Announcement: Musings of a Book Collector podcast

Announcement: Musings of a Book Collector podcast

Announcement: Musings of a Book Collector podcast

Eliezer Brodt

As a curator of knowledge, I enjoy sharing content for people to read, learn, and enjoy. A few years ago, I was privileged to explore another avenue for sharing information by recording an experimental podcast with Rabbi Moshe Schwed on the All-Daf platform. I have come to realize that the podcast format helps me immensely, as it requires me to compile and organize my research, and it enables me to “test it out” before publication—a” Pilpul Chaverim” of sorts.

I would like to continue with this experiment and record additional episodes on various topics for my new podcast, Musings of a Book Collector. Below is a link to my recently launched website, which contains all the information about the Musings of a Book Collector podcast and the various subscription options. Please check out the website and feel free to share your thoughts with me:

The first free episode is available here, here and here. It is dedicated to R’ Shlomo Zalman Auerbach and his Halachic work on electricity, Meorei Eish

The second free episode, on new and old Seforim related to Chanukah, titled Sefer Makabi’im, Sdei Chemed and other Chanukah related seforim was just recorded and is available for listening here and here and here.

For information on how to sign up for the longer series about the Meorei Eish and more, please see the website. If you choose to subscribe, kindly send me an email so I can thank you personally and keep you updated with improvements. (Apple/Podbean do not provide me with this information.)

With immense gratitude, 


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One thought on “Announcement: Musings of a Book Collector podcast

  1. For all those interested in rav Weinberg the שרידי אש a few interesting anecdotes of this great man I heard this morning in shul on the Erika Strasse Zurich from reb yossel rand May he be healthy
    1) rav Weinberg ate by his parents twenty years in montrue and as rav Weinberg did not have child I was like a child to him I asked reb yossel have you a child with rav Weinberg name so he answered no but he has donated various objects like Aron hakodesh and bimas to various shuls in memory of rav weinberg
    2) rav Weinberg was a very critical person some one who he did not like he let it be known to the person himself my late father reb yechezkel rand said on himself I will certainly get gan eden for the many איך האב פאענפערט רב ווינבערג פאר מענשען נאך הרב וויבערג האט זיי נישט אויפגנעמען שיין
    3 one example was when rav Rakov became magid shiur in the yeshiva in Montreu rav Weinberg did not like him because he came from Gateshead kollel for half a year rav Weinberg did not exchange a word with him in yeshiva but one day rav Weinberg was looking for a certain Gemorah and rav rakov told him the place of the gemorah it all changed and rav Weinberg became a big חסיד of rav Weinberg (by the way vice verse-a rav rakov was a big חסיד of the שריד אש)
    4 ) I asked reb Yosel how comes the neighboring kehillah in Geneva asked their שאלות to rav Breisch from Zurich and not from rav Weinberg so he answered rav Weinberg was not made for סתם איסור והיתר שאלות he was made for כלל ישראל שאלות by the way rav Weinberg told reb yossel the only person who did something for yidishkeit in Switzerland was rav mordchai yakov Breisch the rov of Zurich
    5) another interesting story I heard from reb yossel rav Weinberg got from the German government wiidergutmaching the sum of 800,000 Schweitzer frank and my father asked him he should write a will where the money should go but he thought he will live forever at the end the money went to a sister who was not frum

    Wishing you all a gut woch from Zurich

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