Daf Yomi: Seforim on Moed Katan, Part Two and Three

Daf Yomi: Seforim on Moed Katan, Part Two and Three

By Eliezer Brodt

Daf Yomi is in middle of learning Masseches Moed Katan. This week I had two conversations with Rabbi Moshe Schwed of All Daf. The purpose of these conversation were for me to trace the concerns for the fear some had to learn this Masechtah, especially the section devoted to Avelius as it deals with topics related to death.

Part two deals with tracing the sources about this from the Sefer Chasdim, Yosef Ometz and the Chasam Sofer. Some other Mesechtas were added to the list by various sources. I than traced the learning of this topic until the end of the Rishonim period, including a close examination of the significance of the Toras HaAdam of the Ramban.

Part three picks up with the Achronim period. Looking more closely at the Curriculum in Lita, and Volozhin. I continued on with some more contemporary Poskim’s views about learning this subject and conclude with a short bibliography of various seforim on Aveilus.

We recorded them and they are available for viewing: part two is here and here. Part three is here and here.

Part two is forty- seven minutes, which is much longer than most of the previous ones. I apologize for the length in advance, luckily both links have options for one to listen on fast speed! Part three is only 23 minutes long. Many aspects could have been discussed at much greater length but R. Schwed had mercy on potential listeners!

This is an experiment which we are trying on the Seforim Blog and we hope to have other presentations from others over time. Feedback or comments of any sort are appreciated.

This is the seventh and eighth such conversation I have had with him of this kind this year (earlier we discussed Yerushalmi Shekalim [here], Yoma [here], Rosh Hashanah [here] Taanis [here] Megillah [here] and Moed Koton part one [here]).