Tobacco and the Hasidim and a Comment on Artscroll

Pursuing the Quest: Selected Writings of Louis Jacobs has just appeared. The Seforim Blog is happy to present the following excerpts from the book. (The Note on Artscroll is part of a longer article.)
Tobacco and the Hasidim and a Comment on Artscroll
Louis Jacobs
References in literature to the use of tobacco by hasidic Jews are numerous [1]. Although there is little direct evidence to indicate how widespread it was, the references suggest it was fairly extensive. Let us examine some of these. In his autobiography Solomon Maimon (d. 1800) describes a youthful visit to the court of Dov Ber of Mezhirech, the founder of the hasidic movement. Maimon remarks:

‘Some simple men of this sect, who saunter about
idly the entire day, pipe in mouth, when asked what they were thinking about,
replied, “We are thinking about God”.’ [2]


There is no reason to doubt the accuracy of Maimon’s report, which is substantiated by other early sources. For example, Shivhei Habesht, [3] the legendary biography of the Baal Shem Tov, refers to the famous lulke [4] which the founder of the hasidic movement used to smoke. While recent scholarship [5] tends to treat this work with less scepticism than did earlier scholars, even if all references to the Baal Shem Tov smoking tobacco [6] are fabrications, it is true that hasidim were known to smoke, for their early opponents, the mitnagedim, repeatedly castigated them for wasting time on smoking, which the hasidim believed prepared them for prayer.

One characteristic example in an anti-hasidic polemic is the statement in Zemir aritzim veharvot terurim (published in Alexnitz near Brody in 1772). This work criticizes the hasidim for delaying their prayers in the morning so that they can ‘place incense in their nostrils’. [7] In a letter written from Vilna in 1772, the mitnagedim say of hasidim: ‘They wait many hours before reciting their prayers . . . and they spend all their days in the smoke which proceeds from their mouth.’ [8] In all these early sources smoking as an aid to prayer does not have any special hasidic significance: it is only a means to contemplation. This is probably also true for the hasidic tradition, [9] which holds: ‘When the Baal Shem Tov wished to proceed to the upper worlds he would inhale tobacco and at each puff he would proceed from world to world.’ [10]
There do not seem to be any references to tobacco in the classical hasidic works of doctrine, the hasidic Torah. Their absence from these sources may be because aids to contemplation (such as tobacco) were considered irrelevant to the ideal itself, although contemplation was clearly important in hasidic thought. Rabbi Phinehas of Koretz (Korzec) (1725-91), an associate of the Baal Shem Tov, reportedly observed:
With regard to imbibing tobacco, anything the body requires for it to be healthy is the same for all men. Therefore, since not everyone imbibes tobacco, it follows that it is not a permanent feature in
creation, but only has healing powers for some. It has no healing power, and can do harm, to the majority of men, since it dries up the [bodily] fluid. [11]
Similarly, another reliable source records that Jacob Isaac Horowitz, the Seer of Lublin (1745-1825), used to take snuff during his prayers as an aid to concentration [12] It was not until the middle of the nineteenth century that various mystical and specifically hasidic ideas were imputed to smoking tobacco. While the mitnagedim state that hasidim ‘place incense in their nostrils’, the reference to this is no more than an extrapolation on the verse ‘They shall put incense before Thee’ (Deut. 33: 10). It is not itself conclusive evidence that early hasidim associated smoking with offering incense in the Temple. [13] In Sperling’s Ta’amei haminhagim (a very late work), [14] however, we find that the disciples of the Baal Shem Tov believe that ‘the weed known as tobacco is considered by the zaddikim to be like incense’. Moreover, following from the mystical idea of ‘raising the sparks’ that had fallen to the realms of the demonic powers [15] smoking was thought to be necessary to elevate the very subtle sparks that reside in tobacco. Unlike the sparks in food, which can be elevated when someone who is in a spirit of holiness eats the food [16] tobacco sparks cannot rise that way. Those subtle sparks can only be rescued for the holy by smoking or taking snuff.
A passage from the Talmud (Keritot 6a) states that a minute quantity of ‘smoke-raiser’ (a herb that causes smoke from the incense to rise) was added to the incense in the Temple. This passage is interpreted to mean that smoking tobacco raises the very small holy sparks which cannot be raised any other way. Sperling also refers to the healing properties of tobacco, which he calls segulah, a quasi-magical method. [17] If a woman finds it difficult to give birth, she should be given a pinch of snuff and this will help ease the birth. Nevertheless, Sperling was unable to discover a single reference to tobacco in classical hasidic works.
Rabbi Abraham Judah Schwartz (1827-83), a prominent non-hasidic Hungarian rabbi, was eventually won over to Hasidism. In the biography written by Dov Beer Spitzer (Schwartz’s grandson), [18] we read:
My grandfather, of blessed memory, used to smoke tobacco (including cigars) to the extent that, occasionally, when he was engrossed in his studies and also when he taught his pupils in the beit midrash, it was as if he stood in the midst of a cloud so that it was impossible to come near to him. His son Naphtali Hakohen, of blessed memory, repeated in his name that the zaddikim intend great tikunim [19] and have the following in mind. [20] The pipe is made of clay, which is a mineral. The wood stem represents the plant. The bone mouthpiece comes from an animal. The smoker is a speaking creature [medaber, a human being, and fourth among the categories of mineral, plant, animal, and human] and he elevates all the stages beneath him (mineral, plant, and animal) to the stage of the speaking creature. For the zaddikim never carry out any empty act, Heaven forbid, but have their hearts concentrated on Heaven.
It is also reported that Rabbi Henikh of Olesko (1800-84), son-in-law of Rabbi Shalom Roke’ah of Belz (1779-1855), would take his snuff-box in his hand and inhale the snuff on Friday nights when he recited ‘Kegavna’, the kabbalistic prayer. [21] He would sing certain tones as he inhaled, and if any people were present who were ill or possessed by a dybbuk, a wandering soul which enters the body of a human being as a refuge from the demons which pursue it, they would begin to dance and move while the rabbi inhaled the snuff [22]. Those close to him realized that it was an especially propitious time. Further, Rabbi Eliezer Zevi of Komarno (d. 1898) was reported to have said that the letters of the word tabak have the same numerical value (112) as those of the word yabok, which stands for yihud, berakhah, kedushah (‘unification’, ‘blessing`, and ‘holiness’) and also ya’anenu beyom korenu (‘He will answer us on the day we call’). [23] Thus, he believed that tobacco helped the zaddik to achieve union, bestow blessings on his followers, and raise himself to greater heights of holiness, as well as predispose God to answer his prayers.
Although the hasidic master Rabbi Solomon Shapira (1832-93) is reported to have smoked only at the close of Simhat Torah, on Purim, and on Shushan Purim, [24] on those occasions he would smoke heavily.
In his later years he was also reported to have smoked at the festive meal to celebrate the completion of a talmudic tractate and during Hanukah. At the celebratory meal following a circumcision he was also known to have smoked. Besides the reports of smoking on religious holy days, when Shapira was under severe stress he would smoke cigars in moderation to calm him and keep him from having a nervous breakdown. On the other hand, he was known to have smoked heavily when he travelled: on those occasions he never took a book with him to read and would seldom speak. As he smoked he appeared to be lost in contemplation.
A hasid who knew that Shapira had smoked heavily in his youth once asked him why he gave up the habit when he grew older. The hasid added that since Rabbi Hayim Halberstam of Sanz (1793-1876) used to smoke very heavily, he wondered why Shapira did not follow his example. [25] Shapira replied that Halberstam was reputed to have been ‘one of the serafim’ (Isaiah 6: 6); he was a seraf (fiery angel) and none could match him. But the real reason for giving up smoking, Shapira said, was that it wasted time; it
was better to achieve union through study of the Torah and follow its precepts, engaging in practices essential for bodily strength rather than in luxuries like smoking, which one can live without.
There is a tendency among hasidic masters and hasidim generally to minimize the importance of smoking. In Rahamei ha’av, [26] a short work that first appeared in Lvov in 1868, the author, Jacob Klein (d. 1890), states that young men should not smoke cigars because such a practice is only vanity. [27] Klein also refers to the suggestion ‘in the holy books of the disciples of the Baal Shem Tov’ that tobacco is like incense, even
though that motif cannot be found in the classical hasidic works. He adds that although Rabbi Shalom Roke’ah of Belz used to smoke as a young man, he gave it up when he noticed that a colleague in the beit midrash spent a great deal of time cleaning his pipe, while he (Shalom) could study an entire page of Talmud in the time his colleague took to clean his pipe. Klein also reports that the hasidic master Rabbi Moses ben Zvi Teitelbaum of Ujhely (1759-1841) never smoked.
Rabbi Israel of Ruzhin (1797-1850) was known to have been a heavy smoker. [28] When Rabbi Moses ben Israel Polier of Kobrin visited the rebbe of Ruzhin on the eve of the Sabbath, he found him with a pipe in his hand in a smoke-filled room. Noticing his guest’s surprise, the rebbe of Ruzhin told the following story. A pious Jew lost his way just as the Sabbath was about to begin. Seeing a house in front of him, he went inside. To his alarm he saw there a notorious bandit sitting at a table upon which there rested a frightening blunderbuss. The man thought: if I try to run away, the bandit will shoot me in the back, but if I stay here he will probably kill me. The only way out seemed to be to seize the gun and fire at the bandit. If I succeed in killing him, he thought, well and good. But, even if I miss, the room will be filled with smoke and I will be able to escape in the confusion. Then the rebbe of Ruzhin laid his pipe aside and said: now it is the Sabbath. Thus, for the rebbe of Ruzhin the pipe was a smoke-screen against the blandishments of the yetzer hara (the evil inclination). Smoking is a diversion, a risky indulgence through which the zaddik can gain the upper hand over his enemy, the yetzer hara.
The early hasidim undoubtedly used tobacco as an aid to concentration; their smoking was only unusual in the amount of time they allotted for it. Although tobacco was brought to Europe from the New World, where it had been used as part of the American Indian religious ceremonies, [29] the hasidim (and Western smokers in general) did not use it in this sense. Rather, the early hasidim smoked tobacco as an aid to concentration. It was only much later that the incense motif and the idea of raising holy sparks were
introduced. Zaddikim such as Hayim Halberstam of Sanz and Rabbi Israel of Ruzhin were heavy smokers, while others such as Rabbi Shalom Roke’ah of Belz and Rabbi Moses ben Zvi Teitelbaum either gave up smoking or had never smoked at all.Today, despite the acknowledged health dangers of smoking, there is no evidence that the hasidim have given up the habit, and it is too early to say if they will (a speculation equally valid for those who are not hasidim). In any event, smoking tobacco was always peripheral for the hasidim; in the hasidic literature it had no special significance.
A Note on Artscroll’s Commentary to Psalms ch. 137
On verse 1: “By the rivers of Babylon”, the Artscroll refers to the Midrash Pesikta Rabbati (28) where R. Johanan says that the Jewish people, accustomed to the pure water of their homeland, were now forced to drink the insanitary waters of the Euphrates from which many of them died. Here again the Artscroll fails to see the historical background to R. Johanan’s saying. To anyone with an historical sense it is obvious that R. Johanan, a Palestinian, was reading homiletically into the Biblical text the superiority, even in matters of health, of the Holy Land over Babylonia, the land of the rival Babylonian Rabbis. There are numerous instances of the Rabbis applying the Biblical texts to conditions of their own day. R. Johanan’s comment tells the historian nothing about what the Psalmist meant by “the rivers of Babylon” but everything about R. Johanan’s views, in the third century CE, regarding the desirability for Jews not to leave the Holy Land to reside in the apparently more salubrious Babylonia. It is not so, declares R. Johanan, the Holy Land is superior not only with regard to the study of the Torah but also with regard to its health-giving properties. R. Johanan’s comment has its place in a study of third-century Jewry. It has no place at all in a commentary to the Bible.
Notes1. On the halakhic problems connected with
smoking, see I. Z. Kahana, ‘Hatabak besifrut hahalakhah’, in his Mehkarim
besifrut hahalakhah
(Jerusalem, 1973). The earliest discussion of these
questions is found in the works of the Turkish rabbi Hayim Benveniste
(1603-73), and Mordecai Halevy (d. 1684), who was dayan and a halakhic
authority in Cairo for more than forty years. They discuss the issue as part of
their treatment of the Turkish narghile, or hookah, in which the smoke
passes through water, hence the expression (later used for smoking a pipe and
taking snuff) ‘drinking titon’ (the Turkish (and Polish) name for

2. See Gershon David Hundert (ed.), Essential
Papers an Hasidism: Origins to the Present
(New York, 1991), which contains
an Eng. trans. of Maimon’s account, pp. 11-24. The reference to the pipe-smoker
is on p. 17.

3. On this discussion, see the less than
adequate Eng. trans. of the Shivhei Habesht in In Praise of the Baal
, trans. Dan Ben-Amos and Jerome R. Mintz (Bloomington, Ind., l970).

4. Ibid. where the Persian word is
transliterated incorrectly as lolkeh. On p. xxvi, puzzled by the
reference to ‘one lulke’ in the story related on p. 105 (no. 80), Mintz
interprets lulke to mean ‘a hand-rolled cigarette’. The lulke is really
a pipe with a long stem-a churchwarden’s pipe-and ‘one lulke’ simply
stands for a single pipeful or a single turn at the pipe. See ibid., index,
s.v. lolkeh for a list of all references to the pipe of the Besht and

5. Murray J. Rosman, ‘Miedzyboz and Rabbi Israel
Baal Shem Tov’, in Hundert (ed.), Essential Papers on Hasidism.

6. Yaffa Eliach, ‘The Russian Dissenting Sects
and their Influence on Israel Baal Shem, Founder of Hasidism’, Proceedings
of the American Academy for Jewish Research
, 36 (1968), 57-88, suggests
that the Baal Shem Tov’s lulke was a kind of tube filled with a far less
innocent substance than tobacco (pp. 80-1). There is no foundation for implying
that the Baal Shem Tov took drugs.

7. Mordecai Wilensky, Hasidim umitnagedim
(Jerusalem, 1970), i. 54. In the first letter quoted in Joseph Perl’s Megaleh
(Vienna, 1819), 3a, an imaginary hasid tells how he handed the
zaddik his lulke but did not have the merit to light it for him.

8. Wilensky, Hasidim umitnagedim, i.
36-9. Cf. Wilensky’s index, s.v. ishun bemikteret, and his note on
hasidim and smoking on p. 39 n. 20.

9. Simeon Ze’ev of Meyenchov, ‘Doresh Tov’,
in Sefarim hakedoshim mikol talmidei habesht hakadosh, i (Brooklyn,
1980), no. 17, p. 111.

10. On the ascent of the Baal Shem Tov’s soul,
see the letter at the end of Jacob Joseph of Polonoye, Ben porat yosef
(Korzec, 1871). There is a translation of this in Louis Jacobs, Jewish
Mystical Testimonies
(New York, 1977), 148-55. There is, however, no
mention that the ascent was achieved through smoking a pipe. On the ascent of
soul, see Moshe Idel, Hasidism: Between Ecstasy and Magic (Albany, NY,
1995), 104-5.

11. M. Spiegel (ed.), Tosefta lemidrash
(Lvov, 1896), no. 167, p. 16a.

12. Samuel of Shinov (Sieniawa) (ed.), Ramatayim
(Jerusalem, 1970), 51a n. 13.

13. That Jews have not used incense in the
synagogue is probably intended to distinguish worship in the synagogue from
worship in the Temple. Nevertheless, the later hasidic identification of
smoking with incense suggests that some hasidim did see smoking as similar to
the incense of the Temple. I knew a hasidic rabbi who would regularly smoke a
Turkish cigarette before reciting the afternoon prayer, in which in hasidic
practice the biblical and talmudic passages about incense are recited.

14. Abraham Isaac Sperling (ed.), Ta’amei
haminhagim umekorei hadinim
(Jerusalem, n.d.), 102. Cf. Aaron Wertheim, Halakhot
vehalikhot behasidut
(Jerusalem, 1960), 224-5. Wertheim, like Sperling, can
produce only very few references to smoking among hasidim.

15. On the Lurianic doctrine of the sacred
sparks, see I. Tishby, Torat hara vehakelipah bekabalat ha’ari
(Jerusalem, 1965).

16. Louis Jacobs, ‘Eating as an Act of Worship
in Hasidic Thought’, in Siegfried Stein and Raphael Loewe (eds.), Studies in
Jewish Religious and Intellectual History Presented to Alexander Altmann

(Tuscaloosa, Ala., 1979).

17. Sperling (ed.), Ta’amei haminhagim,

18. Eliezer Ehrenreich (ed.), Toledot kol
(2nd edn. Brooklyn, 1976), no. 36, pp. 27-8.
19. As in kabbalistic thought generally, the
doctrine of tikun, that human activities have a cosmic effect and can
‘put right’ the flaws on high, looms large in Hasidism.

20. This is probably the meaning of the
expression po’el bedimyono.

21. Zvi Moskovitch, Otzar hasipurim, xiv
(Jerusalem, 1955), no. 6, pp. 70-1.

See Gershon Winkler, Dybbuk (New York, 1981), on the dybbuk and

23. Moskovitch, Otzar hasipurim.

Ibid. p. 32, nos. 8 and 9.

25. On Hayim Halberstam as a heavy smoker, see
Yosef David Weisbert, Rabenu hakadosh mizantz (Jerusalem, 1976), 197,
211, and Yosef David Weisbert, Otzar hahayim (Jerusalem, 1978), 20. In
Isaac Landau’s account in Zikaron tov (Piotrkow, 1882), 16-17, no. 17,
Isaac of Neskhiv was another hasidic rebbe who smoked in his youth but gave it
up later. This account contains a puzzling statement that when Isaac did smoke in
his youth he was advised not to use Turkish tobacco by Levi Isaac of Berdichev,
possibly because of the association with the Turkish pretender Shabbatai Zvi.
26. (Jerusalem, 1977), no. 11, pp. 8b-9a, under ga’avah.

27. Although the book was first published
anonymously, it later became known that the author was Klein, a Hungarian rabbi
with hasidic leanings, though not himself a follower of any particular zaddik.
The passage is also quoted by Moskovitch, Otzar hasipurim, no. 7, p. 31.

28. Reuben ben Zvi David (ed.), Keneset
(Warsaw, 1905), 16.

29. See Mircea Eliade (ed.), Encyclopedia of
(New York, 1987), s.v. ‘smoking’, vol. xiii, pp. 365-70, and
‘tobacco’, vol. xiv, pp. 544-6.

Mishloach Manot of Rabbis and Scholars

In honor of Purim, and in memory of Tovia Preschel, the Seforim Blog is happy to present the following.
Mishloach Manot of Rabbis and Scholars
By Tovia Preschel


     Rabbis, scholars and writers used to send on Purim—in addition to the traditional Mishloah Manotspiritual food to their dear ones: a song, a study, even an entire book, they had written.
     In this article only a few of such “manot” (“portions”, “gifts”) can be mentioned.
     Rabbi Shlomo Alkabetz, the author of Lekha Dodi—wrote a commentary on the Book of Esther and sent it as a Purim present to his future father-in-law.
     In the introduction to the commentary, he tells us how he came to write it.  It was in 1529, with the approach of Purim, the season for sending gifts, he felt extremely bad, for he did not know what present he could give to Yitzchak HaKohen, his future father-in-law, the father of his bride.  Finally he decided to write a commentary on the Book of Esther and send it to R. Yitzchak.  He was sure that he would enjoy the present, for the man was a lover of Torah.  The commentary was, indeed, very well received by the entire family.  Alkabetz’ future brother-in-law Yosef HaKohen, even wrote a poem in its honor.
     The commentary which the author called Manot HaLevi (“Gifts of the Levite”—Alkabetz was a Levite), was first printed in Venice in 1585.
     Rabbi Moshe Isserles the great Halakhic authority of Ashkenazi Jewry served as rabbi and Rosh Yeshiva in Cracow. In 1556 he was forced to leave Cracow because a plague ravaged the city. He moved temporarily to Szydlowiec. Food was scarce and Purim could not be celebrated
with “feasting and gladness.”  However, Rabbi Isserles sought delight and joy by immersing himself in the study of the Book of Esther.  He wrote a commentary on the Megillah and sent it as a Purim present to his father, who was one of the leaders of Cracow’s Jewish community.  The commentary which was named by Rabbi Isserles Mahir Yayin, was first printed in Cremona, Italy, in 1559.
     On Purim of the year 1629, Rabbi Moses Samson Bachrach who served as rabbi in Worms and in other communities, wrote a song for the welcoming of the Sabbath.  He composed it for his wife, “that she might play it on an instrument.”  The song was published in the periodical Shomer Zion HaNeeman in the year 5619 (1858-1859).
     R. Yekuthiel (Gordon) ben R. Yehuda Leib of Vilna left his native country in order to study medicine in Padua, Italy.  During his stay there he became a disciple of R. Moshe Chaim Luzzatto.  After his return to Poland he resided in Grodno and Brest Litovsk.  On the occasion of Purim he sent to R. Shlomo Zalman Segal Sinzheim, a communal leader, a poem telling the story of Esther.  The initial letters of the words of each line of the poem form the word Megilla (in the first line, the initial letters are read from right to left; in the second line they should be read backwards from left to right; in the third line—again from right to left; in the fourth—from left to right; and so on).
     The poem was printed by L. Schlossberg in Vienna in 1879. 1


1 Rabbi Eliezer Ashkenazi, famous 16th century rabbi who served in various communities, dedicated his commentary on the Book of Esther, called Yosef Lekah, to Don Joseph Nassi, but we do not know whether he actually sent him a copy as a gift for Purim.
משלוח מנות של מחברים
מאת טוביה
“משלוח מנות של מחברים”, בשם זה פירסמתי ב”הדואר” (ח’ אדר תשל”א) מאמר על יצירות ספרותיות שמחבריהן שלחו אותן מנה לפורים לרעיהם. יורשה לי היום, לרגל חג הפורים הבא עלינו, לציין עוד כמה “מנות שבכתב”. הרב אליהו פרץ, שהיה רב באדריאנופל במאה השמונה-עשרה, כתב שירים לעת-מצוא.  בפורים שלח לידידו ר’ משה דאנון שיר כמנה לחג:
האין כלבבי תשורה להביא יהא נא כתבי למשה למנה יכופל בטעם כמו אז להעם יטועם ויונעם למשה למנא ומנות לחכו יתעב כדרכו מתוקות
בערכו, למשה למה נא.
השיר נדפס על-ידי אברהם דאנון בספרו “תולדות בני אברהם” (פרסבורג תרמ”ז, עמ’ 123).[1] דוד כהן צדק, בעודו ילד, שלח לאביו הסופר יוסף כהן צדק כמנה לפורים שיר בשם “שלום אסתר”. “הנני שולח בזה את פטר רחם עטי לכהן צדק…לא לכבודי, אך לכבוד בית אבא, הנני מכבדך היום במנחתי הדלה הזאת במקום משלוח מנות…” כתב במכתב שליווה את השיר. אביו שלח באותו יום, יום הפורים, את השיר יחד עם “אגרת פורים”, פיליטון על המתרחש בעולם המדיניות, לבן אחותו—וגם הדפיס שניהם, את “אגרת פורים” ואת השיר “שלום אסתר” בעתונו “המבשר” (י”ח אדר ב, תרכ”ב). לחג הפורים תרל”ו שלח א. ב. שוויצר מאמר על המתימטיקאי והממציא, ר’ אברהם שטרן עם תמונה משלו, אותה מצא בכתב, עת רוסי ישן, לחיים זליג סלונימסקי, שהיה חתנו של שטרן.  הוא שלח אלה לחז”ס כמנחת-חג שיוכל “לתתה למנה גם לפני קוראי “הצפירה”. ואמנם הדפיס סלונימסקי את המאמר עם התמונה בעתונו (י”ב אדר) תחת הכותרת “משלוח מנות לפורים”.[2] בגליון האחרון של “אור המזרח” (תשרי-טבת תשל”ד) פורסמו מכתב-יד שנשרד מן השואה, חידושי תורה ששלח ר’ ישראל פנחס פיוטרקובסקי, אברך חסידי מלודז’, בשנת תרצ”ה, משלוח מנות לחותנו.  לחידושי תורה הקדים שיר בן שלושה בתים, בו הוא אומר בין היתר:
אלה הכינו מרקחות ומגדנות ואלה בשר צלי אש שמו באגנות ואנוכי עשות במתכונתם ידי קצרה לאלה יין ושמן בטנים ושקדים
בכלי כסף צרוף מזוקק שבעתיים. ואני שיקויי מי לחץ ולחמי עצבה…
על כן הוא שולח לחותנו משלוח מנות מפירות לימודו.[3]


[1]   אברהם דאנון מספר בספרו כי במאה הי”ח היו בתוגרמה שכתבו שירי פורים “ותחת כי ישלח משורר לרעהו ממתקים ומגדנות…יקום מניו בפרי עטו ובניב שפתיו ובזמירות יריע לו”.     בסוף “אגרת פורים” הנזכרת לקמן כותב יוסף כהן צדק לבן אחותו כי אין לו זמן “לשיר לכבודך היום, יום בו יצאו כל בעלי השיר בשירם ובזמרם”, מכאן, שגם במזרח-אירופה היו, במאה הי”ט משכילים שכתבו ביום הפורים שירים לכבוד רעיהם. במאמרי הקודם הזכרתי שירים שמיכ”ל ויל”ג שלחו לידידים “משלוח מנות”.  בין שירי רבי”ל נמצא מכתב שכתב אותו לכבוד א. ל. מנדלשטם בפורים תר”ח (“אשכול הסופר”, וארשה תר”ס, עמ’ 56-57).  יתכן ששלח לו אותו מנחה לחג. [2]  דברי הכותב כי מאמרו הוא הראשון על שטרן בספרות העברית אינם מדוייקים.  עוד בשנת תרכ”ד הופיע ב”הנשר” (ה’ וי”ג סיון) מאמר על שטרן מאת אלכסנדר חיים שור מדרהוביץ. באותו גליון של “הצפירה” בא גם מסופרו באודיסה אלימלך ווקסלר (“איש נעמי”) מאמר “משלוח מנות” לקוראי העתון, ותוכנו דרשה לפורים של הרב ד”ר שוואבכר, שהיה רב בית-הכנסת של אנשי ברודי באודיסה. ברם, כפי שציינתי כבר במאמרי הראשון, הנני מביא רק יצורות שנשלחו מנות לחג לאנשים מסויימים, להוציא מן הכלל כאלה שמתחילה הוגשו מנחה לכלל ציבור הקוראים. [3]   ב”בצרון” (שבט-אדר תשל”ג) פירסם א. ר. מלאכי, מתוך ארכיון ייוו”א בניו-יורק, אגרת-ברכה מליצית ששלח איש לרעהו, שהיה מלפנים גם רבו, “משלוח מנות” לפורים.

“Torah Study on Christmas Eve” — free Torah in Motion lecture by Dr. Marc B. Shapiro

In the spirit of inyana de-yomaTorah in Motion is offering, free of charge, Dr. Marc B. Shapiro’s lecture on “Torah Study on Christmas Eve,” delivered on Christmas Eve, 2009. You can get it here.[1]


We invite all those who download the class to visit Torah in Motion’s website www.torahinmotion.org where over a thousand other lectures and classes are available for download (including lectures by Dan Rabinowitz, Eliezer Brodt, and Marc Shapiro’s series of over 130 classes on great rabbinic figures). We also invite you to check out Dr. Shapiro’s upcoming tours to Spain, Italy and Central Europe. Information is available here.
[1] Or copy and paste into your browser: http://torahinmotion.org/cart/add/p2767_a2o1?destination=cart.

מנהג אמירת ‘שלש-עשרה מידות’ בהוצאת ספר תורה בימים נוראים ובשלש רגלים ובפרט כשחל בשבת

מנהג אמירת ‘שלש-עשרה מידות’ בהוצאת ספר תורה בימים
נוראים ובשלש רגלים ובפרט כשחל בשבת
מאת: אליעזר יהודה בראדט
אתחיל בעדות
בליל יום הכיפורים תשס”ה, שבאותה שנה חל בשבת, שמעתי באזני מפי הגרי”ש
אלישיב זצוק”ל, שענה לשואל אחד שאין לאמרם בשבת, אע”פ שהשואל הסתייע
מלוח ארץ ישראל לרי”מ טוקצ’ינסקי שיש לאומרם. אחר כך סיפר השואל לנוכחים
שמפרסמים פסקים בשם הרב שאינם נכונים כלל וכלל.
לשאלת השואל היה המשך מעניין:
ויהי ערב ויהי בוקר. בתפילת שחרית
לא נכח הגרי”ש בבית הכנסת, ובהוצאת ספר תורה פתח החזן באמירת ‘שלש-עשרה
מידות’. קם אחד המתפללים וגער בו בקול: ‘אתמול קבע הרב שליט”א שאין לאומרם
בשבת!’ נעמד לעומתו נאמנו של הגרי”ש ר’ יוסף אפרתי, וסיפר כי אמש לאחר שאלת
השואל, ישב הרב בביתו על המדוכה בדק ומצא כי בספר ‘מטה אפרים’ פסק לאומרו, וסמך
עליו. ולפיכך יש לאומרו גם ביומא הדין שחל בשבת.
כך יצא שאותו שואל שהתרעם על כך
שמפרסמים פסקי-שווא בשם הרב לא נכח שם, וגם הוא לא זכה לשמוע משנה אחרונה של הרב
בענין זה.
מתוך כך התעניינתי בנושא וזה מה
שהעליתי במצודתי:
מקור אמירת י”ג מידות
ב’חמדת ימים’, קושטא
תצ”ה, חלק ימים נוראים, פרק א עמ’ ט, נאמר: “והרב זצ”ל כתב שכל המתענה
הזה שיאמר ביום שמוציאים בו ספר תורה בעת פתיחת ההיכל הי”ג
מידות ג’ פעמים”[2].
כל דברי ספר זה לקוחים
ממקורות שונים ואין לו מדיליה כמעט כלום. דברי האריז”ל מופיעים כבר ב’שלחן
ערוך של האריז”ל’, שנדפס לראשונה בקרקא ת”ך[3]. ומשם
העתיק זאת ר’ יחיאל מיכל עפשטיין לספרו ‘קיצור של”ה’, שנדפס לראשונה בשנת
[דפוס ווארשא תרל”ט, דף עה ע”א]. וכ”כ ר’ בנימין בעל שם, בספרו ‘שם
טוב קטן’ שנדפס לראשונה בשנת תס”ו[5], וגם
בספרו ‘אמתחת בנימין’ שנדפס לראשונה בשנת תע”ו[6]. כל
החיבורים הללו נדפסו קודם ‘חמדת ימים’.
גם בחיבור ‘נגיד ומצוה’
לר’ יעקב צמח, שנדפס לראשונה באמשטרדם שנת תע”ב[7], מצינו:
“מצאתי כתוב בסידור של מורי ז”ל בדפוס כמנהג האשכנזים, והיה כתוב בו אחר
ר”ח אלול מכתיבת מורי ז”ל: שכשהאדם עושה תענית, שישאל מן השי”ת
שיתן לו כפרה וחיים ובנים לעבודתו יתברך, וזהו בהוצאת ס”ת, ויאמר אז
הי”ג מדות רחמים שלש פעמים, ואני תפלתי שלשה פעמים…”. ר’ יעקב צמח
הוסיף שם: “יש סמך לזה בזוהר יתרו קכו וגם בעין יעקב ר”ה סי’ יג
ומשם הועתק בקיצור אצל ר’
אליהו שפירא ב’אליה רבה’ (סי’ תקפא ס”ק א) שנדפס לראשונה לאחר פטירתו בשנת
תקי”ז בשם ר’ יעקב צמח[9].
ממקורות אלו עולה כי רק
מי שמתענה בחודש אלול ראוי שיאמר י”ג מידות בשעת הוצאת ס”ת[10].
ר’ נתן נטע הנובר כתב
בחיבורו הידוע ‘שערי ציון’ (נדפס לראשונה בפראג תכ”ב ובשנית באמשטרדם
תל”א): “בראש השנה וביוה”כ בשעת הוצאת ס”ת יאמר י”ג מדות
ג”פ, ואח”כ יאמר זאת התפילה, רבונו של עולם מלא משאלותי לטובה…”[11].
ב’שער הכוונות’ מצינו: “וביום
שבועות יקרא ג’ פעמים י”ג מדות ואח”כ יאמר תפלה זו רבש”ע מלא כל
משאלתי…”. העתיקו ר’ בנימין בעל שם בספרו ‘אמתחת בנימין’ שנדפס לראשונה
בשנת תע”ו.
בחיבור ‘מדרש תלפיות’ לר’
אליהו הכהן שנפטר בשנת תפ”ט כתב שיש לומר בר”ה, ביו”כ, בסוכות
ובשבועות, י”ג מידות ג”פ ואחר כך יאמר רבש”ע[12].
אבל יש לציין שחיבור זה נדפס לראשונה בשנת תצ”ז באיזמיר.
ר’ יצחק בער כתב בסידורו:
“שלש עשרה מדות ורבון העולם לי”ט ור”ה וי”כ אינם בשום סדור
כ”י ולא בדפוסים ישנים אבל הם נעתקות אל הסדורים החדשים מס’ שערי ציון שער
ג”[13]. וכ”כ בסידור אזור
אליהו עי”ש[14].
ומכאן למנהג הגר”א.
ר’ ישכר בער כתב בספר ‘מעשה רב’, אות קסד: “בשעת הוצאת ס”ת אין
אומרים רק בריך שמיה ולא שום רבש”ע וי”ג מידות[15].
ונכפל באות רו, בהלכות ימים נוראים: “וכן אין אומרים י”ג מדות בהוצאת
ס”ת”. בין בשבת בין בחול.
אבל בשאר מקומות בליטא
כנראה נהגו לאמרו, וכמו שכתב ר’ יעקב כהנא: “לי”ג מדות… והנה חזינן…
ויש מקומות אשר כל ימי אלול עד אחר יו”כ אומרים אותו בכל יום, ויש מקומות
שאומרים אותו בכל יום ב’ וה’ ויש מקומות שאומרים אותו בכל יום כל השנה ולא משגחו
וטעמא מיהא בעי…”[16].
מקור אמירת י”ג מידות שלוש פעמים
כתב ר’ זלמן גייגר, ב’דברי
קהלת’: “והוא מנהג שלא מצאתיו בפוסקים ואין נכון בעיני לאמר י”ג מדות
בראש השנה, כי לא תיקנו לאמרן בתפילות ר”ה ולא בפיוטיו, אך יעב”ץ כתב המנהג
על פי האר”י ואין משיבין את הארי, אבל לא כתב דבר שיאמר ג’ פעמים כי הוא נגד
הדין לדעתי כי פסוקי שבחים גדולים כי”ג מדות אסור לכפלם”[17].
ר’ יעקב אטלינגר מביא בספרו
‘שו”ת בנין ציון’ שאלה שנשאל: “לא ידעתי על מה נסמך המנהג לומר בראש
השנה ויוה”כ וי”ט בשעת הוצאת הס”ת ג’ פעמים י”ג מדות וג’
פעמים ואני תפלתי, הרי לפי פירוש רש”י בהא דאמרינן האומר שמע שמע הרי זה
מגונה דזה באמר מלה וכופלו אבל בשכופל הפסוק משתקין אותו, ולפי’ רב אלפס עכ”פ
הרי זה מגונה ובשניהם דהיינו בי”ג מדות וגם באני תפלתי לא שייך הטעם שכתב
רש”י בסוכה (דף ל”ח) שכופלין בהלל מאודך ולמטה כיון דכל ההלל כפול וגם
לא טעם הרשב”ם בפסחים בזה משום דאמרו ישי ודוד ושמואל ואולי רק בשמע ומודים
הוי מגונה או משתקינן מטעם דנראה כב’ רשויות אבל הכפלת שאר פסוקים שרי…”.
לאחר שהוא מאריך בסוגיה זו הוא
משיב לשאלת השואל: “נראה לי לחלק דדוקא באומר שני דברים שווים דרך תחנה ובקשה
או דרך שבח ותהלה שייך החשד דב’ רשויות, לא כן בקורא פסוקי תורה וכתובים. וראי’
לזה שהרי מצוה לחזור הפרשה שניים מקרא, וע”פ האר”י יש לכפול כל פסוק
ופסוק וקורין הפסוק שמע ישראל ב’ פעמים זה אחר זה, ואין קפידא. וכיון דמה שמזכירין
י”ג מידות אין זה דרך תחנה, דא”כ יהי’ אסור לאומרם ביום טוב אלא ע”כ
לא אומרים רק כקורא פסוק בתורה וכן בואני תפלתי, ע”כ אין בזה משום קורא שמע
וכופלו. כנלענ”ד”[18].
ר’ ישראל איסערלין מו”ץ בעיר
וילנא, כתב בספרו ‘פתחי תשובה’ ליישב קושיית השואל בדרך אחרת: “ולולא
דמסתפינא ליכנס בענינים העומדים ברומו של עולם הייתי אומר דבי”ג מדות לא שייך
כלל החשד דב’ רשיות כמו בשמע, דהענין שהיו אומרים אחד פועל טוב ואחד רע וכי”ב
מהבליהם והי”ג מדות גופיה הוא סתירה לדבריהם, דבו נכלל כל המדות והנהגות
העולם והכל ביחיד, כידוע ליודעי חן”[19].
ויש לציין לדבריו של ר’ יוסף חיים
מבבל שכתב בשו”ת תורה לשמה[20], שהתעורר
לאותה שאלה:
שאלה. מצינו כתוב
בסידורים שיאמר אדם בר”ה וימים טובים בעת הוצאת ס”ת ג”פ י”ג
מדות ואח”כ יאמר בקשתו. ונסתפקנו איך יוכל לכפול הפסוק של י”ג מדות שיש
לחוש בזה כאשר חששו רז”ל כאומר שמע שמע ומודים ומודים. יורינו המורה לצדקה
תשובה. אין לחוש חששות
אלו מדעתנו אלא רק במקום שחששו בו חז”ל שהוא בפסוק שמע ישראל ובמודים, והראיה
דכופלים כל יום פסוק ה’ מלך וכו’ וכן בעשרת ימי תשובה שמוסיפים לומר ה’ הוא האלהים
ג”כ כופלים אותו. ואין לומר התם שאני שעניית הציבור מפסקת בין קריאת החזן וכן
קריאת החזן מפסקת בין עניית הציבור, דזהו אינו, דהא אפילו היחיד כאשר מתפלל ביחיד
ג”כ כופל פסוקים ואומרם בזא”ז ועוד אעיקרא פסוק ה’ הוא האלהים הוא בעצמו
כפול שאומר ה’ הוא האלהים ה’ הוא האלהים, ונמצא דאין כאן חשש שחששו בשמע ומודים, וא”כ
ה”ה בפסוק זה של ה’ ה’ אל רחום וחנון אם יכפול ליכא חשש. והיה זה שלום ואל
שדי ה’ צבאות יעזור לי. כ”ד הקטן יחזקאל כחלי נר”ו[21].
אמירת י”ג מידות בשבת
ר’ נחמן כהנא מספינקא
הביא בספרו ‘ארחות חיים’ בשם שו”ת בשמים רא”ש (סימן עא) בשם רב האי
גאון, שלא לומר י”ג מידות בשבת[22]. אך
ר’ אפרים זלמן מרגליות מבראדי, בספרו ‘מטה אפרים’ (סי’ תריט, סעיף יח), הכריע
שלמרות זאת כדאי לאמרו
. וכפל דבריו בספרו ‘שערי אפרים’ (שער י, סעיף ה)[23].
 ר’ חיים עהרענרייך בפירושו ‘קצה המטה’ (שם,
סעיף סד) כתב עליו: “אבל המעיין יראה שאין לסמוך על דברי הבשמים רא”ש
הנ”ל ולאו הרא”ש חתום עלה”[24].
וראה דברי ר’ יעקב עמדין בסידורו (ירושלים תשנ”ג, חלק
ב, עמ’ רמ בהוספות מכ”י): “כשחל בשבת אין לאמרה”. וכ”כ ר’
חיים אלעזר שפירא[25];
ר’ שבתי ליפשיץ[26];
ר’ חיים צבי עהרענרייך[27]; ר’
ישראל הלוי ראטטענבערג בעל אור מלא[28], ר’
יוסף אליהו הענקין[29] ורי”י
קניבסקי בעל ‘קהילות יעקב’[30].
מנהג ווירצבורג לומר י”ג
מידות, מלבד אם חל בשבת[31]. וכן
הוא מנהג ק”ק באניהאד[32] ומנהג
אמנם ר’ אברהם פפויפר מביא
בספרו ‘אשי ישראל’ בשם הגרש”ז אויערבאך, שטוב לומר פסוקים אלו גם בשבת[34].
מקור קדום לאמירת י”ג מידות
בשעת הוצאת ספר תורה ואפילו אם חל בשבת מצינו במנהגי בית הכנסת הגדול בק”ק
אוסטרהא: “בעת הוצאת ספר תורה בר”ה ויה”כ אומרים י”ג מדות
אפילו אם חלו בשבת…”[35].
בספרו ‘עובר אורח’ מתעד האדר”ת:
“סיפר לי מה שראה בבית הכנסת שמה גיליון הגדול ממה שהנהיג מרן המהרש”א שם
ומהם זוכר שני דברים…”[36]. שני
הדברים שהוא מביא מופיעים ברשימת המנהגים הנ”ל, ומכאן שמייחסים מנהגים אלו למהרש”א.
לפי זה, כבר בזמן המהרש”א קיים מנהג זה של אמירת י”ג מידות בשעת הוצאת
ספר תורה. מהרש”א נפטר בשנת שצ”ב[37].
אמנם יש לציין לדברי ר’ מנחם
מענדיל ביבער, שעל פיהם אין להביא ראיה שכך עשו בזמן המהרש”א:
“של נעלי החומר
מעליך כי המקום הזה קדוש הוא, במקום הזה התפללו אבות העולם גאונים וצדיקים…
המהרש”ל זצ”ל ותלמידיו, השל”ה הקדוש ז”ל המהרש”א
ז”ל ועוד גאונים וצדיקים… המנהגים אשר הנהיגו בה הגאונים הראשונים נשארו
קודש עד היום הזה ומי האיש אשר ירהב עוז בנפשו לשנות מהמנהגים אף כחוט השערה ונקה?
ולמען לא ישכחו את המנהגים ברבות הימים כתבו כל המנהגים וסדר התפילות לחול ולשבת
וליום טוב דבר יום ביומו על לוח גדול של קלף והוא תלוי שם על אחד מן העמודים אשר
הבית נשען עליהם. הזמן אשר בו נבנתה וידי מי יסדו אותה ערפל חתולתו, ואם כי בעירנו
קוראים אותה זה זמן כביר בשם בית הכנסת של המהרש”א ולכן יאמינו רבים כי
המהרש”א בנה אותה בימיו אבל באמת לא כנים הדברים…”[38].
לאור דברים אלו אין להביא ראיה מרשימת
המנהגים דבית הכנסת הגדול בק”ק אוסטרהא שמנהג אמירת י”ג מידות היה קיים
כבר בזמן המהרש”א. אמנם רואים שנהגו לאמרו גם בר”ה ויו”כ שחל בשבת.
גם בשבע קהילות ובראשן ק”ק
מטרסדורף מצינו שנהגו לומר י”ג מדות בשעת הוצאת ספר תורה אף כשחל בשבת[39].
ר’ שריה דבליצקי מביא בחיבורו
קיצור הלכות המועדים‘ את שני
אבל למעשה כתב שבר”ה שחל בשבת אין אומרים אותו ורק ביוה”כ שחל בשבת
אומרים י”ג מידות[41].
וכן כתב רב”ש
המבורגר ב’לוח מנהגי בית הכנסת לבני אשכנז’ המסונף לשנתון ‘ירושתנו’ ספר שביעי
(תשע”ד), עמ’ תז: “בהוצאת ספר תורה אומרים י”ג מידות ותפילת ‘רבון
העולם’ אף כשחל בשבת”, ואילו לגבי ר”ה שחל בשבת הוא כותב שאין אומרים י”ג
מידות ותחינת רבונו של עולם[42].
 כנראה שהחשש מלומר י”ג מידות בשבת הוא
משום איסור שאלת צרכיו בשבת, כפי שהעיר ר’ יששכר תמר על המנהג המובא בשערי ציון לומר
י”ג מדות בשבת[43]. ענין
זה רחב ומסועף, ואחזור לזה בעז”ה במקום אחר, אך יש להביא חלק מדברי
הנצי”ב בזה:
לענין מש”כ
המג”א שם בס”ק ע’ שאין לומר הרבון של ב”כ בשבת, ולכאורה מ”ש
שבת מיו”ט בזה… והטעם להנ”מ בין יום טוב לשבת יש בזה ב’ טעמים, הא’
משום דכבוד שבת חמיר מכבוד יום טוב, או משום שביו”ט יום הדין שהוא רה”ש
כידוע, ונ”מ ביום טוב שחל בשבת דלהטעם משום דכבוד שבת חמיר א”כ יום טוב
שחל בשבת אין לאומרו, אבל להטעם משום דיו”ט של ר”ה שהוא יום הדין יש לאומרו,
א”כ אפילו חל יום טוב בשבת ג”כ צריך לאמרו, והרמב”ם שכתב דתחינות
ליתא בשבת חוה”מ, דוקא בשבת חוה”מ, אבל יום טוב שחל בשבת יש לאומרו,
וכיון דשרי תחינות אומרים נמי הרבון, ומעתה אזדי כל הראיות שהביא המ”א
מתשובות הגאונים דא”א הרבון בשבת, דהמה מיירי בשבת לפי מנהגם שנ”כ בכל
יום, וקאי על שבת שבכל השנה. משא”כ במדינתנו שאין נו”כ אלא ביום טוב,
ולא משכחת אלא בשבת שחל ביום טוב, ויוכל להיות שבכה”ג אומרין גם בשבת, וכן
באמת המנהג פ”ק וולאזין לומר הרבון בשבת שחל ביום טוב
… איברא הראיה
שהביא המ”א מאבינו מלכנו, שאין אומרים בשבת שחל בר”ה, ראיה חזקה היא,
אבל לפי טעם הלבוש שהביא המג”א (סי’ תרפ”ד) שהוא משום שנתיסד כנגד תפלת
שמונה עשרה ניחא הא דאין אומרים אבינו מלכנו, אבל תחינות מותר לאמרן, ובאמת הלבוש
הביא טעם הר”ן והריב”ש משום שאין מתריעין בתחינות בשבת, ודחה דשאני
ר”ה ויוהכ”פ, וממילא ה”ה כל יום טוב שהוא יומא דדינא, והראיה
שג”כ מרבים בתחנת גשם וטל, מותר לאמר גם הרבון לדעתי[44].
אמנם ר’ יעקב הלל האריך
להוכיח על פי קבלה שאין לומר י”ג מידות בראש השנה ויום כיפור אפילו כשאינו חל
בשבת, וכל המנהג בטעות יסדו
, ושזה אינו מהאר”י הקדוש לאחר שקיבל מאליהו
הנביא. עיי”ש באריכות הוכחותיו[45]. ומעניין
שר’ עובדיה יוסף קיבל דבריו וגם לדעתו אין לומר י”ג מדות ביום טוב[46].
ואלה דברי ר’ אליהו
סלימאן מני: “ובשעת הוצאת ספר תורה… בבית אל… אומרים י”ג מדות ואני
לא נהגתי לומר, ואפילו שהזכירה בשער הכוונות, דאיתא זכירה דיש מי שפקפק בזה מטעם
שאין אומרים י”ג מדות ביו”ט, וגם אתיא זכירה בחמדת ישראל שפקפק בזה,
ואמר כמדומה לי שכתב כן [האר”י ז”ל] בתחלת למודו. ולכן לא הנהגתי
יש לסיים בדבריו החשובים של ר’ חיים מפרידברג אחי מהר”ל
מפראג בספרו הנפלא ספר החיים:
אף על גב ששלש עשרה מדות
הן שמותיו של הקדוש ברוך הוא וכמו ששמו קיים לעד ולנצח כך הזכרת מדותיו אינו חוזר
ריקם, מכל מקום אינו אומר שיהיו נזכרים, רק כסדר הזה יהיו עושין לפני לפי שהעשיה
הוא עיקר, שצריך האדם לדבוק באותן המדות ולעשותם, ובעשרה אפשר שיהיו נעשים, שזה
רחום וזה חנון, וזה ארך אפים וכן כולם, שעיקר המדות הללו הם עשר. ולפי שבדורותינו
זה יהיו נזכרים ולא נעשים, על כן אין אנו נענים בעונותינו הרבים[48].
והוא כיון לדברי ר’ אברהם סבע בחיבורו צרור המור:
והנה בכאן למדו סדר שלשה
עשר מדות שבם מרחם ומכפר לחוטאים וזאת היא תשובת שאלת הראני נא את כבודך, ולכן אמר
ויעבור ה’ על פניו, ללמדו היאך יסדר אלו הי”ג מדות הוא והנמשכים אחריו לביטול
הגזרות ולכפרת העונות, כאומרם ז”ל אלמלא מקרא כתיב אי אפשר לאומרו, כביכול
נתעטף בטליתו ואמר לו כ”ז שישראל עושים כסדר הזה אינן חוזרות ריקם, שנא’ הנה
אנכי כורת ברית. ופירושו ידוע, שהרי אנו רואים הרבה פעמים בעונותינו שאנו מעוטפים
בטלית ואין אנו נענין, אבל הרצון כל זמן שישראל עושים כסדר הזה שאני עושה, לרחם
לחנן דלים ולהאריך אפים ולעשות חסד אלו עם אלו, ולעבור על מדותיהן כאומרם כל
המעביר על מדותיו וכו’, אז הם מובטחים שאינן חוזרות ריקם. אבל אם הם אכזרים ועושי
רשעה, כל שכן שבהזכרת י”ג מדות הם נתפסין. וזהו וחנותי את אשר אחון, מי שראוי
לחול ולרחם עליו. ולכן הוצרך לומר ויעבור ה’, כאילו הוא מעצמו עבר לפניו ללמדו
כיצד יעשה וכיצד יקרא. כמו שהש”י קרא ואמר ה’ ה'”[49].

[1]  מאמר זה הוא נוסח מעובד ורחב
מההערה שכתבתי במאמרי ‘ציונים ומילואים לספר “מנהגי הקהילות”‘, ירושתנו,
ב (תשס”ח), עמ’ ריב-ריד. בעז”ה אכתוב על כך באריכות בספרי ‘עורו ישנים
בענין אמירת י”ג מידות ראה: שדי חמד מערכת יום כיפור סימן ב אות כא; ר’ ישראל
חיים פרידמאן, ליקוטי מהרי”ח, ג, ירושלים תשס”ג, עמ’ כז; ר’ שמואל מונק,
קונטרס תורת אמך (בסוף שו”ת פאת שדך או”ח, ח”ב), אות קד והערה
91; ר’ אברהם ראזען, שו”ת איתן אריה, סי’ קכ; י’ מונדשיין, אוצר מנהגי
חב”ד, ירושלים תשנ”ה, עמ’ קג; ר’ יהודה טשזנר, שערי הימים הנוראים,
תשע”א, עמ’ תשד-תשו.
[2]  ראה מש”כ אברהם ברלינר,
כתבים נבחרים, א, ירושלים תשכ”ט, עמ’ 44-45; וראה מה שהעיר מ”ד צ’צ’יק,
‘עוד על סידור הגר”א’, המעין, מז, גל’ ד (תמוז תשס”ז), עמ’ 84 מס’ 9.
[3]  על חיבור זה ראה: זאב גריס,
ספרות ההנהגות, ירושלים תש”ן, עמ’ 86 ואילך; יוסף אביב”י, קבלת
האר”י, ב, ירושלים תשס”ח, עמ’ 752-753.
[4]  ראה ר’ י”ש סופר, ‘לתלומת
ייחוס מנהג כיסוי השופר בשעת ברכות לב”ח ולשל”ה, ירושתנו ז
(תשע”ד), עמ’ שפא ואילך.
[5]  עמ’ כח במהדורת ירושלים
[6]  עמ’ נז במהדורת ירושלים
תשכ”ו. על חיבורים אלו ראה מה שכתבתי בליקוטי אליעזר, ירושלים תש”ע, עמ’
יג ואילך.
[7]  וכן מצינו בחיבורו ‘לחם מן השמים’ שהוא נוסח
מורחב של החיבור (נדפס לראשונה רק בשנת תרס”ה), דף לה ע”ב.
על שני חיבורים אלו ראה: זאב גריס, ספרות ההנהגות, ירושלים
תש”ן, עמ’ 82 ואילך, 87 ואילך; יוסף אביב”י, קבלת האר”י, ב,
ירושלים תשס”ח, עמ’ 593-595, ועמ’ 670-671.
[8]  נגיד ומצוה, ירושלים תשע”ב,
עמ’ קפז.
[9]  ר’ ברוך יהודה בראנדייס, לשון
חכמים, פראג תקע”ה, דף סה ע”א.
[10]  על עצם הענין של תענית בחודש
אלול, הארכתי בספרי ‘עורו ישנים משנתכם’.
[11]  שערי ציון, מודיעין עילית
תשע”ב, עמ’ עח.
[12]  מדרש תלפיות, ווארשא תרל”ה,
עמ’ 98, ענף בקשה. עליו ראה: ג’ שלום, ‘ר’ אליהו הכהן האיתמרי והשבתאות’, ספר היובל לכבוד אלכסנדר מארכס, ניו יורק תש”י, עמ’ תנא-תע; וכן במבואו של ר”ש אשכנזי [לא על שמו] לשבט מוסר,
ירושלים תשכ”ג.
[13]  עבודת ישראל, תל אביב תשי”ז
(ד”צ), עמ’ 223.
[14]  אזור
אליהו, ירושלים תשס”ו, עמ’ סט. וראה מש”כ ר’ בנימין שלמה המבורגר,
ירושתנו ב (תשס”ח), עמ’ תמא.
[15]  וראה ר’ שריה דבליצקי, בינו שנות
דור ודור, עמ’ פ אות טז, שכך נהגו בית הכנסת הגר”א בתל אביב.
[16]  שו”ת תולדות יעקב, וילנא
תרס”ז, סי’ כט, דף לב ע”א. אי”ה אעסוק בחיבור זה בהזדמנות אחרת.
[17]  דברי קהלת, פרנקפורט תרכ”ב,
עמ’ 178.
[18] שו”ת בנין ציון, סי’ לו.
[19]  פתחי תשובה, ווילנא, תרל”ה,
סי’ תקפד ס”ק א.
[20]  על חיבור זה ראה המבוא המקיף של
המהדורה שי”ל ע”י אהבת שלום בתשע”ג.
[21]  שו”ת תורה לשמה, ירושלים תשע”ג, סי’
[22]  ארחות חיים, סי’ תקסה אות ג וכ”כ בדעת
תורה שם.
[23]  וראה ר’ דוב בער רפימאן, שלחן
הקריאה, בערלין 1882, עמ’ 164.
[24]  על חיבור זה ראה מה שכתבתי
במאמרי ”ציונים ומילואים למדור נטעי סופרים – על הגאון ר’ רפאל
נתן נטע רבינוביץ זצ”ל בעל דקדוקי סופרים’,
ישורון כד (תש”ע), עמ’ תכה-תכז.
[25]  דרכי חיים ושלום, ירושלים תש”ל, עמ’ רנא.
[26]  שערי רחמים, ברוקלין תשס”ד, ס”ק ח.
[27]  ‘שערי חיים’ על שערי אפרים שם, ס”ק ז.
[28]  הליכות קודש, ברוקלין
תשס”ז, עמ’ קפה.
[29]  כתבי הרב הענקין, א, ניו יורק
תש”ס, עמ’ 126; שו”ת גבורות אליהו, ירושלים תשע”ג, עמ’ רעב. וראה
שם עמ’ רצב והערה 1150.
[30]  ר’ אברהם הלוי הורביץ, ארחות
רבינו, ב, בני ברק תשנ”ו, עמ’ רח.
[31]  ר’ נתן הלוי במברגר, ליקוטי
הלוי, ברלין תרס”ז, עמ’ 28.
[32]  ר’ יששכר דובער שווארץ, מנחת דבשי, אנטווערפען
תשס”ז, עמ’ רצ.
[33]  ר’ אליהו יוחנן גורארי’, חקרי מנהגים: מקורות, טעמים והשוואות במנהגי
ברלין, חולין תשס”ז, עמ’ 95.
[34]  אשי ישראל, ירושלים תשס”ד,
עמ’ תקפו, אות פא. וכ”כ בשם ר’ שלמה זלמן אויערבאך, הליכות שלמה, ירושלים
תשס”ד, הלכות יום כיפור, פרק ד הערה 14.
[35]  מנהגים אלו נדפסו בפעם הראשונה
במחזור כל בו, חלק ג, וילנא תרס”ה, עם הערות של ר’ אליהו דוד ראבינאוויץ
תאומים (האדר”ת) שנכתבו בשנת תר”ס. לאחרונה נדפסו מנהגים אלו בתוך ‘תפילת
דוד’, קרית ארבע תשס”ב, עמ’ קנז-קעז; ‘תפלת דוד’, ירושלים תשס”ד, עמ’
קלט-קנ. חלקם של המנהגים נדפסו על ידי ר’ יצחק ווייס, ‘אלף כתב’, ב, בני ברק
תשנ”ז, עמ’ ט-י. וראה: ר’ אליהו דוד ראבינאוויץ תאומים, סדר פרשיות, בראשית,
ירושלים תשס”ד, עמ’ שפד, אות 49.
[36]  עובר אורח, ירושלים תשס”ג,
עמ’ צא, אות סה.
[37]  ר’ מנחם מענדיל ביבער, מזכרת
לגדולי אוסטרהא, ברדיטשוב תרס”ז, עמ’ 42-46; ש’ הורדצקי, לקורות הרבנות,
וורשא תרע”א, עמ’ 183;  ר’ ראובן
מרגליות, תולדות אדם, לבוב תרע”ב, עמ’ יז ועמ’ צ-צא.
[38]  ר’ מנחם מענדיל ביבער, מזכרת לגדולי
אוסטרהא, ברדיטשוב תרס”ז, עמ’ 26-27.
[39]  ר’ יחיאל גולדהבר, מנהגי הקהילות,
ב, ירושלים תשס”ה, עמ’ נט.
[40]  ‘קיצור הלכות המועדים’, ירושלים תשס”ג,
עמ’ צא.
[41]  סכותה לראשי, בני ברק
תשס”ט, עמ’ יט-כ; וזרח השמש, עמ’ לח אות כ, ועמ’ מז אות יד. וראה ר’ יוסף
הענקין, שו”ת גבורות אליהו, ירושלים תשע”ג, עמ’ רצב והערה 1150.
[42]  ירושתנו א (תשס”ז), עמ’ שא.
וראה עוד מה שכתב בענין זה ב’נספח ללוח מנהגי בית הכנסת לבני אשכנז’, ירושתנו ב
(תשס”ח), עמ’ תמא. 
[43]  עלי תמר, אלון שבת תשנ”ב,
שבת, עמ’ קכד. וראה ר’ יעקב פישר, קונטרס בקשות בשבת, ירושלים תשס”ה, עמ’ לה;
ר’ יהושע כהן, אזור אליהו, ירושלים תשס”ו, עמ’ תרז-תריא.
[44] שו”ת
משיב דבר חלק א סימן מז.
[45]   שו”ת וישב הים, ב, ירושלים תש”ס,
סי’ יא. וראה דבריו בהקדמה ל’שער התפלה’, ירושלים תשס”ח, עמ’ 24. וראה ר’
דניאל רימר, תפילת חיים, ביתר תשס”ד, עמ’ רמו-רמח.
[46]  חזון עובדיה, ימים נוראים, ירושלים תשס”ה, עמ’
[47]  ר’
אליהו סלימאן מני, מנהגי ק”ק בית יעקב בחברון, ירושלים תשנ”א,  עמ’ לב, אות עא. וראה שם, עמ’ מא אות פג לענין
[48]  ספר החיים, ירושלים תשנ”ו,
ספר סליחה ומחילה, פ”ח, עמ’ קפג.
[49]  צרור המור, בני ברק תש”ן,
א, עמ’ תפח [דודי ר’ שלום יוסף שפיץ הפנני למקור זה]. וראה מה שכתב ר’ דוד צבי רוטשטיין,
מידת סדום, ירושלים תשנ”א, עמ’ 138 ואילך.

The Kabbalat Shabbat Memorandum by Rabbi Prof. Daniel Sperber

The Kabbalat Shabbat Memorandum       Sivan 5773
by Rabbi Prof. Daniel Sperber
The recent rather
acrid debate on women leading the Kabbalat Shabbat service appeared, at first,
to be primarily a halachic one. But it soon overflowed into additional areas,
revealing it as a clearly political polemic. Indeed, I found the whole
discussion which appeared on a whole series of blogs, and a major published
article, most astonishing. We are not talking about women reading the Torah
and/or having aliyot. The criticisms raised against this practice I can well
appreciate, though I disagree with them and have sought to refute them.
But here we are
talking about a practice first established in the latter years of the 16th
cent., among a small group of people, disciples of the Ari ha-Kadosh in Safed,
which took place outside the confines of the synagogue looking over the hills
and watching the sunset, and reciting some psalms and piyyutim. It gradually
spread to other venues, first being practiced outside the synagogue in the
courtyard, and, later, when in the synagogue, recited at the bimah, rather
than the chazan’s lectern, clearly to emphasize its different status from the Maariv
service. In many communities there is no sheliah tzibbur leading the
service; rather the congregants sing the Psalms together. Indeed, in small
communities often the service begins even before there is a minyan of
ten men, and the congregation wait for the requisite number in order to say Barchu.
As to the argument that, as it is followed by Kaddish, it must
have the status of a tefillat tzibbur or teffilat rabbim, a
communal service which cannot be led by women, it should be noted that the Kaddish
only comes after Mizmor Shir le-Yom ha-Shabbat, which is
already found in some Rishonim as part of the Maariv Shel Shabbat;
and therefore does not in any sense relate to the Kabbalists of Safed’s Kabbalat
. Furthermore, Kaddish Yatom itself may be recited by women,
as was ruled by R. Ahron Soloveitchik and others. But, in point of fact, this Kaddish
is not found in early sources, such as the Tur (Orah Hayyim 337).
 Indeed, the whole argument aimed to
give Kabbalat Shabbat this new status is far-fetched.
But the debate
about Kabbalat Shabbat was intended to have far broader implications,
for, by the same argument it would also disallow women to lead Pesukei
, for example. Indeed, this tendentious aim is overtly revealed by
yet another argument put forward, namely that a Shaliah tzibbur must
have a full beard; something that obviously excludes women, (Shulhan
53:6). The reason given is the dignity of the congregation, kevod
, which is clearly irrelevant in present day society.  Both the Maharam Mi-Rotenberg and the Rashba
agree that the congregation can waive this requirement.  The original ruling applied only to
permanent shlichei tzibbur, not to occasional readers, and, on occasion,
even a thirteen-year old, who has reached maturity may lead the service.
Additionally, the Biur Halachah writes that this requirement may be
waived when there is no one else to fulfill this function. And finally, this
restriction referred to very specific prayers, such as Keriat Shema, on
fast-days in Eretz Yisrael because of drought, and The High Holidays. In any
case, nowadays hardly any synagogue requires its reader to be bearded; even
American Rabbis are often clean-shaven, because the plain meaning of that
ruling is that a service should be led by one who is mature, i.e.
post-bar-mitzvah. And a thirty-year old without a beard is fully eligible to
serve as a shaliah tzibbur. Indeed some of greatest hazzanim were
beardless, such as the Koussevitzky brothers, Mosheh, David, Jacob and Simhah,
Leibele Waldman, Leibele Glanz, Zavel Kwartin, Shmuel Malavsky, to list only a
few of the best-known names.
Two additional
arguments were put forward. Firstly, that for Kabbalat Shabbat, the Shaliah
wears a tallit. This, of course, is in the case where there
is a Shaliah Tzibbur. Now according to the Magen Avraham (Orah
18:1) citing the Bayit Hadash (Bah) one really should
remove the tallit one is wearing when one says Barechu since it is night
and one does not wear tzitzit at night. And so many Aharonim
specifically rebuked those who wore a tallit at night. However, those
who did so, did so because of kabbalistic reasons related to Kevod Shabbat,
and not kevod ha-tzibbur. Indeed, there were even those who wore a
tallit for kiddush at home, and kiddush at home is hardly a tefillat
or rabbim, (see J. Levy, Minhag Yisrael Torah 1,
Brooklyn 1994, pp.87-88).
The second point
raised was, curiously enough, from R. David Sperber, my grandfather’s Teshuvot:
Afrakasta de-Anya
, (3rd ed, Israel 2002, vol.4, p.215). There he
says that if one cannot find a minyan, at least try to pray with two
other people, since this would constitute a tefillat rabbim, which is
more readily accepted by God. He derives this from a passage in Hayyei Adam
(Klal 68:11) who says that every mitzvah which can be done be-haburah
in a group, should be so done, and not as an individual, because “the
greater the number of people, the greater is the honour to the king.” If
three people give tzedakah, does that make it a rabbim? If three
people declaim Psalms together does that make it a tefillat rabbim?
Surely the term my grandfather zt”l used was not intended to give a
special status to the group of three, but merely to say that such a mitzvah
or prayer is more acceptable before the Holy One Blessed be He, than that of a
single individual. (His other reference to vol.2 p.211 is quite irrelevant to
this issue.)
(On a personal
note, I might add, that in order fully to understand my sainted grandfather’s
ruling, one has to appreciate his particular brand of hassidic piety, which was
a blend of halachah, kabbalah and a special brand of hassidut. See my father’s
introduction in his Michtam le-David on the Torah.

His belief in the
efficacy of prayers was all so evident to anyone who saw him in prayer.  I served him in his latter years and
received my semichah from him.)
Now my learned
colleagues knew all these facts, which are plainly evident to anyone who is
conversant with the relevant sources. Nonetheless, they chose to disregard
them, or to reinterpret them in a forced fashion.
So looking more
closely at the discussion, it becomes evident that rather than this being a
genuinely halachic debate, it is more a socio-political polemic, built on shaky
grounds and dressed in the somewhat misleading garb of halachic disquisition.
(And see now the
very significant comments of Prof. Marc B. Shapiro, (link), and Rabbi Zev Farber’s responses to Rabbi R. Freundel’s articles.)
Another note on
Women’s aliyot.
One of the
central points of controversy between those who permit women’s aliyot and those
who do not, is the understanding of the critical text in B. Megillah 23a which
states that “all are counted among the seven aliyot, even women and
children. But the Rabbis said: ‘A woman should not read the Torah because of
the dignity of the community’ “. It is this final section that is the main
source of the controversy. Some have claimed that “But the Rabbis said: A
woman should not read…” is an absolute decree that cannot be changed.
Others – myself included – have argued that this is advice, rather than a
decree, limited by the principle of “the dignity of the community”.
That is to say, if there is no such slight on the community, the advice becomes
irrelevant. I argued that most of the places where the phrase “But the
Rabbis said” may be understood as “advice” and not
“decree”. Recently Ephraim Bezalel Halivni sought to show that in
many instances “But the Rabbis said” should clearly be understood as
a “decree” formulation. However, he himself (Studies in Liturgy
and Reading The Torah
, Jerusalem 2012, p.160) agrees that there are examples
where this phrase can be understood as “advice”. Hence, even
according to his position, he will have to agree that it is possible
that in our Megillah text “But the Rabbis said” may be advice. In
other words there is an element of uncertainty (safek) as to the precise
interpretation of that text.
And even if we
were to interpret it, as have some, as a decree, it is a decree with a reason.
Now there exists a well-known controversy between Rambam and Raavad as to
whether when the reason for a decree is no longer relevant the decree is still
in force; Rambam says yes, and Raavad disagrees. It is true that in such
controversies we follow the Rambam; however, it is equally true that it is not certain
that he is correct.  Perhaps the
Raavad’s position is more correct. In other words, there still exists an
element of uncertainty (a safek) as to who is right. It is just that in
accordance with certain pragmatic rules of halachic adjudications (pesak),
we follow the ruling of Rambam.
Moreover, R.
Yosef Messas added a further consideration, arguing that even according to the
view of Rambam, this principle only applies where there is a fear that the
original reason could be relevant in the future. But in a case where there is
little or no reason to think that the reason will resurface, the original
prohibitions may be disregarded, (Otzar Michtavim 1, 454; cf. Marc B.
Shapiro, Conversations 7, 2010, p.101). Here too, we may be fairly
certain that in our modern society the dignity of the community will not be
impugned by a woman’s aliyah even in the future, in addition to which, we have
already pointed out that a community can, according to both the Maharam
Mi-Rotenburg and the Rashba, forgo their dignity should they so wish.
Now, I cannot say
that R. Messas’ interpretation is necessarily correct.  There exists a safek, in fact, a
triple sfek sfeka: (i) what is the correct interpretation of B.
Megillah’s phrase, (ii) whether to rule like Rambam or the Raavad, and (iii) even
if one follows Rambam, should we accept R. Messas’ interpretation that it
applies even when there is little or no reason to think that the reason will
Without going
into all the details of the very complex kuntres sfek-sfeka, surely here
we should rule: sfek sfeka le-kula, most leniently, admitting the
permissibility of women’s aliyot, especially when added to all our other
Final Note
And finally, a
somewhat pedagogical comment. The Beit Yosef, of R. Yosef Caro in Yoreh Deah
242 writes:

It is forbidden for a hacham to give a ruling permitting
something which looks strange, for the masses will see this as permitting the

He bases himself
on Hagahot Maimoniyot to Rambam Hilchot Talmud Torah chapter 5 sect.6.  Now almost all innovations look strange, and
can easily be understood as permitting the forbidden . And indeed this is the
ruling in Shulhan Aruch Yoreh Deah 242:10. (And see Beur ha-Gra ibid. sect. 21
for Talmudic sources.) But the Shach (Siftei-Chen) ad loc. sect.17 modifies
this statement as follows:

It would appear that this [refers to a case] where he permitted
[something] without any explanation [for his ruling] – setam – and
indeed so it appears from the proofs he brings from Hagahot Maimoniyot and B.
Sanhedrin 5ab… and B. Nidah 20a…, and the beginning of B. Berachot (3 b)…  But if he tells the questioner the reason
for his ruling, and explains to him his arguments (ומראה
לו פנים), or if he brings
evidence from the book, it is permitted.

And the Beer
Heiteiv brings this in abbreviated form. (See also note 8, ad loc. in Otzar
Mefarshim in the Machon Yerushalayim [Friedman] ed. of the Shulhan Aruch.)
This indicates to
us very clearly that all the changes that we are advocating must not only be
firmly based in our canonic sources, but also clearly presented to the general

The Cup for the Visitor: What lies behind the Kos Shel Eliyahu?

The Cup for the Visitor: What lies behind the Kos Shel Eliyahu?
By: Eliezer Brodt
In this post I would like to deal with tracing the early sources for the Kos Shel Eliyahu. A version of this article was printed last year in Ami Magazine (# 65).  This post contains a few corrections and additions to that version. A much more expanded version of this article will appear in Hebrew shortly (IY”H).
One of the memorable parts of the seder night is during Shefoch Chamascha when we open the door for Eliyahu Hanavi to come inside and drink from the Kos Shel Eliyahu. Children all over the world look carefully to see if there is less wine in the cup after he leaves, while many adults ‘accidently’ shake the table to make sure that there is less wine. What are the sources of this custom? When do we pour the kos of wine and what should we do with the leftover wine from the kos—drink it, spill it out, or save it? In this article I hope to trace this custom to its  earliest known sources and to discuss some other aspects of the seder night related to this topic.[1]
I would like to point out that my intention in this article is not to collect all the sources and reasons on these specific topics but rather to focus on the earliest sources and how these various minhagim came about.[2]
To begin with, it is worth pointing out that as far as we know today, there is no mention of the concept of Kos Shel Eliyahu in all of the literature that we have from the Geonim and Rishonim. Neither is there mention of it in the Tur, Shulchan Orach, Rema, or other early commentators on the Shulchan Orach.
One of the earliest mentions of a Kos Shel Eliyahu can be found in Rabbi Yaakov Reischer’s (1660-1733) work, Chok Yaakov, on Hilchos Pesach, first printed in 1696, in Dessau. He wrote that in his area, people had the custom to pour an extra glass of wine and call it Kos Shel Eliyahu.[3] He does not mention a reason for this custom, or at what point during the seder it is done, nor does he connect it to the opening of the door during Shefoch Chamascha or the idea Eliyahu Hanavi comes to the Seder.
Rabbi Chaim Benveniste (1603-1673), famous for his work Knesses Hagedolah, in his work on Pesach called Pesach Meuvin, first printed in 1692, writes that he saw some Ashkenazi Jews that leave an empty glass in the middle of the table for the leftovers of each cup of wine, and they call it Kos Shel Eliyahu. He writes that he liked this minhag so much that he started doing it himself, and he drank this glass during the Meal.[4] Here too, there is no connection made between the Kos Shel Eliyahu and opening the
door during Shefoch Chamascha for Eliyahu Hanavi.
In 1728, Rabbi Moshe Chagiz (1671-1751), printed part of a work of his, on minhagim, in the back of Sefer Birchat Eliyahu[5]. He writes that he was asked about the custom of Ashkenazi Jews to pour a cup of wine at the beginning of the seder for Eliyahu Hanavi, and that after the seder the head of the household slept next to this full glass of wine. Rabbi Moshe Chagiz was asked if observing this custom was a problem of nichush [divination].
Rabbi Chagiz replied that it was not a problem of nichush at all. He explained that the reason for this custom was similar to the reason we prepare a special chair for Eliyahu Hanavi at a bris milah.[6] Eliyahu Hanavi witnesses that the bris is performed. So too, on Pesach, Eliyahu Hanavi is supposed to be a witness that the Korban Pesach is done properly. The Korban Pesach is dependent on milah, since the halacha is that only someone with a bris milah can eat the Korban Pesach.[7] However it is important to point out that according to this reasoning, Eliyahu Hanavi does come to the seder, but it would seem that this would apply only during the times when the Korban Pesach was eaten.


New early sources for Kos Shel Eliyahu
Until 1984 these were the three earliest sources that made any mention of Kos Shel Eliyahu. In 1984, Rabbi Binyomin Nuzetz printed parts of a manuscript of Rabbi Zeligman Benga on Pesachim. Rabbi Benga was a grandson of Rabbi Menachem Tzioni and a close talmid of the Maharil, and he died around 1471. Rabbi Benga writes that he noticed some people pour a special glass of wine and call it Kos Shel Eliyahu. He writes that a possible reason for this is that we pour wine for Eliyahu Hanavi, since we are expecting him to come and he will need wine for the Arba Kosos.[8] This source helps us date the Kos Shel Eliyahu a few hundred years earlier than previously thought. Previously, the earliest source was printed in1692. What is interesting about this source is that he was not sure where the minhag came from and, again, he mentions no connection to Shefoch Chamascha.
In 1988, the department in Machon Yerushalayim that prints early works of German Jewry printed two volumes from manuscript from Rabbi Yuzpeh Shamash (1604-1678) of Worms. Rabbi Yuzpeh Shamash writes that it was the custom in Worms at the beginning of the seder to pour one extra cup of wine. Just as we say in the Haggadah, “Kol dichfin yesev v’yachul,” we prepare a glass for the guest who might come. This glass is called Kos Shel Eliyahu since this is the guest we await. Rabbi Yuzpeh Shamash brings another reason why it is called Kos Shel Eliyahu:
because it is a segulah to say “Eliyahu” to get rid of mazikim [destructive forces], and we do various things on the seder night to chase away the mazikim.[9]
In 1985, a manuscript of Rav Yaakov Emden was printed in the Kovetz Kerem Shlomo of Bobov. This manuscript contained Rav Yaakov Emden’s notes on the Pesach Meuvin of Rabbi Chaim Benveniste. He says that there is a minhag to have a Kos Shel Eliyahu but not to pour leftover wine in a cup for him—that would not be an honor for him at all. He points out that the Chazal say not to drink from a cup that someone else drank from.[10]


Additional Reasons for Kos Shel Eliyahu
Rabbi Aron of Metz (1754-1836) suggested that the origin of the Kos Shel Eliyahu is that on Pesach the head of the household does not pour for everyone. Therefore, out of convenience, people would leave a big cup in the middle of the table for everyone to take from. Once the children started asking what the cup was for, they would tell them it was a cup for Eliyahu Hanavi.[11]
Rabbi Mordechai Gimpel Yaffe suggests an original possibility for the Kos Shel Eliyahu. The halacha is that when one makes a seudah he should leave over a little space empty as a zecher l’churban. He says that on Pesach, a glass of wine was left over as a zecher l’churban. It was called Kos Shel Eliyahu to represent the hope that Eliyahu Hanavi would come quickly to correct the Churban.[12]
Rabbi Shimon Falk asks the following question: The halacha is that one cannot bring a full loaf of bread to the table before bentching, since it looks like one is doing it for some form of idol worship. So why isn’t it a problem to prepare a glass of wine for
Eliyahu Hanavi? Rabbi Falk suggests that it this might the reason we do not find any mention of a Kos Shel Eliyahu in the Gemara, but today, when there is no one amongst the goyim who worship in this manner, it’s not a problem.[13]


Maharal Haggadah
In 1905, in Warsaw, Rabbi Yudel Rosenberg printed the Haggadah of the Maharal which he claimed was from a manuscript of the Maharal’s son in law. In this Haggadah there is a lengthy discussion of the number of glasses of wine one should drink at the seder. The Maharal concludes that one has to drink five cups of wine and that this fifth cup is the Kos Shel Eliyahu.[14] If this is correct we have an early source for Kos Shel Eliyahu, the Maharal, and based on his words we would have many more early sources, since various Rishonim listed by the Maharal mentions the fifth glass of wine.
However, it has been proven that, although Rabbi Rosenberg was a tremendous talmid chacham, he was also a forger. He may have possibly had good intentions behind his forgeries.[15] His most notable forgery was the story about the Maharal’s golem.[16]
Rabbi Avraham Benidict devoted two articles to proving that this Haggadah is a forgery.[17] One of the points he discusses relates to our topic. In 1582, the Mahral publised his work about Pesach and the seder titled Gevuros Hashem. In this work, the Maharal writes that one may drink a fifth cup, but he doesn’t connect the fifth cup to Kos Shel Eliyahu.


The Fifth Cup of Wine
However, whether or not the Maharal said that one has to drink a fifth cup, and whether or not he says that this is the Kos Shel Eliyahu, there are others that make a connection between the fifth cup and Kos Shel Eliyahu. A small introduction is needed. The Mishnah at the beginning of Arvei Pesachim says that even a poor person has to have four cups of wine at the seder. Later on, the Mishna and Gemara discuss exactly when the cups should be poured and drunk. The Gemara (119a) says that Reb Tarfon held that the fourth cup should be drunk after we say Hallel Hagadol. Many Geonim and Rishonim interpret this to be referring to a fifth cup of wine. In 1950 Rabbi Menachem Kasher printed a booklet collecting all the Geonim and Rishonim that deal with this issue and he showed that many held that one should, but does not have to, drink a fifth cup of wine.[18] It is worth noting that in Teiman[19] and in Italy,[20] many people drink a fifth cup of wine at the seder because of this. None of the sources that Rav Kasher collected tie this fifth cup to the Kos Shel Eliyahu.
Some bring in the name of the Gra,[21] others in the name of Rabbi Ephraim Zalman Margolis,[22] an interesting explanation for the development of the Kos Shel Eliyahu. There is an argument in the Gemara in Pesachim (119a) whether one needs to drink the fifth glass of wine. There is no final halacha given. Because we are not sure what to do, we prepare a cup of wine, but do not drink
it. The reason it is called Kos Shel Eliyahu is that Eliyahu is going to come and tell us what the din is.[23]
So according to this Gra, Kos Shel Eliyahu is not really a new concept. It always existed, as the numerous sources that Rav Kasher collected demonstrate, but it was not called Kos Shel Eliyahu.
Many times we have different versions of something said over in the name of the Gra. Sometimes that is because things were added to what he actually said. In this case, one version has the Gra saying this idea a bit differently, that the opinion in the Gemara that one should drink a fifth cup of wine was Reb Eliyahu, so the fifth cup is called Kos Shel Eliyahu after him. This version concludes that this reason was revealed to the Vilna Gaon because his name was Eliyahu, as well. The problem with this version is that as far as we know there was no Tanna or Amorah with the name Eliyahu and that the person who said to drink a fifth cup of wine was Reb Tarfon.[24]
Be that as it may, it is likely that there are early sources for a fifth cup of wine at the seder and at some point its name became Kos Shel Eliyahu. But none of these explanations (except for that of Rav Moshe Chagiz) tie the cup to Eliyahu coming to the seder.


The Custom of Opening the Door
There is a custom of many that before we begin saying Shefoch Chamascha someone opens the door. What is the source for this minhag? One of the earliest sources of keeping the door open the whole night of Pesach is found in the Geonim. Rav Nissim Gaon says that one should be careful to leave open the doors the whole night.[25] The Manhig explains that this is because the night of Pesach is Leil Shimurim and if Eliyahu will come the door will be open and we would be able to run and greet him.[26] The Rama writes in the Darchei Moshe that because of this we open the door when saying Shefoch Chamascha, to show that we believe in Hashem and that Moshiach should come.[27] So it is clear from this that there is some connection between Shefoch Chamascha and Moshiach coming, but there is no mention in the Geonim and Rishonim that Eliyahu comes when we open the door. Rather it is understood to be a preparation for his eventual coming. It is worth pointing out that not everyone said Shefoch Chamascha[28]
and that there are many different versions of what is said by Shefoch Chamascha.[29]
Rabbi Yosef Hann Norlingen (1570-1637) writes in Yosef Ometz (first printed in 1723) that in Frankfurt there was a custom that when the door was opened by the head of the house at Shefoch Chamascha someone would come in the door, to show our belief that Moshiach will come.[30]
However, Rabbi Yair Chaim Bachrach of Worms writes in Mekor Chaim that the minhag that some had to have the form of a person appear when the door was opened at Shefoch Chamascha was not proper.[31]


Woodcuts and Pictures From Early Haggadahs
Some have claimed that there is no basis for a connection between Shefoch Chamascha and Eliyahu coming to the seder. However, as I will demonstrate, this is not so. Some of the earliest Haggadahs printed include many woodcuts and pictures of various aspects of the seder. These Haggadahs are a great resource to help find early sources of how various things were done at the seder.[32] Regarding Eliyahu Hanavi coming to the seder, Professor Sperber noted[33] that in a few of these Haggadahs there are pictures by Shefoch Chamascha of a man on a donkey in some of them he is being led by someone, for example, in the Prague Haggadah printed by Gershon Cohen in 1527.[34] The pictures were updated in a Haggadah printed in Prague in 1560. Another early Haggadah that has such pictures by Shefoch Chamascha can be found in the Haggadah printed in Mantuvah in 1550.[35] Yosef Guttman collected fifteen illustrated Haggadah manuscripts from the fifteenth century which all show a man on a donkey by Shefoch Chamascha.[36] From all this evidence it is clear that already a few hundred years ago there
was a belief that when the door is opened by Shefoch Chamascha that there is a connection to Eliyahu Hanavi and Moshiach.
Mantua 1550:
Prague 1556:
Prague 1590:



Sleeping Near the Kos Shel Eliyahu
In 1958, Rabbi Yosef Avidah wrote a small work devoted to gathering all the known information about the Kos Shel Eliyahu. He makes the following interesting observation. Rabbi Moshe Chagiz writes that the custom was that the head of the house slept near the Kos Shel Eliyahu the whole night but he does not say why. He suggests that the reason for this was similar to the reason for sleeping with the door unlocked to show we eagerly await Eliyahu’s and Moshiach’s arrival. He goes further to show that there is an early source for this minhag. The Leket Yosher writes that his Rebbe, Reb Yisroel Isserlin, author of the Terumas Hadeshen,
used to sleep on Pesach on the bed that he leaned on during the meal and he does not know what his reason for this was.[37] Rabbi Avidah suggests that he was sleeping there to remind himself of the concept that on Pesach night we show that we eagerly await Moshiach.[38]
It is interesting to note that the Likutei Chaver from Rabbi Chaim Plaut, a talmid of the Chasam Sofer, writes that the Chasam Sofer would keep the cup the entire night and use it for Kiddush the next morning.[39] This would seem to have a connection to the same idea.
However it is worth pointing out that these don’t point to a connection between Kos Shel Eliyahu and Shefoch Chamascha.


Opening the Door and Zugos
Another nice possibility given to explain the opening of the door by Shefoch Chamascha is from the Bais Halevi. The Rama says we open the door to show that it’s Leil Shimurim. The Bais Halevi comments that according to this it would make more sense to open the door at the beginning of the seder not at the end specifically when we say Kol dichfin yesev v’yachul ?[40] He answers that the Gemara in Pesachim (109 b) asks how can there be a halacha to drink four cups of wine if there is a danger to eat or drink things in pairs—which is known as zugos. The Gemara answers since it is Leil Shimurim, there is no danger. So the Bais Halevi says that we specifically open the door when the fourth cup is drunk to explain to the person who would ask why isn’t there a problem of zugos. We show him that it’s not a problem because it is Leil Shimurim as we open the door.[41]


Additional Reasons for Opening the Door by Shefoch Chamascha
 A similar explanation for the opening of the door specifically by Shefoch Chamascha is suggested by Rabbi Yosef Zechariah Stern. He says the Gemara in Pesachim says another way that there is no problem of zugos is if one opens the door to the street. So that is why we open the door specifically at this point in the seder.[42]
Others suggest the reason for the opening of the door by Shefoch Chamascha was to show the gentile neighbors that the accusations against the Jews about using blood of Christians and the like are false.[43] Rabbi Shmule Ruzuvski suggested that the
possible reason why the door is opened by Shefoch Chamascha is that when we used to eat the Korban Pesach the halacha
is that one cannot take any of it out of the house so they used to lock the door. After bentching, they would go to the roof to say Hallel, so they opened the door.[44]
A Very Original Explanation for this Custom of Eliyahu Hanavi and the Seder
One possible explanation of why Eliyahu Hanavi is associated with the seder could be the following: Rabbi Yuzpeh Shamash writes[45] that on Pesach night we say Eliyahu and Moshiach will come because mazikin run away from a place where they recite Eliyahu’s name. He says that because of this some make a picture of Eliyahu and Moshiach for the children so that the children seeing it will say “Eliyahu,” causing the mazikin to disappear.[46] Interestingly enough he writes that this could also be the reason it is called Kos Shel Eliyahu to get rid of the mazikin.[47] According to all this, what lies behind saying Eliyahu’s name at the seder is simply a desire to get rid of mazikin.
Earlier I mentioned the Bais Halevi and others who say that the opening of the door at the seder by Shefoch Chamascha is to get rid of mazikin. According to Rabbi Yuzpeh Shamsash this was the also reason some used to draw pictures of Eliyahu and Moshiach.


Eliyahu Actually Comes
There are quite a number of stories concerning Eliyahu at the seder just to list some of them:
 The Yismach Moshe once sent some of his chassdim to eat the seder with the Chasam Sofer. When they returned they told him that \in the middle something strange happened. A farmer came in. He drank a cup of wine that the Chasam Sofer gave him and then the Chasam Sofer drank from the cup after him. The Yismach Moshe told them that this was Eliyahu Hanavi.[48]
The Chiddushei HaRim once was speaking about the greatness of the Nodeh B’Yehuda. He said that when the Noda B’Yehuda would say Shefoch Chamascha he would escort Eliyahu Hanavi all the way to the street. The Noda B’Yehuda said, “It’s not that I actually see him, but rather \that I believe so strongly that he does come to everyone, and this emunah is better than gilui Eliyahu![49]
Rabbi Yitchock Weiss writes that Rabbi Shneur Lublin, author of the Shut Toras Chesed, did not allow anyone to eat at his seder,
He also told said that Eliyahu or a messenger comes to every great person on the night of the seder.[50]
The Belzer Rebbe would great Eliyahu when he opened the door by Shefoch Chamascha.[51]
Rabbi Yitchock Weiss writes that Rabbi Chaim Gottlieb of Stropkov would be visited by Eliyahu Hanavi at the seder. Many
wanted to come to see this so they asked him permission to come. He answered, “Why not?” While they were there, they fell into a deep sleep until the seder was over.[52]


In conclusion there are definitely early sources that talk about a fifth cup of wine at the seder. According to some, this fifth cup at some point started being called Kos Shel Eliyahu. Starting from the late 1400s we find that people would pour a special kos, and call it Kos Shel Eliyahu.  I have shown that there are early sources for opening the door at Shefoch Chamascha that give various reasons. I also showed that there are many drawings by Shefoch Chamascha of a man on a donkey and Eliyahu found in the early manuscripts and printed illustrated Haggadahs. This would logically lead us to conclude that there was a belief that he did indeed come to visit when the door is opened and I offered another possible explanation for all this. May we be zocheh for Eliyahu to come with Moshiach this year at the Leil Haseder.


[1] For sources on this topic that helped me prepare this article See Rabbi Yosef Zecharia Stern, Zecher Yehosef, pp. 39-40; Rabbi Moshe Weingarten, Seder Ha-Aruch 1 (1991), pp.576-582; Shmuel & Zev Safrai,Haggadas Chazal, (1998), pp.177-178; Rabbi Gedaliah Oberlander, Minhag Avosenu Beydenu, 2, pp. 392-409; Rabbi Tuviah Freund, Moadim Li-Simcha (Pesach), pp. 358-376; Pardes Eliezer, pp. 180-243. These collections of sources were useful but it is worth noting that much earlier than all these collections many of the sources on this topic were already collected by Rabbi Yosef Avidah in 1958, in a small work called Koso
Shel Eliyahu
. As I mentioned a few weeks ago I recently reprinted this work with additions from the author’s copy. Another earlier useful article on the topic is from Yehudah Rosenthal, Mechkarim 2, pp. 645- 651. For general useful collections of material related to Eliyahu Hanavi see the two volume work Romot Gilod from Rabbi Eliezer Veisfish, (2005) and the earlier work of Aharon Weiner, The Prophet Elijah in the Development of Judaism (1978). I would like to thank my good friend Yisroel Israel for help with the beautiful pictures to accompany this article.
[2] I hope to return to all this in my forthcoming article in Hebrew on this topic.
[3] Chok Yaakov, end of Siman 480.
[4] Pesach Meuvin (1997), p. 124, #182.
[5] See also the end of his Shut Shtei Lechem. Rabbi Freund (above note 1), p. 359 was apparently not aware of where this piece was printed first. This explanation is also brought in Rabbi Dovid Zecut, Zecher Dovid, Mamar Rishon, Chapter 26, pp. 174-175. See Elisheva Carlbach, The Pursuit of Heresy, (1990) esp. pp. 247-249.
[6] I hope to return to this topic in a future article.
[7] See Hagadat Baer Miriam of Rabbi Reven Margolis (2002), p. 90-91 where Rabbi Magolis brings a similar idea from the Toras Emes.
[8] Moriah, 13, (1984), n. 146-147, p. 17. See Chidushei MaHarz Binga, (1985), p.195.
[9] Minhaghim De-Kehal VerMeizah, (1988), p. 85-86.
[10] Kovetz Kerem Shlomo, 76 (1985) p. 7
[11] Meorei Or, Pesachim. On this work see the important article of Yakov Speigel, Yerushaseinu 3 (2009, pp. 269-309.
[12] Techeles Mordechaei in Keser Kehunah, (2004), p. 40. See also his Hagadas Mordechai, p. 75.
[13] Shut Shem Mishimon, (2003) 2, pp. 100-101.
[14] Hagdah Shel Pesach, Loshon Limudim , 1905, pp. 65-66.
[15] See Meir Bar Ilan, Alei Sefer 19 (2001), pp. 173-184.
[16] On all this see the excellent work from Dr. Shnayer Leiman, 2004, The Adventure of the Maharal of Prague in London. See also E. Yassif, Ha-golem Me-Prauge U- Massim Niflayim Acharyim, (1991).
[17] See Moriah 14 (1985) n. 3-4, pp. 102- 112; Moriah 16 (1989) n. 9-10, pp. 124- 130. See also Y. Yudolov, Otzar Hagadas, p. 171, #2299; Rabbi Shlomo Fischer, Tzefunot 3 (1989) p. 69.
[18] Kos Chemeshi, Later reprinted in the back of Haggadah Shelimah, pp. 161-177. See also Yosef Tabori, Pesach Dorot, (1996), pp. 325-341; Shmuel & Zev Safrai,Haggadas Chazal, (1998), pp. 40-41.
[19] See Rabbi Yosef Kapach, Ha-Liechos Teiman (1968), pp. 22-23. See also Rabbi Y. Ritzabi, Aggadata Depischa, (1996), pp. 388-390; Moshe Garba, Mechkarim BeSidurei Yeiman 1 (1989), pp. 139-141
[20] See Machzor Roma (1485), p. 73b [in the facsimile edition of this Machzar printed in 2012]. See also Sefer Ha-Tadir, (1992), p. 217.
[21] See the excellent article of Rabbi Y. Avidah in Hatzofeh (1958) which I
reprinted in his Koso Shel Eliyahu pp. 53-57where he explains why he does not believe that the Gra actually said this idea.
[22] Hagdah Shel Pesach shel Haflah.
[23] See Likutei Tzvi, p. 28; Pineinim MeShulchan Ha-Gra, pp. 112-113; Hamoer Ha-godol, pp. 126-127. See also Rabbi Yeruchem Fishel Perlow in his notes to the Chidushel Dinim Mei-Hilchos Pesach, pp.29-30 who gives this explanation himself. See also A. Hopfer, Ha-Tzofeh Le-chochmas Yisroel, 11 (1927), pp. 211-21; Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Shalmei Moed, p. 404.
[24] This version appears in the beautiful Haggadah Beis Avrhom- Beis Aron (p.117b) where the author heard this from The Belzer Rebbe T”l in the name of the Gra. On all this see Yaakov Speigel, Yeshurun 7 (2000), p. 728-730. See also Shut Ber Sheva, end of siman 73; Rabbi Yosef Zecharia Stern, Mamar Tahaluchos HaAgdot, p. 26.
[25] Rav Nissim Goan, (Abramson) p. 278.
[26] Sefer Ha-Manhig, 2. p. 423-424. See Daniel Sperber, Minhagei Yisroel, 3, pp. 81-82.
[27] For a discussion of the opening of the door see Rabbi Yosef Avidah, Koso Shel Eliyahu, pp. 4-8. See also his work Bershis Be-mlitzah Ha-ivrit, (1938), pp. 40-43. For an early illustration of the opening of the door at Shefoch Chamascha see Therese and Mendel Metzger, Jewish Life in the Middle ages, (1982),p. 380.
[28] For example, in Italy they did not say it. See Machzor Roma (1485); Machzor Moscovitz, (2005), p.29. See Yitzchack Yudolov, Kovetz Mechkarim Al Machzor Ki-Minhag Bnei Roma (2012), pp. 17-18.
[29] See Daniel Goldshmidt, Haggadah Shel Pesach (1960), pp. 62-64; Haggadah Sheilmah, pp. 177-180. See also Yosef Tabori, Mechkarim Betoldos Halacha (forthcoming), pp. 370-389; Shmuel & Zev Safrai,Haggadas Chazal, (1998), pp.174-175.
[30] Yosef Ometz , p. 172, #786.
[31] Mekor Chaim, end of Siman 480.
[32] See Cecil Roth, Areshet 3 (1961, pp. 7-30, especially, pp. 14-1. See also Richard Cohen, Jewish Icons, (1998), pp. 90-100; U. Schubert, Emunos HAsefer HaYehudit (1993); Marc Epstein, The Medieval Haggadah: Art, Narrative, and Religious Imagination (2011), especially, pp. 80-84.
[33] Minhaghei Yisroel 4, pp. 168-170.
[34] On this haggadah see Y. Yudolov, Otzar Haggadas, p. 2, # 7-8. See also Rabbi Charles Wengrov, Haggadah and Woodcut, (1967), pp, 69-71; the introduction to the 1965 reprint of  his Haggadah; Yosef Yerushalmi, Haggadah and History, plate 13; See also Yosef Tabori, Mechkarim Betoldos Halacha (forthcoming), pp. 461-474.
[35] On this rare Haggadah see Y. Yudolov, Otzar Haggadas, p. 3, # 14.
[36] The Messiah at the Seder—A Fifteenth Century Motif in Jewish Art, pp. 29-38 printed in Sefer Rephael Mahaler (1974). See also his Hebrew manuscript Painting (1978), pp. 98-99. See also the Illustration of the Washington Haggadah 1478 in Betzalel Narkiss, Hebrew Illuminated manuscripts, pp. 140-141,34.
[37] Leket Yosher, p. 86.
[38] Koso Shel Eliyahu, pp. 12-13.
[39] Likutei Chaver Ben Chaim, 5 (1883), p. 110 b.
[40] The truth is as previously mentioned originally that was indeed the custom.
[41] Bais Ha-Levi, Parshas Bo, p. 15. The Chasam Sofer says this same idea in his notes to Shulchan Orach, 480.
[42] Rabbi Yosef Zecharia Stern, Zecher Yehosef, p. 39. See also Mishna Zicron (1923), p. 138; Rabbi Tzvi Farber, Kerem Hatzvi, p. 79. See the comments of the Dvar Yehoshuah on this printed in Hagadat Baer Miriam of Rabbi Reven Margolis (2002), p. 91.
[43] Likutei Tzvi, p. 29; Rabbi Shlomo Schick, Siddur Rashban, p. 32; Hagaddas Ha-Malbim (1883), p.50 (editor’s note).
[44] Mikrai Kodesh (Harri), p. 548.
[45] Rabbi Oberlander and Freund (above note 1) incorrectly thought that this comment is from the Chavos Yair.
[46] Minhaghim De-Kehal VerMeizah, (1988), p. 87. Rabbi Gedaliah Oberlander, Minhag Avosenu Beydenu, Rabbi Tuviah Freund, Moadim Li-Simcha, and Pardes Eliezer, all quote this piece of Rabbi Shamash But they did not realize what he was really saying.
[47] Minhaghim De-Kehal VerMeizah, p. 86.
[48] Orchos Hasofer, p. 115.
[49] Or Pnei Yitchak, p. 16.
[50] Elef Kesav, p. 21.
[51] Elef Kesav, p. 72.
[52] Elef Kesav, p. 97.