Guide and Review of Online Resources – 2022 – Part III

Guide and Review of Online Resources – 2022 – Part III

Guide and Review of Online Resources – 2022 – Part III By Ezra Brand Ezra Brand is an independent researcher based in Tel Aviv. He has an MA from Revel Graduate School at Yeshiva University in Medieval Jewish History, where he focused his research on 13th and 14th century sefirotic Kabbalah. He is interested in using digital and computational tools in historical research. He has contributed a number of times previously to the Seforim Blog (tag), and a selection of…

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Tarnopol: A short-lived early 19th century Hebrew press

Tarnopol: A short-lived early 19th century Hebrew press

Tarnopol: A short-lived early 19th century Hebrew press by Marvin J. Heller[1] The blossoms have appeared in the land, The time of your song has arrived, and the voice of the turtledove Is heard in our land. The green figs form on the fig tree. The vines in blossom give off fragrance. Arise, my darling; My fair one, come away! “O my dove, in the cranny of the rocks. Hidden by the cliff. Let me see your face, Let me…

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Book Week Sale 2022

Book Week Sale 2022

Book Week Sale 2022 By Eliezer Brodt This Book list of one Hundred twenty-five titles, is a collection from many different companies. Most of these titles were printed in the past few years and are not found in regular stores. Almost all the books are either brand new or in good shape. Email your order to I will than send you a bill based on what is available. Payment is with Pay Pal or Chase QuickPay, but other arrangements…

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Book week 2022

Book week 2022

Book week 2022 By Eliezer Brodt Book week just began in Eretz Yisrael. Continuing with my now fifteenth year tradition B”h, every year in Israel, around Shavuos time, there is a period of about ten days called Shavuah Hasefer – Book Week. Many of the companies offer sales for the whole month. Shavuah HaSefer is a sale which takes place all across the country in stores, malls and special places rented out just for the sales. There are places where…

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Psalms 117:1-2: Why Are the Goyim Praising God?

Psalms 117:1-2: Why Are the Goyim Praising God?

Psalms 117:1-2: Why Are the Goyim Praising God?[1] By Mitchell First   In Hallel, has only two verses: 1) Praise Hashem all goyim; Laud him all the umim. 2) For his ḥesed is great?[2] עלינו and the emet of Hashem is forever, Halleluyah. Why are the nations of the world to be praising God? Because his ḥesed is great on the Israelites? Does this make sense? I first read about this interpretive issue in Rabbi Hayyim Angel’s excellent article…

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How Jews of Yesteryear Celebrated Graduation from Medical School: Congratulatory Poems for Jewish Medical Graduates in the 17th and 18th Centuries: An Unrecognized Genre

How Jews of Yesteryear Celebrated Graduation from Medical School: Congratulatory Poems for Jewish Medical Graduates in the 17th and 18th Centuries: An Unrecognized Genre

How Jews of Yesteryear Celebrated Graduation from Medical School: Congratulatory Poems for Jewish Medical Graduates in the 17th and 18th Centuries: An Unrecognized Genre Rabbi Edward Reichman, MD Edward Reichman, Professor of Emergency Medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, is the author of The Anatomy of Jewish Law: A Fresh Dissection of the Relationship Between Medicine, Medical History and Rabbinic Literature (Published by Koren Publishers/OU Press/YU Press, 2022), as well as the forthcoming, Pondering Pre-Modern(a) Pandemics in Jewish…

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