Prof. Marc B. Shapiro response to Rabbi Chaim Rapoport

Prof. Marc B. Shapiro response to Rabbi Chaim Rapoport

In response to Rabbi Chaim Rapoport’s recent response to Prof. Marc B. Shapiro’s response to Rabbi Zev Leff (see original review), Prof. Marc B. Shapiro has shared with the Seforim blog his original response to Rabbi Chaim Rapoport from several years ago. ועש”ק פרשת בא תשס”ד לכבוד ידידי אהובי הרה”ג החסיד המפואר, איש חמודות ונדיב לב, אוצר בלום לתורה ולחכמה, מוה”ר חיים ראפפורט שליט”א, אב”ד דק”ק אילפורד יע”אאחדשה”ט באהבה נאמנה תחילה אני מודה למע”כ על טירחתו לכתוב לי ולהעיר על…

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Rabbi Chaim Rapoport on Prof. Marc B. Shapiro and Rabbi Zev Leff

Rabbi Chaim Rapoport on Prof. Marc B. Shapiro and Rabbi Zev Leff

In response to Prof. Marc B. Shapiro’s recent response to Rabbi Zev Leff (see original review), Rabbi Chaim Rapoport has submitted the following letter exclusively posted at the Seforim blog. בס”ד. שלהי חודש תמוז ה’תשס”זלכבוד הרבנים מנהלי ‘בלוג הספרים’, וכל העוסקים במלחמתה של תורה לשם שמים, ה’ עליהם יחיו ויחיינו מיומים בקשר להמחלוקת שפרצה מחדש בין המשפתים, בענין שיטת הרמב”ם ע”ד פעולת השמות הקדושים והטהורים, אף שאינני רוצה להכניס ראשי בין הרים גדולים[1], אבל הנני בזה כמעיר ובא לפני חכמים,…

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Marc B. Shapiro — Response to Rabbi Zev Leff

Marc B. Shapiro — Response to Rabbi Zev Leff

Response to Rabbi Zev Leff by Marc B. Shapiro Rabbi Zev Leff (of Moshav Matityahu) reviewed my book, The Limits of Orthodox Theology: Maimonides’ Thirteen Principles Reappraised, in the most recent issue of Jewish Action [see review]. I don’t feel that he gave the readers a correct sense of what the book is about. To rectify that, I can only ask people to read for themselves and determine if his portrayal is accurate. For now, I would like to challenge…

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Critique of the Oz VeHadar Edition of the Arukh HaShulhan

Critique of the Oz VeHadar Edition of the Arukh HaShulhan

In some of the recent posts we have discussed various new publications of Rabbi Yehiel Mihel Epstein, author of Arukh HaShulhan. Recently, Makhon Oz VeHadar reprinted the Arukh HaShulhan, and that reprint has been the subject of some harsh criticisms. The critique points to two major problems. First, this edition includes the Piskei Mishnah Berurah which, in the reviewer’s mind, unconscionable. His reasoning is as the Arukh HaShulhan is a “piskei” work in its own right, there is no need…

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god or God: A Review of Two Works on the Names of God

god or God: A Review of Two Works on the Names of God

god or God: A Review of Two Works on the Names of GodEliezer Brodt Last week I picked up a new sefer titled Nekadesh es Shimcha. What caught my attention was that it included not only Nekadesh es Shimcha but also the work Meleches haKodesh from R. Eleazar Fleckeles (most well-known for his Teshuva m’Ahava). What follows is a short biography of R. Fleckes, a review of Meleches haKodesh, and a review of the new sefer – Nekadesh es Shimcha….

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Rabbi Michael J. Broyde on “The Missing Sections of the Arukh HaShulhan: The Search for the Complete Text”

Rabbi Michael J. Broyde on “The Missing Sections of the Arukh HaShulhan: The Search for the Complete Text”

As a followup to the two recent posts at the Seforim blog — see here (“The Other Works of R. Yehiel Mihel Epstein, Author of the Arukh HaShulhan“) and here (“Printing of the Arukh HaShulhan: The Missing Line About Rabbi Epstein’s Daughter”), we are proud to present Rabbi Michael J. Broyde’s short post about the Arukh HaShulhan. Three Missing Sections of the Arukh HaShulhan:The Search for the Complete TextRabbi Michael J. Broyde Anyone who regularly learns the Arukh HaShulhan knows…

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