The Vilna Gaon’s Talmud

The Vilna Gaon’s Talmud

Mississippi Fred McDowell, has posted re: the Vilna Gaon’s Yerushalmi edition. However, I would like to discuss which edition of the Bavli the Vilna Gaon had. This is a rather important especially in light of the numerous emendations to the text the Vilna Gaon made. As when one is amending something it is important to know what exactly they have amended. Every morning Birkat HaShahar are recited. Among these blessings are three anomalous ones. These there, as opposed to the…

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R. Yechiel Heller and the Status of Non-Jews

R. Yechiel Heller and the Status of Non-Jews

Some have recently posted regarding the status of non-Jews vis-à-vis Jews. Although, they are more focused upon the medieval time period, I though it would be instructive to discuss a more contemporary view. This view, is striking in its breath as well in its authorship. R. Yechiel Heller, author of the teshuvot Amudi Ohr, is well-known in Yeshiva circles. While respona literature is generally not studied as one of the commentary on Talmud, there are at least two of R….

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Inverted Nuns

Inverted Nuns

While Mississippi Fred recently discussed the missing nun (that is the Hebrew letter and not the people), last week we were treated to those Oh, Inverted World Nuns. Although, today this odd textual device is standard at least in its use, although there are some variations as to exactly how one does it (Sefardim do it more like a z and Ashkenazim have the upside down backwards nuns -more about this later). You can see some examples here, including one…

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Names of Seforim I

Names of Seforim I

The names utilized for Seforim are rather unique. As opposed to most cultures who title their books based upon their content (think Da Vinci Code about a code Da Vinci did), Jewish book titles, for the most part, have no relationship to their content. Additionally, for many, the title of the books supersedes that of the actual author to such an extent that many authors are only known by their book titles. So while many are aware of the Shach…

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One more Book on Stam Yayin

One more Book on Stam Yayin

I neglected to mention one other book that was just published. The book Dimyon Areyeh was originally printed in 1616 in Prague, this was the only edition until now. This book is addressed to those of Nikolsburg who were leinient in regards to Stam Yayin. This practice had been justified by R. Moshe Isserless (Rema) in his teshuvot which were subsequently removed in many editions. However, many questioned this practice this book, Dimyon Areyeh, is one of them. There is…

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New Feature – Listing of New Seforim

New Feature – Listing of New Seforim

As a service for those who either don’t have access or the time to browes the seforim stores to see what new has been printed I will now on a periodic basis list the seforim I have recently purchased/seen. The vast majority of these I will have seen/purchased will be from Biegeleisen books in Boropark (718) 436-1165. At times I will have lenghter comments and some books I will just list and leave to the reader to investigate further. 1)…

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