Special Summer sale of books By: Eliezer Brodt This list consists of a few parts. Part two is a special clearance sale from the Mekizei Nirdamim Publishing house. This list includes some very good titles which will not be available much longer. There are a few copies of each title. Part three and four is composed of seforim and books which I came across while hunting for seforim at different places. Most of these titles are very hard to find….

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A Preliminary Review of The New Koren Talmud Bavli: A Goldilocks edition

A Preliminary Review of The New Koren Talmud Bavli: A Goldilocks edition

A Preliminary Review of  The New Koren Talmud Bavli:  A Goldilocks edition by Jeremy Brown Jeremy Brown lives outside of Washington DC. He is the author of New Heavens and a New Earth: The Jewish Reception of Copernican Thought, to be published later this year by Oxford University Press. We are only weeks away from finishing the seven-year cycle of Daf Yomi.  Right on cue, publishers are ready to meet the demand of those ready to study Daf Yomi the first…

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The Proselyte Doth Protest Too Much

The Proselyte Doth Protest Too Much

THE PROSELYTE DOTH PROTEST TOO MUCH By Eli Genauer I recently acquired an early edition of Abarvanel’s Peirush Al Neviim Rishonim. It was printed in Leipzig in 1686. It was only the second edition of this commentary, following the first edition printed in Pesaro in 1511 by Gershom Soncino. The publisher of this edition was Mauritium Georgium Weidmannum. The editors were Friedrich Albrecht Christiani, an apostate, and August Pfeiffer, a German Lutheran theologian. It was printed primarily for a Christian…

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Some recent seforim

Some recent seforim

Some recent seforim By Eliezer Brodt This is a list of some of the recent seforim I have seen around during my seforim shopping. This is not an attempt to include everything or even close to that. I just like to list a wide variety of works. I note that for some of these works that I can provide a table of contents if you request it, email me at Eliezerbrodt@gmail.com. א. מסכת קידושין חלק א, מכון תלמוד הישראלי ב….

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The Future of Israeli Haredi Society: Can The Written Word Offer Some Insight? (And Assorted Other Comments)

The Future of Israeli Haredi Society: Can The Written Word Offer Some Insight? (And Assorted Other Comments)

The Future of Israeli Haredi Society: Can The Written Word Offer Some Insight? (And Assorted Other Comments) by Marc B. Shapiro  1. Months ago I was asked to write about the situation in Beit Shemesh that everyone was then focused on (and which will probably heat up again in the future). At the present, I don’t have anything to add to the discussion, and if I did it would be with reference to Jewish books, as this is, after all, a site…

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Taliban Women and More

Taliban Women and More

Taliban Women and More Marc B. Shapiro 1. In this post I am going to respond to a number of emails and requests to deal with certain topics. I can’t get to everything I was asked about, and will only touch on some topics, but here is a start. Let’s begin with the common practice in the Israeli haredi world of ignoring what the Sages tell us in Kiddushin 29a and not teaching young men a trade so that instead they can…

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