Hashana 23b – The Missing Map – Were We Deprived of a Map Drawn by Rashi?
Rosh Hashana 23b – The Missing Map – Were We Deprived of a Map Drawn by Rashi? Eli Genauer The Mishnah on Rosh Hashana 22b discusses the signal fires which were lit to inform the residents of Bavel of the Kiddush HaChodesh in Yerushalayim. מַתְנִי׳: בָּרִאשׁוֹנָה הָיוּ מַשִּׂיאִין מַשּׂוּאוֹת….. MISHNAH: Initially, after the court sanctified the new month they would light torches on the mountaintops, from one peak to another, to signal to the community in Babylonia that the month…