Do We Cut Off or Bury One’s Head in the Sand?

Do We Cut Off or Bury One’s Head in the Sand?

Do We Cut Off or Bury One’s Head in the Sand?

Review: Elliott Horowitz, Reckless Rites: Purim and the Legacy of Jewish Violence

In 2017, the erudite and eclectic scholar Elliott Horowitz unexpectedly passed away. His oeuvre is exceptionally diverse, having authored more than seventy-five articles and reviews and five books, with topics ranging from studies on Italian art, Jews and coffee, the significance of the beard among Jews, comparing and contrasting Jewish and non-Jewish biblical exegesis, and Jewish violence (see his Academia page for most of them). Seven additional articles appeared on this site, in a similar vein as his others, covering Bugs Bunny, nude imagery in the Haggadah, Isaiah Berlin, Saul Lieberman, among others. He regularly used the “Molkho Institute for Absurdly Abstruse Research” to identify his affiliation in his email signature. Jewish violence was a long fascination of Horowitz. Beginning in 1994, with an article in the Hebrew journal Zion, he revisited the issue in no less than six articles that culminated in his 2006 book, Reckless Rites: Purim and the Legacy of Jewish Violence (Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey). Horowitz documents how the conclusion of the Purim story, culminating in the Jews massacring 75,800 people over two days, was used as a justification for Jewish violence against non-Jews throughout history. Horowitz revisited this topic on this website, “Modern Amalekites from Adolf to Avigdor.” In a later article, he also identified the Biblical story of Dinah as another source for this type of violence.

While arguably, the violence at the end is only a minor part of the story, for some, that aspect has clouded everything about the Book of Esther and Purim. First, Horowitz looks at how non-Jews viewed the Book. Some had a very negative view due to the Jewish revenge. They considered that motif un-biblical (read non-Christian). Horowitz goes through each character and how first non-Jews interpreted their actions. For instance, Mordechai was treated rather harshly by many of these commentators, as was Esther, due to her passivity. What is especially fascinating is how these non-Jewish understandings sometimes crept into Jewish thought. Thus, Horowitz documents Jews parroting these rather un-Jewish, as it were, interpretations.

Horowitz then tackles the overarching theme of Amalek and how this has been understood throughout history. Some hold there is no obligation to destroy Amalek today, while others are willing to label any perceived enemy of Jews as deserving of the harsh consequences of Amalek. Some of these examples are rather disturbing.

After dealing with the Book of Esther specifically, Horowitz focuses on the Jewish practice of Purim. Specifically, he deals with Jewish violence or violent acts on Purim directed at non-Jews. He provides a discussion of the stereotype of the “mild” (read the wimp) Jew, including its origins and whether it is borne out by history. He then discusses numerous diverse examples spanning from the 5th century until today of Jewish violence. Some are not physical violence. Instead, it is host desecration or general enmity of non-Jewish symbols, while other, most recently Barukh Goldstein, is physical violence in its worst form.

Horowitz is compelling in the scope of this idea and how prevalent this is. It is especially telling when tracing and seeing how systematically Jews have decided to sweep these under the rug these examples; it demonstrates that censorship is not limited to any one group, and even amongst supposedly dispassionate scholars; they too can fall prey to their own biases.

To play down some of these incidents, we have Jewish historians who decided to avoid discussion of such matters or, at times, downplay their significance. However, in light of the many examples here, it is challenging to ignore such examples. Indeed, Shaul Magid noted in his review that Horowitz’s book “seems to elicit a kind of cognitive dissonance among peers, as if to say ‘this simply cannot be true’ even given the detailed evidence and argumentation to the contrary. This is often because of the audacity of the thesis and the way it challenges how we understand the present.” Hillel Halkin’s review of Commentary magazine is one example that fails to adequately address Horowitz’s thesis and his substantial evidence. Halkin claims that the book is a distortion of history and places too much emphasis on too few examples. In the next issue, Horowitz responded to Halkin’s criticism, noting Halkin’s misreading of some texts and inability to present any contrary evidence. In his inimical style, Horowitz invokes the Godfather to prove his point.

Halkin remained obsessed with Horowitz’s book and, a year later, returned to it and attempted to compare it and Michael Stanislawki’s book (A Murder in Lemberg), to Ariel Toaff’s Pasque di Sangue that seemingly argued Jews regularly killed non-Jewish children.”, which is riddled with methodological errors and has been entirely discredited (here). This time, not only Horowitz took issue with Halkin. Three scholars, Allan Nadler (who previously wrote a very positive review of Reckless Rites and presciently noted that Horowitz is a “scrupulously honest voice, dealing in exemplary fashion with an important subject that has been ignored by scholars precisely because of its extreme delicacy. In his execution of narrating the repercussions of Haman’s execution, Horowitz has enriched us with a model of historical scholarship. Anything but reckless, “Reckless Rites” is a rare gem of academic work that will make a real difference”), Elisheva Carlebach, and Naomi Gratz, derided Halkin’s attempt to tar Stanislawki and Horowitz. Perhaps it is best to view Halkin’s criticism through the prism of his long history of minimizing Israeli responsibility for violence, Horowitz being but one example. Indeed, Halkin himself seemingly accepted Yigal Amir’s murder of Yitzhak Rabin. Halkin claims that Amir’s error was not in the assassination itself; instead, “What made Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination exceptionally atrocious was not it’s being a murder, but it’s being a cataclysmic political blunder.” Hillel Halkin, “Israel & the Assassination: A Reckoning,” Commentary Magazine, January 1996. Halkin, however, was willing to criticize one person affected by Rabin’s murder, his son. Halkin, under the pseudonym Philologos, pokes fun at Rabin’s son’s pronunciation of the Kaddish he said on behalf of his father. See “On Language,” “Yuval Rabin’s Kaddish,” Forward, November 17, 1995. Perhaps if Amir had butchered a blessing rather than Rabin, Halkin would have found occasion to criticize.

Commentary, however, wasn’t done with Horowitz. In 2010, Commentary published Abby Wisse Schachter’s essay, “The Problem with Purim,” which is generally about feminist views of Purim characters. As an aside, she claims that Horowitz’s book contains “the questionable claim” and the “bizarre thesis” that “Purim has long been the occasion for outbreaks of Jewish animosity and even violence toward Christians.” She asserts that Horowitz’s thesis is based solely on the example of Baruch Goldstein. This is incorrect. As Horowitz demonstrates in his letter to the editor, it is evident that she could not have spent more than ten minutes with the book to arrive at her conclusion. Horowitz shows that Schechter’s article contains other mistakes beyond her discussion of his book.

In the end, there is little doubt that he wrote a well-researched and thorough book that inevitably engenders discussion, whether or not readers agree with Horowitz, is less the point. (See, for example, Eliezer Brodt’s post, “The Origins of Hamenstashen in Jewish Literature (Revisited),” on this site. Brodt references Horowitz’s discussion regarding a Saudi scholar who alleges Jews use blood to make hamenstashen.) Instead, as with all groundbreaking scholarship, a Talmudic approach, one that values discussion over conclusion is the best one can hope for.

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20 thoughts on “Do We Cut Off or Bury One’s Head in the Sand?

    1. It seems that Horowitz published three books, two entirely his own, and one which he edited. The two are a bibliography: Look to the Rock from Which You were Hewn’: Hebraica and Judaica at Balliol College, (Oxford: Balliol College, 2016); and Reckless Rites. He edited The Mediterranean and the Jews, vol. 2: Society, Culture and Economy in Early Modern Times, eds. Elliott Horowitz and Moses Orfali (Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, 2002). For an almost complete bibliography of his works, see his academia page,

    1. Perhaps it’s missing the byline because it contains so many misspellings of prominent scholars: ‘Liberman’, ‘Carlbach’, ‘Saul’ Magid, ‘Alan’ Nadler.

      Mispronouncing a word in Kaddish? Eh, not as bad.

  1. The direction of Jew-Gentile violence has been so one-sided throughout history, that it’s shocking that anyone would focus on the “Jewish violence” side of things.

    If a non-Jew would do this, he would be suspected of being a rabid anti-semite, and with good cause. If a Jew does it, one has to wonder.

    1. There are thousands, if not tens of thousands, of books on Jewish persecution at the hands of non-Jews. A book on Jewish violence was a lacuna in scholarship, which is something that academics are interested in.
      Cf. also the Seforim Chatter interview with Effie Shoham, on why he wrote a book on Jewish crime

  2. Purim was an appropriate time to post this joke of an article. Horowitz was not a serious man, as his affiliation tag shows, and even less a serious scholar. He allowed his (extreme left) politics to color everything he wrote. To speak about “Jewish violence” cannot be taken seriously, and in fact, is not. His book, like the Bar Ilan Professor’s book claiming the blood libels were true, are good examples of Orwell’s adage that some ideas are so stupid that only an intellectual could believe in them.

    1. >”To speak about “Jewish violence” cannot be taken seriously” – why not? Are you denying that there were historical instances of Jewish violence? If there were, then they’re worthy of study.
      >”the Bar Ilan Professor’s book claiming the blood libels were true” – which book are you referring to?

      1. He’s referring to Ariel Toaff, who claimed that Jews has some blood-ridden ceremony that was the inspiration for the blood libel (but not that Jews actually killed children and drained their blood).

        1. My recollection is that he did claim that “Jews actually killed children and drained their blood”. He did say that it was only some small radical sects and was not a mainstream practice. But that’s the type of detail that gets lost in the retelling, especially when utilized by anti-semites for their purposes.

          His “evidence”, such as it was, was confessions extracted under torture. He felt that despite the torture he could tell that there was a ring of truth in these confessions.

      2. Any “historical instance” can be worthy of study, to somebody interested in the event. My breakfast this morning might, one day, be scrutinized by historians of the future. The problem with Horowitz’s foolish book is that he tries to take a handful of isolated instances – from over two thousand years – these few instances themselves mostly trifling little nothings – and create from them some kind of “motif” of Jewish life. It was a ridiculous claim by a jokester who reveled in the ridiculous. Halkin already gave the book more attention than it deserved in demolishing it. It was silly to bring it up again here, and, as another commenter said, in poor taste. SB is better than this.

      3. Not everything that may or may not have happened is worthy of study. That’s a matter of judgment, and to dedicate a book (and this post) to this topic is foolish and reflects rather poor judgment.

  3. “Horowitz is compelling in the scope of this idea and how prevalent this is. It is especially telling when tracing and seeing how systematically Jews have decided to sweep these (sic!) under the rug these examples (sic!); it demonstrates that censorship is not limited to any one group, and even amongst supposedly dispassionate scholars; they too can fall prey to their own biases.”

    How prevalent is it? In about 1,500 years he has about 10 wishy-washy examples.

    And how did the Jews sweep it under the carpet? What should they have done? Besides which, who is to say these incidents actually occurred, given that the only source is an anti-semitic one, and usually only one source!

    Clearly, the reviewer has an axe to grind, the only question is, on whose throat does he want to grind that axe?

    1. >”how did the Jews sweep it under the carpet? What should they have done?” – the examples he discusses are glossed over by Jewish historians. Horowitz was correcting that omission.

      > “who is to say these incidents actually occurred, given that the only source is an anti-semitic one, and usually only one source!” – each case has to be analyzed on its own. The exact same claim could be made about essentially every traditional Jewish source, and yet mostly some historicity is assumed:
      “who is to say these incidents actually occurred, given that the only source is an anti-gentile one, and usually only one source!”

  4. I think the loyal readers of this once-prominent blog are owed the disclosure of exactly which author and which editor (if a different person) thought it a good idea to, on this day of all days and at this time of anti-Semitic attacks and war of all times, write and publish this poorly written and poorly edited piece, which, worst of all, is in extraordinary bad taste if not worse.

  5. I did not understand why you felt the need to mention muslims’ blood libels in the end.
    Philologos’ remarks on Rabin’s kaddish are right. It recalls me that when Rabin learned about Entebbe, he asked “how many Israelis are hostages?”, Israelis – not Jews.

  6. Horowitz’ work in coffee is outstanding in its details from responsa literature. He also had a great sense of humor, which makes even academic writings fun to read

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