A Woman's Place Is In The Home

A Woman's Place Is In The Home

A Woman's Place Is In The Home by: Yitzhak, of בין דין לדין The Sons of Korah declare:כָּל-כְּבוּדָּה בַת-מֶלֶךְ פְּנִימָה; מִמִּשְׁבְּצוֹת זָהָב לְבוּשָׁהּ.[1][And see here for various nineteenth and twentieth century references to our titular aphorism, and see this essay.] But is the verse indeed a normative injunction toward modesty, for women in general, or at least Jewish women in particular, as it is commonly understood? And if so, exactly what standard of behavior is being enjoined? Cultural Norms –…

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A Woman's Place Is In The Home

A Woman's Place Is In The Home

A Woman's Place Is In The Home by: Yitzhak, of בין דין לדין The Sons of Korah declare:כָּל-כְּבוּדָּה בַת-מֶלֶךְ פְּנִימָה; מִמִּשְׁבְּצוֹת זָהָב לְבוּשָׁהּ.[1][And see here for various nineteenth and twentieth century references to our titular aphorism, and see this essay.] But is the verse indeed a normative injunction toward modesty, for women in general, or at least Jewish women in particular, as it is commonly understood? And if so, exactly what standard of behavior is being enjoined? Cultural Norms –…

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Seforim for Sale, List III

Seforim for Sale, List III

Seforim for Sale, List III by: Eliezer Brodt This is the third and (for now) the final list of out-of-print seforim (the two prior lists can be seen here and here).  We have provided links for most of the books where a bit of information about the book can be gleaned. These books will only be available for a short bit longer. Most of the titles mentioned here are out-of-print and, for some of the listed titles, there are only…

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Further Comments by Marc Shapiro

Further Comments by Marc Shapiro

Further Comments By Marc B. Shapiro I had thought that this would be my last post of the current batch, but it turned out to be too long. So I have divided it into two parts. Here is part no. 1. The volumes Shomrei Mishmeret ha-Kodesh, by R. Natan Raphael Auerbach, have just appeared. Here is the cover. This book is devoted to the Auerbach family, which was one of the great rabbinic families in Germany. They were the “A” in…

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The Golem of Prague in Recent Rabbinic Literature

The Golem of Prague in Recent Rabbinic Literature

The Golem of Prague in Recent Rabbinic Literature by: Shnayer Leiman In a recent issue of המאור – a rabbinic journal of repute – an anonymous notice appeared on the Golem of Prague.1 Apparently, a rabbi in Brooklyn had publicly denied the authenticity of the Maharal’s Golem, claiming that R. Yudel Rosenberg (d. 1935) – in his נפלאות מהר”ל (Piotrkow, 1909) – was the first to suggest  that the Maharal had created a Golem. According to the account in המאור,…

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Sefer HaNer on Mesechet Bava Kamma

Sefer HaNer on Mesechet Bava Kamma

Sefer HaNer on Mesechet Bava Kamma: A Review by:Rabbi Yosaif Mordechai Dubovick Not every important work written by a Rishon is blessed with popularity.[1] While many texts were available throughout the generations and utilized to their utmost; others were relegated to obscurity, being published as recently as this century, or even this year. Nearly a month doesn’t pass without a “new” Rishon being made available to the public, and often enough in a critical edition. While each work must be…

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