New Book Announcement: Amudim be-Toldot ha-Sefer ha-Ivri (Volume Three)

New Book
Announcement: Amudim be-Toldot ha-Sefer ha-Ivri (Volume Three)
By Eliezer
I am very
happy to announce the recent publication of an important work, which will be of
great interest to readers of the Seforim blog. The third volume of, Amudim
be-Toldot ha-Sefer ha-Ivri
by Professor Yaakov Shmuel Spiegel, of Bar-Ilan
University’s Talmud department.
As I have
written in the past, Professor Spiegel is one of the most prolific writers in
the Jewish academic scene, authoring of over 160 articles and 18 books (16 of
those are publications for the first time of works which remained in
manuscript).  Many suspect he possesses Hashbot
(automatic writing).
articles cover an incredibly wide range of subjects related to many areas of
Jewish Studies, including history of Rishonim, piyutim authored by
Rishonim, bibliography and minhaghim, to name but a few. His uniqueness
lies not only in the topics but also that his work has appeared in all types of
publications running the gamut from academic journals such as Kiryat Sefer,
Tarbiz, Sidra, Alei Sefer, Assufot, Teudah, Kovetz
Al Yad
and also in many prominent Charedi rabbinic journals such a Yeshurun,
Yerushasenu, Moriah, Sinai and Or Yisroel. It is
hard to define his area of expertise, as in every area he writes about he
appears to be an expert!
He has
edited and printed from manuscript many works of Rishonim and Achronim on Massekhes
Avos and the Haggadah Shel Pesach. He is of the opinion, contrary
to that of some other academics, that there is nothing non-academic about
printing critical editions of important manuscript texts. Although there is a
known “belief” in the academic world, “publish or perish,” which some claim is
the cause of weak articles and books, at times, Spiegel’s prolific output does
nothing to damper the quality of his works. Another point unique to Speigel’s
writings, besides his familiarity with all the academic sources, he shows great
familiarity with all the classic sources from Chazal, Geonim, Rishonim and
Achronim, to even the most recent discussions in Charedi literature – this bekius
(breadth) was apparent well before the advent of search engines of Hebrew books
and Otzar Ha-hochmah. Alongside all this is his penetrating analysis and
ability to raise interesting points.
Some of
these articles were collected into a volume called Pischei Tefilah u-Mo’ad,
which was reviewed a few years back here
on the seforim blog. This volume is currently out of print.
One of
Professor Spiegel’s main areas of interest has been the History of the Jewish
Book. He has written numerous articles on the subject and even published
two books on this topic in a series called Amudim be-Toldot ha-Sefer ha-Ivri.  Volume one was first printed in 1996 and is
called Amudim be-Toldot ha-Sefer ha-Ivri: Haghot u-Maghim. It was
reprinted with numerous additions in 2005 (copies are still available). It was
reviewed by Dan Rabinowitz and me, a few years back here
on the Seforim Blog.
The second
volume is called Amudim be-Toldot ha-Sefer ha-Ivri; Kesivah Vehatakah.
This volume is currently out of print and will hopeful be the subject of a book
review by Dan Rabinowitz and myself in the next few months.
I think
that anyone who has an interest in the Jewish Book will enjoy this work
In the near
future I hope to review this work in depth. Next week the blog will feature
some sample pages of this new work.
For a short
time I will be selling copies of this work for $32. The price includes airmail
shipping (to the US UK or Canada). Copies are also available at Biegeleisen.
For more information about purchasing this work, feel free to contact me at
To get a
sense of what exactly this new book is about, I am posting the Table of Contents