Hakirah, Metzitzah, and More

Hakirah, Metzitzah, and More

Hakirah, Metzitzah, and More Marc B. Shapiro Hakirah has performed a valuable service in dealing forthrightly with the matter of homosexuality. Issue no. 13 (2012) contains R. Chaim Rapoport’s “Judaism and Homosexuality: An Alternative Rabbinic View,” which I think is an outstanding presentation of the alternative to what has seemingly become the “official” haredi position in this matter. This “official” position is, in my opinion, so misguided that I would like to say a few words on the topic, since R….

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Winter book sale 2013

Winter book sale 2013

Winter book sale 2013 By Eliezer Brodt This list consists of two parts. Part one is composed of seforim and books [two parts] which I came across while hunting for seforim. Most of these titles are very hard to find. Some of the prices are better than others. Almost all the books are in good shape. There is only one copy of most of these titles so they are being sold on a first come, first serve basis. Part two…

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New seforim and books

New seforim and books

New seforim and books By Eliezer Brodt Here is a list of seforim and books I have seen around in the past few months. This is not an attempt to list everything or even close to it; rather it’s just a list of seforim and books on many random topics, which I have seen while shopping for seforim. I enumerated a few titles for which I have Table of Contents for. Please feel free to e-mail me for them. ספרים:…

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A Letter from R. Nathan Kamenetsky

A Letter from R. Nathan Kamenetsky

A Letter from R. Nathan Kamenetsky In response to my last post on the Seforim Blog, R. Nathan Kamenetsky sent me a long e-mail. Because of its value to those with an interest in the Lithuanian Torah world, I asked Rabbi Kamenetsky for permission to post it here, and he graciously agreed – Marc Shapiro The central figure, albeit a mostly passive one, in the story I shall tell below is R’ Maisheh Finkel, one of the twin sons who…

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Midrashic Exegesis and Biblical Interpretation in the Meshekh Hokhmah

Midrashic Exegesis and Biblical Interpretation in the Meshekh Hokhmah

Midrashic Exegesis and Biblical Interpretation in the Meshekh Hokhmah by Yitshak Cohen In honor of Yitshak Cohen’s just-published book, “Or Sameah” Halakhah u-Mishpat: Mishnato shel Ha-Rav Meir Simhah ha-Kohen al Mishneh Torah le-ha-Rambam, the Seforim Blog is happy to present this post in English, which is taken from a longer article to appear in the Jewish Law Annual. Introduction R. Meir Simhah Hacohen (henceforth: RMS) was born in 1843 in the village of Butrimonys, in the Vilnius district. Gaining renown…

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German Orthodoxy, Hakirah, and More

German Orthodoxy, Hakirah, and More

German Orthodoxy, Hakirah, and More Marc B. Shapiro 1. I recently published a translation of Hirsch’s famous lecture on Schiller. You can see it here. At first I thought that this lecture remained untranslated into English for so long because of ideological concerns. (I still think that this is the reason it was never translated into Hebrew.) Yet before the article appeared, I was informed that the reason it did not appear in the English translation of the Collected Writings of Hirsch was not…

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