Review: The Schechter Haggadah: Art, History, and Commentary

Review: The Schechter Haggadah: Art, History, and Commentary

Book Review: The Schechter Haggadah: Art, History, and Commentary by Elli Fischer  Rabbi Elli Fischer is a freelance translator living in Modiin, Israel.  He maintains the “On the Contrary:Judasim with Comments Enabled ” blog.  This is his second contribution to the Seforim blog. Given the thousands of haggadot that have been published over the years, and the dozens of new ones published each year, it is not easy for any single haggadah to separate itself from the others on the market….

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Upcoming Auctions

Upcoming Auctions

There are three upcoming auctions, Kestenbaum , Asufa, and Jerusalem Judaica.  The first two have their catalogs online while the final one is only available in hardcopy.  Kestenbaum has two very rare and thus highly prized pieces, one the 1526 Prague Haggadah. (Lot number 124) This edition, which is the first complete (there were some leaves found in a binding containing illustrations that may or may not be earlier, but, in all events, it was not a complete copy), illustrated…

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R. David Nieto’s Matteh Dan, Life on Other Planets and Jewish Reactions to Copernicus

R. David Nieto’s Matteh Dan, Life on Other Planets and Jewish Reactions to Copernicus

R. David Nieto’s Matteh Dan, Life on Other Planets and Jewish Reactions to Copernicus by Eliezer Brodt   R. David Neito and the Mateh Dan R. David Nieto was born in 1654 in Venice and died in England in 1728. Aside for being a tremendous talmid hakham, Nieto also had degrees in science, philosophy, and was a medical doctor. He was a Rav, Dayan and Darshan in Leghorn for a while. He then was hired to be Rav of the…

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New Books from Biegeleisen

New Books from Biegeleisen

New Books from Biegeleisen While Eliezer is in the midst of preparing a comprehensive list of new seforim issued in the past months, I wanted to provide a shorter list of new seforim that I have recently received from Biegeleisen.  All of these are of course available at Biegeleisen in Boro Park (and I assume elsewhere as well) and some will be reviewed in greater detail in the coming months.  Batim le-Vadim, Yaakov Mosowitz, Beni Brak, 2008, 663 pp. a…

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Elliott Horowitz – Modern Amalekites From Adolf to Avigdor

Elliott Horowitz – Modern Amalekites From Adolf to Avigdor

In a previous post at the Seforim blog, Prof. Elliott Horowitz of Bar Ilan University and co-editor of Jewish Quarterly Review, described Isaiah Berlin on Meir Berlin (Bar-Ilan) and Saul Lieberman [see here].  This is his fourth contribution to the Seforim blog. We hope that you enjoy. Modern Amalekites: From Adolf to Avigdor by Elliott Horowitz      Well before the outbreak of World War II the Nazi regime in Germany came to be associated by many Jews with Israel’s ancient…

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Daniel J. Lasker – Birkat Ha-Hammah 5769

Daniel J. Lasker – Birkat Ha-Hammah 5769

Get Ready – It’s Almost Time to Bless the Sun by Daniel J. Lasker Daniel J. Lasker is Norbert Blechner Professor of Jewish Values at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, and is chair of the Goldstein-Goren Department of Jewish Thought. His landmark work Jewish Philosophical Polemics against Christianity in the Middle Ages, originally published in 1977, was recently republished with a new introduction in 2007.    This is Professor Lasker’s second post at the Seforim blog. His previous post about ve-ten tal u-matar li-verakha was entitled…

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