Bibliography of Articles and Books on Nitel

Bibliography of Articles and Books on Nitel

There are three books devoted to the topic of Nitel. Mordechai Menachem Goren, Hefaru Torasecha, Ma’amar Makif miMinhag Avosanu b’Yadanu Odos Lil haAfel Nitel Nacht UMinhag Yisrael l’Vatel meEsek haTorah,[4],52, [10] pages, 2004. This first contains a two page introduction and the next 52 pages discuss the custom, its sources, and the various opinions. The final 10 pages are some sources that are quoted in full. [Mordechai Menachem Goren], Hefaru Torasecha, (helek bet, b’inyanei haTekufa) . . . u’Migilas Nitel,…

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The Ongoing Debate on the Usage of Print vs. Electronic Journals: Perspective of an Ivy League PhD Student

The Ongoing Debate on the Usage of Print vs. Electronic Journals: Perspective of an Ivy League PhD Student

I recently had an enjoyable conversation with a former roommate and friend, back from our days at Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh, who is currently nearing completion of a doctorate at the graduate school of an Ivy League institution in computer science, about his views on using print vs. electronic journals. Our discussion centered on the notion that a journal Tradition, published by the Rabbinical Council of America (RCA), a leading institution of American Modern Orthodox Judaism, charges a fee of $25.00…

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New Torah u-Madda Journal, available online in PDF; and Criticisms of Menachem

New Torah u-Madda Journal, available online in PDF; and Criticisms of Menachem

After I posted the Table of Contents to the latest volume of the Torah u-Madda Journal, no. 14 (2006/2007), at the Michtavim blog last week — note, this post has been updated with the links to the PDFs, hosted at — I received some very harsh criticisms for my laxity in providing links to the PDFs, including one noteworthy email. To add insult to injury, the accuser sent me criticisms via an anonymous email address! See here [PDF].

Moritz Steinschneider and Ugaritic

Moritz Steinschneider and Ugaritic

ManuscriptBoy: Moritz Steinschneider’s online presence has been significantly augmented by the Jewish National Library’s Digitized Book Repository. They seem to have scanned all of his German books, as well as the Hebrew translation of his general work ‘Sifrut Yisrael’. And also includes an interesting anecdote that someone once told me how Prof. Moshe Bar Asher shut himself in a room for a couple of days, and emerged having taught himself Ugaritic.

Rabbi Hillel Goldberg on Prof. Saul Lieberman

Rabbi Hillel Goldberg on Prof. Saul Lieberman

Published several weeks ago, Rabbi Hillel Goldberg, Executive Editor of both the Intermountain Jewish News and of Tradition, has written a ‘Review Essay‘ (“Discontinuities: The Case of Saul Lieberman,” reviewing Elijah J. Schochet and Solomon Spiro’s Saul Lieberman: The Man and His Work), in Tradition 40:3 (Fall 2007): 69-75. A PDF of this article is only available to subscribers to TraditionOnline and/or members of the Rabbinical Council of America. While the aim of a “Review Essay” is usually focused on…

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An Attack and Defense of the ArtScroll Talmud and Addendum to the Dec. 2007 Book List

An Attack and Defense of the ArtScroll Talmud and Addendum to the Dec. 2007 Book List

Ohr Yisrael no. 50 (Tevet, 5768); 256 pages. The new issue of Ohr Yisrael, no. 50. has a couple of articles I wanted to highlight. First, they have a section devoted to essentially whether the ArtScroll Gemara is a good thing or not. While in the United States the English version has been around for awhile, only recently has the Hebrew edition been on the market and it appears that it is very popular. Thus, there are those who are…

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