A Review of Beis Havaad by Eliezer Brodt

A Review of Beis Havaad by Eliezer Brodt

Beis Havaad, Le’arechat Kitvei Rabboseinu, ed. Yoel Hakoton and Eliyahu Soloveitchik, (Jerusalem, 2003); 272 pp. Beis Havaad is a collection of articles based on a series of lectures that were delivered in Yerushalayim dealing with many aspects of the proper way seforim should be published. Beis Havaad was originally intended to be a journal but, to date, no other issue has appeared. With its focus on books, it is only proper that a review of this book should appear at…

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Where’s Shai Agnon Revisited

Where’s Shai Agnon Revisited

You may recall that in a prior post we noted that in the Reinetz edition of the Pirush Ba’al HaTurim al HaTorah is a victim of censorship. Specifically, Reinetz quotes a story about how quickly the Tur wrote his commentary on the Torah. In the early edition of Reinetz’s work, Shai Agnon is cited as the source while in later editions Agnon is removed. In the comments, however, some took issue with the need to cite to Agnon as Agnon…

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Rabbi Chaim Rapoport on the Contemporary 'Tribe of Levi' in Maimonides' Mishneh Torah

Rabbi Chaim Rapoport on the Contemporary 'Tribe of Levi' in Maimonides' Mishneh Torah

In response to Professor Menachem Kellner’s thoughtful post at the Seforim blog regarding Rabbi Aryeh Leibowitz’s recent article in the latest issue of Tradition and subsequent response at the Seforim blog, frequent contributor to the Seforim blog, Rabbi Chaim Rapoport of London, presents his latest offering below: שבט לוי” בספר ‘משנה תורה’ להרמב”ם[1] ובזמן הזה” תגובות למאמר החכם פרופסר מנחם קלנר הרב חיים רפופורט לונדון אנגלי’ הקדמה בספר ‘משנה תורה’, בסוף הלכות שמיטה ויובל (פי”ג הי”ב והי”ג) ובסיום ‘ספר זרעים’,…

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JQR Forum in honor of 25th anniversary of Prof. Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi’s “Zakhor: Jewish History and Jewish Memory”

JQR Forum in honor of 25th anniversary of Prof. Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi’s “Zakhor: Jewish History and Jewish Memory”

In honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the publication of Professor Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi’s Zakhor: Jewish History and Jewish Memory, the Jewish Quarterly Review published a special forum with articles by David N. Myers, Moshe Idel, Peter N. Miller, Gavriel D. Rosenfeld, Sidra DeKoven Ezrahi and Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin, in the latest issue of Jewish Quarterly Review 97.4 (Fall 2007). Jewish Quarterly Review, established in 1889 and currently the oldest English-language journal in the field of Jewish studies, is published by…

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Aryeh Leibowitz – Response to Professor Menachem Kellner

Aryeh Leibowitz – Response to Professor Menachem Kellner

Response to Professor Menachem KellnerBy Aryeh Leibowitz To the editors of the Seforim blog: In Professor Menachem Kellner’s spirited and scholarly post (“Who is the Person Whom Rambam Says Can be ‘Consecrated as the Holy of Holies’?”) at the Seforim blog, he argues that my inclusion of Rambam’s hilkhot Shemittah ve-Yovel passage is “based on a demonstrable misunderstanding of the Rambam,” and that this passage, understood properly, is not germane to the issue I am addressing. In this short response,…

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Menachem Kellner – Who is the Person Whom Rambam Says Can be ‘Consecrated as the Holy of Holies’?

Menachem Kellner – Who is the Person Whom Rambam Says Can be ‘Consecrated as the Holy of Holies’?

Who is the Person Whom Rambam Says Can be ‘Consecrated as the Holy of Holies’?By Menachem Kellner Menachem Kellner is Professor of Jewish Thought at the University of Haifa. Author of several dozen articles on Jewish philosophy, Kellner has written/edited fourteen books, including, most recently, Maimonides’ Confrontation With Mysticism (London: Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2006). This is his first contribution to the Seforim blog. Rabbi Aryeh Leibowitz’s learned and interesting article in the most recent issue of Tradition (“The…

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