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Category: Customs

Mishloah Manot: An Insight of the Rav zt”l

Mishloah Manot: An Insight of the Rav zt”l

Mishloah Manot: An Insight of the Rav zt”l By Nathaniel Helfgot Rabbi Helfgot is Chair of the Dept. of Torah SheBaal Peh at SAR High School and rabbi of Congregation Netivot Shalom in Teaneck, NJ. He has served as editor of Or-Hamizrach and associate editor of The Meorot Journal. He has written and edited a number of sefarim and volumes including  Divrei Berakha U-Moed: Iyunim Be-Nosei Berakhot U-Moadim (Yeshivat Har Etzion, 2002),  Community, Covenant and Commitment: Selected Letters and Communications of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik (Toras HoRav Foundation, 2005), The YCT Rabbinical School…

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Running on the Inclined Plane of the Altar in the Second Temple

Running on the Inclined Plane of the Altar in the Second Temple

Running on the Inclined Plane of the Altar in the Second Temple by Chaim Katz בראשונה …  רצין ועולים בכבש, וכל הקודם את חברו לתוך ארבע אמות זכה  We read in the Mishna: [The priests used to compete for the honor of separating and removing ashes from the altar] by sprinting up the ramp. Whoever was the first to reach the top four cubits was entitled to remove the ashes.  Mishna Yoma 2:1 One of the first authorities to question…

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Maccabean Psalms? (and more)

Maccabean Psalms? (and more)

Maccabean Psalms? (and more) By Marc B. Shapiro (This post was originally part of the previous one, but since I know people don’t like reading posts more than twenty pages long, I split it up into two parts.) 1. I know that every year around Christmas time some people read my article on Torah study on Christmas eve. At the end of the article I raise the possibility that the various Nittel practices were actually based on non-Jewish superstitions. My…

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Tu Bishvat and The Symmetry Between Aesthetics and Eros

Tu Bishvat and The Symmetry Between Aesthetics and Eros

Tu Bishvat and The Symmetry Between Aesthetics and Eros Based on a homily by R. Hayyim Elazar Shapira of Munkacz (1872-1937)[1] in Sha’ar Yessakhar, volume 2, p. 481-482 Translation[2] and Commentary by Shaul Magid Professor Shaul Magid is the Jay and Jeanie Schottenstein Chair of Jewish Studies at Indiana University. This text was originally prepared for a text-study at a Tu Bishvat Seder at Temple Emunah in Lexington, MA on January 27, 2002. Sincere thanks goes out to Gloria Greenfield…

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Saying “Lishana Tova T’Kasev…” and Eating the “Simanim” on the Second Night of Rosh Hashanah

Saying “Lishana Tova T’Kasev…” and Eating the “Simanim” on the Second Night of Rosh Hashanah

Saying “Lishana Tova T’Kasev…” and Eating the “Simanim” on the Second Night of Rosh Hashanah By Eliezer Brodt This article originally appeared in Yeshurun 25 (2011) אמירת ‘לשנה טובה תכתב’, ואכילת ה’סימנים’ בליל שני של ראש השנה מאת אליעזר יהודה בראדט א. ר’ יוסף יוזפא הלוי כותב בספרו נהג כצאן יוסף: “מותר לישון ביום שני דראש השנה, דהא כבר נגמר דינו”[1]. וככל הנראה, כך גם סובר הגר”א מווילנא הכותב, שהמעשה באותו חסיד שהלך ללון בבית הקברות ושמע מה נגזר על…

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Tracing the history of eating milchigs on Shavuos

Tracing the history of eating milchigs on Shavuos

Tracing the history of eating milchigs on Shavuos by Eliezer Brodt In this post I would like to deal with tracing the early sources for the minhag of eating milchigs on Shavuos. A version of this article was printed last year in the Ami Magazine (# 119). This post contains a few corrections and additions to that version. A much more expanded version of this article will appear in Hebrew shortly (IY”H). Eating the vast array of customary dairy delicacies…

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